Prof. Dr. phil. Mandy Schulze

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. Mandy Schulze
Prof. Dr. phil.
Mandy Schulze
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.13
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4787
  • Scientific career

    since May 2019: Professor of Social Work Science with a focus on social space-related social work and social planning at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

    2016-2019: Scientific consultant at VDI/VDE-IT GmbH and at the Institute for Innovation and Technology iit Berlin

    2014-2016: Research assistant at fokus: LEHRE at the Chair of Higher Education Research and Professionalization of Academic Teaching, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

    2012-2016: Doctoral scholarship holder of the Hans Böckler Foundation

    2009-2011: Project manager of "WorkIn" at Ausbildungswerk Kreuzberg e.V. on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development and the European Social Fund as part of the federal "Socially Integrative City" program (BIWAQ - education, business and work in the neighbourhood)

    2008-2009: Research assistant at the Center for Continuing Education at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin

    Studied business administration in Mannheim (Dipl. Betriebswirtin) and master's degree in educational science/sociology/African studies at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg and the Humboldt-University Berlin

  • Expert and review activities
    • Liaison lecturer of the Hans Böckler Foundation
    • Evaluator for international projects in the Erasmus+ program of the National Agency Education for Europe Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
    • Reviewer for the BMBF and the Federal Ministry of Health
    • Reviewer for the ZfHE - Journal for Higher Education Development
    • Reviewer for the ZHWB - Zeitschrift Hochschule und Weiterbildung
  • Memberships
    • European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA)
    • German Association for Scientific Continuing Education and Distance Learning, DGWF (Research Working Group)
    • Transition Dialogue Network with partners from Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia, founding member
    • Society for Higher Education Research (GfHf)
    • Initiative 3rd Generation East Germany, founding member
    • Perspektive3 e.V., founding member
  • Publications

    Schulze, Mandy (2021 in progress): Multi-professional cooperation as the core of social network work. Meaning, characteristics and its contribution to the professionalization of social work. In: Weimann-Sandig, Nina (ed.): Handbuch Multiprofessionelle Teamarbeit in Sozialen Dienstleistungsberufen. Springer, Heidelberg.

    Schulze, Mandy (2020): Scientific continuing education. An answer to current challenges not only for the administration of universities. In: .public, 03/20, 26-28,

    Jütte, Wolfgang; Kondratjuk, Maria; Schulze, Mandy (eds.) (2020): Continuing higher education as a field of research. Critical appraisals and perspectives. wbv Media, Bielefeld.

    Schulze, Mandy (2020): The process of institutionalization. A theoretical approach to the question of successful development and establishment of continuing higher education. In: Jütte, Wolfgang; Kondratjuk, Maria; Schulze, Mandy (eds.): Continuing higher education as a field of research. Critical assessments and perspectives. wbv Media, Bielefeld, pp. 151-166.

    Schulze, Mandy (2019): Universities of applied sciences and continuing academic education: Subject differentiation and professional qualification. In: Pohlenz, Philip; Kondratjuk, Maria (eds.): The organization of universities in theory and practice. Research on the reform of the academic system. Barbara Budrich publishing house: Bielefeld, pp. 117-134.

    Schulze, Mandy (2019): Successful course development in higher education. The institutionalization of the Master's degree in Social Management at German universities of applied sciences. Foreword by Armin Wöhrle, vol. 3 Bildungsforschung/Educational Research. Nomos: Baden-Baden.

    Kondratjuk, Maria; Schulze, Mandy (2017): From empirical higher education research in the process of communicative validation to participatory quality development of higher education teaching. In: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZfHE), Themenheft 12/3, 9/2017 "Reclaiming Quality Development: Research on teaching and learning as part of quality development.

    Schulze, Mandy (2017): How does education for sustainable development succeed as continuing education at universities of applied sciences? In: Michael Brodowski/Heinz Stapf-Finé (eds.) 2016: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development. Social Science Research Workshop, vol. 4, pp. 59-75.

    Enders, Judith; Schulze, Mandy; Wetzel, Christine (2017): Germany: A Tale of Two Generations. In: Slavkova, Louisa (ed.): Mapping Transition in Eastern Europe: Experience of Change after the End of Communism, pp. 45-56.

    Jütte, Wolfgang; Kondratjuk, Maria; Schulze, Mandy (2017): Profile building and professionalization through research. The research working group. In: Continuing education at universities. The DGWF's contribution to the promotion of academic continuing education. WBV: Bielefeld, pp. 93-102.

    Kondratjuk, Maria; Schulze, Mandy (2016): Research activities in continuing higher education. A systematization proposal as a prelude to a cartography. In: ZHWB, Journal of Higher Education and Continuing Education. 2/2016, PP.12-22.

    Kondratjuk, Maria; Schulze, Mandy (2016): The qualities of teaching. In: Handbook of Quality in Teaching and Learning. C Quality, quality development, quality assurance C2 Development conditions, Raabe Fachverlag für Wissenschaftsinformation, pp. 49-62.

    Enders, Judith; Schulze, Mandy (eds.) (2016): What was it like for you? The Third Generation East in conversation with their parents. Christoph Links Verlag: Berlin.

    Kondratjuk, Maria; Schulze, Mandy (2016): Teachers' perceptions of teaching - a complex construct. Reason for a new examination of the quality of academic teaching. In: Vettori, O.; Salmhofer, G.; Mitterauer, L.; Ledermüller, K.; Lothaller, H.; Hofer, M. (eds.): Qualitätsmanagement im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kompetenzmessung und Kompetenzentwicklung. UVW: Bielefeld, pp. 99-114.

    Enders, Judith; Schulze, Mandy (2016): Feminist images of motherhood? - An understanding of feminism and motherhood against the background of East and West German developments. In: Doldner, M.; Holme, H.; Jerzal, C.; Tietge, A.-M. (eds.): O Mother where are thou? Westfälisches Dampfboot: Münster, pp. 47-61.

    Schulze, Mandy et al (2015): Teaching attitudes, teaching actions and students' perceptions: Interactions and interdependencies. In: Reinländer, Karin (ed.): Inequality-sensitive university teaching, VS: Wiesbaden, pp. 165-175.

    Schulze, Mandy (2015) Transformation experience - an occasion for competence development in the third generation? An approach to generational learning in the life course. In: Busch, U.; Thomas, M. (eds.): A quarter of a century of German unity. Facets of an unfinished integration. trafo Wissenschaftsverlag: Berlin, pp. 243-256.

    Enders, Judith; Schulze, Mandy (2015): Transformation processes and effects on gender arrangements - on the value orientation of third-generation East German women. In: Thomas, M./ Busch, U. (eds.): Transformation in the 21st century. Theories - History - Case Studies. trafo Wissenschaftsverlag: Berlin, pp.575-592

    Schulze, Mandy (2014): Innovative Forms of Adult Education - Bringing people together for rural development in East Germany. In: Guimaraes, P.; Cavaco, C.; Marrocos, L.; Paulos, C.; Bruno, A.; Rodrigues, S.; Marques, M. (eds.): Local Change, Social Actions and Adult Learning: Challenges and Responses, p. 122-131.

    Kondratjuk, Maria; Schulze, Mandy (2014): Research perspectives on the practice of continuing higher education: a look at actors and programme organization. In: Higher education and continuing education. 1/2014, focus topic: On the way to the university of lifelong learning. Added value, effort and returns. PP. 59-64.

    Enders, Judith; Schulze, Mandy (2014): Survey on the need for flexible childcare. Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter Landesverband Berlin e.V. (ed.), Berlin,

    Enders, Judith; Lettrari, Adriana; Schulze, Mandy; Staemmler, Johannes (2013): The shortage of skilled workers and managers in East Germany. A qualitative study of the "Third Generation East Germany". WBV: Bielefeld.

    Enders, Judith; Schulze, Mandy (2013): Women in the Third Generation of East Germany. In: Bergfrede, A.; Fuchslocher, E.; Kollewe, K.; Pittius, K. (eds.): FrauenBewegung(en). Westfälisches Dampfboot: Münster, pp. 111-121.

    Hacker, Michael; Maiwald, Stefanie; Staemmler, Johannes; Enders, Judith; Lettrari, Adriana; Pietzcker, Hagen; Schober, Henrik; Schulze, Mandy (eds.) (2012): Third Generation East. Who we are, what we want. Christoph Links Verlag: Berlin.

Mandy Schulze on researchgate(

Mandy Schulze as Deputy Director of the TRAWOS Institute(