

Hoff, A. & Schwertfeger, D. (ed.) (2022). VATI - Trust in assistance technologies for the inclusion of older people. Görlitz (in preparation).

Zippel, C. & Hoff, A. (ed.) (2017) Älter werden. Being older. Frankfurt/Main: Mabuse.

Lüscher, K., Hoff, A., et al. (eds.) (2017) Generationen, Generationenbeziehungen, Generationenpolitik. A multilingual compendium, new edition in 17 languages. Konstanz: University of Konstanz. (e-book).

Lüscher, K., Hoff, A., et al. (eds.) (2015) Generationen, Generationenbeziehungen, Generationenpolitik. A multilingual compendium, new edition in seven languages. Konstanz: University of Konstanz. (e-book).

Perek-Bialas, J. and Hoff, A. (eds.) (2015) Sociology of Ageing in Poland and Central andEastern Europe. Special Issue of STUDIA SOCIOLOGICZNE, 2/2015 (217).

Lüscher, K. and Hoff, A. (eds.) (2014) Generationen, Generationenbeziehungen, Generationenpolitik. A multilingual compendium. Konstanz: University of Konstanz.

Lüscher, K. and Hoff, A. (eds.) (2013) Generationes. Generations, generational relations, generational policy. A multilingual compendium. Konstanz: University of Konstanz. (e-book).

Perek-Bialas, J. and Hoff, A. (Eds.) (2012) Developing the 'Sociology of Ageing' to Tackle the Challenge of Ageing Societies in Central and Eastern Europe. Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press.

Hoff, A. (Ed.) (2011): Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe. Societal and Policy Implications. Farnham: Ashgate.

Lüscher, K., Liegle, L., Lange, A., Hoff, A., Stoffel, M., Viry, G. & Widmer, E. (2010): Generations, generational relations, generational policy. A trilingual compendium. Bern: Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Hoff, A. and Perek-Bialas, J. (Eds.) (2008): The Ageing Societies of Central and Eastern Europe: Some Problems - Some Solutions. Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press. 

Wahl, H.-W., Tesch-Römer, C. and Hoff, A. (Eds.) (2007): New Dynamics in Old Age: Individual, Environmental and Societal Perspectives. Amityville, NY: Baywood.

Hoff, A. (2006): Lone Mothers Between the Welfare State and Informal Support: A cross-national comparison of Germany and the UK. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press.

Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters

Knauthe, K. & Hoff, A. (2022) Carer leave policies in Germany. In: Fast, J., Heyes, J. & Hamblin, K. A. (eds.) Sustainable Care: Connecting Systems and People. Bristol: Bristol University Press (in preparation).

Hoff, A. & Pottharst, B. (2022) The role of assistive technologies in home care delivery in Germany between vision and reality. In: Hamblin, K. & Lariviere, M. (eds.) Care Technologies for Ageing Societies: An International Comparison of Care Systems. Bristol: Bristol University Press (in press).

Knauthe, K.; Brandt, M. & Hoff, A. (2021). Families and Family Values in German Society and German Culture. In: I. Albert; M. Emirhafizovic & C.-N. Shpigelman (eds.), Families and Family Values in Society and Culture. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Hoff, A. & Hamblin, K. A. (2018) Comparing working carers' reconciliation strategies in Europe. In: Reichert, M. et al. (eds.) Carers@Work - Working Carers of Older People in Europe. Wiesbaden: VS Springer, pp. 143-185 (in press).

Hamblin, K. A. & Hoff, A. (2018) Working carers in the UK: a careful balancing act. In: Reichert et al. (eds.) Carers@Work - Working Carers of Older People in Europe. Wiesbaden: VS Springer, pp. 113-142 (in press).

Hoff, A., Yeandle, S., Hamblin, K. A. & Koivunen, E.-R. (2018) The AKTIVE project - Tailored assistive technologies for older people at risk of falls and with dementia in the UK. In: Künemund, H. & Fachinger, U. (ed.) Age and technology. Social science findings and perspectives. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 129-146.

Kessler, E.-M., Hoff, A. & Franke, A. (2017) Gerontology-oriented study programs in Germany - a critical review. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 50(5): 399-409.

Hoff, A. & Knauthe, K. (2017) 'Working and caring for relatives - how can it succeed and what help is available'. In: Zippel, C. & Hoff, A. (ed.) Älter werden. Being older. Frankfurt/Main: Mabuse, pp. 398-417.

Schwertfeger, D., Pottharst, B. & Hoff, A. (2017) 'Technische Alltagshilfen - was gibt es, was hilft? In: Zippel, C. & Hoff, A. (ed.) Älter werden. Being older. Frankfurt/Main: Mabuse, pp. 290-308.

Knauthe, K., Pottharst, B., Schwertfeger, D. & Hoff, A. (2017) Technische Assistenzsysteme zur Vereinbarkeit von häuslicher Pflege und Erwerbsarbeit. Expertise for the Independent Advisory Council on the Compatibility of Care and Work. Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

Schwertfeger, D., Pottharst, B., Hoff, A. & Thiele, G. (2016): 'Vertrauen in Assistenz-Technologien zur Inklusion älterer Menschen. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 49(1): 91.

Hoff, A. and Lüscher, K. (2016) Afterword. In: Klimczuk, A. (ed.) Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy. Volume 2: Putting Theory into Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (pp. 259-262).

Hoff, A. (2015) Current and future challenges of family care in the UK. London: Government Office for Science. .

Hoff, A. and Perek-Bialas, J. (2015) Towards a Sociology of Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe, Special Issue of STUDIA SOCIOLOGICZNE, 2/2015 (217), pp. 9-22.

Hoff, A., Thiele, G., Lässig, J., Schulz, A. and Schwertfeger, D. (2015) VATI-Online-Navigator. In: Weidner, R., Redlich, T. & Wulfsberg, J. P. (Eds.) Technical support systems. Berlin: Springer, pp. 202-203.

Hoff, A., Yeandle, S., Hamblin, K. A. and Koivunen, E.-R. (2015) The AKTIVE project - 'Telecare' for people at risk of falling and people with dementia. In: Honekamp, W. & Preißler, J. (ed.) Assistance for a higher quality of life in old age. Remscheid: Re Di Roma Verlag, pp. 27-44.

Lässig, J., Hoff, A. and Schulz, A. (2015) The VATI Technology Navigator. Trust in assistive technologies for inclusion. In: Honekamp, W. & Preißler, J. (ed.) Assistance for a higher quality of life in old age. Remscheid: Re Di Roma Verlag, pp. 45-50.

Hoff, A., Thiele, G., Lässig, J. and Schulz, A. (2014) Realistic information for older people with the VATI online navigator. In: Redlich, T. and Weidner, R. (eds.) Technical support systems that people really want. Hamburg: Helmut Schmidt University, pp. 262-269.

Hoff, A., Reichert, M., Hamblin, K., Perek-Bialas, J. & Principi, A. (2014) 'Comparing working carers' reconciliation strategies and company-based reconciliation policies and their effect on working carers' well-being'. Vulnerable Groups and Inclusion, 5: 1-25.

Hoff, A., Franke, A., & Kümmerling, A. (2014) Between work and care: conflict or opportunity? The perspective of family caregivers in an international comparison and company perspectives. In: Löw, M. (ed.): Diversity and cohesion. 36th Congress of the German Sociological Association. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, CD-ROM.

Lüscher, K. & Hoff, A. (2013) Intergenerational Ambivalence: Beyond Solidarity and Conflict. In: Albert, I. & Ferring, D. (eds.) Intergenerational Relations in Society and Family: European Perspectives. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 39-64.

Perek-Bialas, J. & Hoff, A. (2012) Developing the 'Sociology of Ageing' to Tackle the Challenge of Ageing Societies in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Perek-Bialas, J. & Hoff, A. (Eds.) Developing the 'Sociology of Ageing' to Tackle the Challenge of Ageing Societies in Central and Eastern Europe. Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 7-11.

Hoff, A. (2011d): Long-Term Challenges of Studying Intergenerational Relationships in Research and Practice. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 9(1): 1-10.

Hoff, A. (2011c): The Drivers of Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe - Fertility, Mortality and Migration. In: Hoff, A. (Ed.): Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe. Societal and Policy Implications. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-10.

Hoff, A. (2011b): Future Prospects and Policy Implications for the Central and Eastern European Ageing Societies in Transition. In: Hoff, A. (Ed.): Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe. Societal and Policy Implications. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 249-256.

Hoff, A. (2011a) Grandparenting. In: Craft-Rosenberg, M. & Pehler, S.-R. (Eds.): The Sage Family Health Encyclopedia, Volume 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 562-563.

Hoff, A., Feldman, S. & Vidovicova, L. (2010): Migrant home care workers caring for older people: fictive kin, substitute, and complementary family caregivers in an ethnically diverse environment. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 5(2): 7-16.

Hoff, A. (2009): Changing Intergenerational Relations in the Ageing European Societies. In: Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian (Ed.): The Time of Life - The Gulbenkian Health Forum 2008/2009. Lisbon: Principia, pp. 231-263.

Hoff, A. (2008): Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe as an Outcome of the Socio-economic Transition to Capitalism. Socialinis darbas, 8(2): 14-25.

Hoff, A. & Perek-Bialas, J. (2008): The Ageing Societies of Central and Eastern Europe. In: Hoff, A. & Perek-Bialas, J. (Eds.): The Ageing Societies of Central and Eastern Europe: Some Problems - Some Solutions. Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 11-15.

Hoff, A. (2007): Patterns of Intergenerational Support in Grandparent-Grandchild and Parent-Child Relationships in Germany, Ageing & Society, 27(5): 643-665.

Arber, S., Andersson, L. & Hoff, A. (2007): Changing Approaches to Gender and Ageing. Current Sociology, 55(2): 147-153.

Hoff, A. & Tesch-Römer, C. (2007): Family Relations and Aging: Substantial Changes Since the Middle of Last Century? In: H.-W. Wahl, C. Tesch-Römer & A. Hoff (Eds.): New Dynamics in Old Age: Individual, Environmental and Societal Perspectives. Amityville, NY: Baywood, pp. 65-83.

Wahl, H.-W., Tesch-Römer, C. & Hoff, A. (2007): Searching for the New Dynamics in Old Age - A Book Opener. In: H.-W. Wahl, C. Tesch-Römer & A. Hoff (Eds.): New Dynamics in Old Age: Individual, Environmental and Societal Perspectives. Amityville, NY: Baywood, pp. 1-10.

Hoff, A. (2006c): Zemljepisna oddaljenost in pogostnost stikov med ostarelimi starši in odraslimi otroki v Nemčiji - prečna kohortna in longitudinalna raziskava. Kakovostna starost, 9(2): 2-15.

Hoff, A. (2006b): Geographical Proximity and Contact Frequency between Older Parents and their Adult Children in Germany - Cross-cohort and Longitudinal Perspectives. Generations Review. Journal of the British Society of Gerontology, 16(2): 16-22.

Hoff, A. (2006a): Intergenerational family relationships in transition. In: C. Tesch-Römer, H. Engstler & S. Wurm (Eds.): Altwerden in Deutschland. Social change and individual development in the second half of life. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 231-287.

Baykara-Krumme, H. & Hoff, A. (2006): The living situation of older foreigners in Germany. In: C. Tesch-Römer, H. Engstler & S. Wurm (Eds.): Altwerden in Deutschland. Social change and individual development in the second half of life. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 447-517. 

Tesch-Römer, C., Wurm, S., Hoff, A., Engstler, H. & Motel-Klingebiel, A. (2006a): The ageing survey: observing social change and analyzing individual changes. In: C. Tesch-Römer, H. Engstler & S. Wurm (Eds.): Altwerden in Deutschland. Social change and individual development in the second half of life. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 11-46.

Tesch-Römer, C., Wurm, S., Hoff, A., Engstler, H. & Motel-Klingebiel, A. (2006b): Implications of the Ageing Survey results for society, the economy and politics. In: C. Tesch-Römer, H. Engstler & S. Wurm (Eds.): Altwerden in Deutschland. Social change and individual development in the second half of life. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 519-537.

Hoff, A. (2004): The change in informal support relationships in the second half of life. Results of the Ageing Survey 1996 and 2002. Informationsdienst Altersfragen, 31(6): 2-6.

Hoff, A., Tesch-Römer, C., Wurm, S. & Engstler, H. (2003): "Die zweite Lebenshälfte" - der Alterssurvey zwischen gerontologischer Längsschnittanalyse und Alterssozialberichterstattung im Längsschnitt. In: F. Karl (Ed.): Social and behavioral gerontology. Age and ageing as a social problem and individual topic. Weinheim: Juventa, pp. 185-204.

Hoff, A. (2002): How Do Individuals Mobilize Support in Emergencies? The Annals of the Marie Curie Research Fellowships, 2: 42-44.

Tesch-Römer, C., Wurm, S., Hoff, A. & Engstler, H. (2002): Ageing social reporting in longitudinal section: The second wave of the Ageing Survey. In: A. Motel-Klingebiel & U. Kelle (Eds.): Perspektiven der empirischen Alter(n)ssoziologie. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, pp. 155-190.

Hoff, A. (1998): Multimedia and comparative European social policy - the MESPA multimedia project. Journal for Social Reform, 2. 149-159.

Research reports

Hoff, A., Lässig, J., Schwertfeger, D. & Schulz, A. (2018) VATI - Vertrauen in Assistenz-Technologien zur Inklusion - Entwicklung eines AAL-Navigators zur Förderung individueller Selbständigkeit und Lebensqualität bis ins hohes Lebensalter. Final report to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Görlitz, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.

Preißler, J.; Hoff, A.; Honekamp, W.; Honekamp, Y.; Lässig, J. and Thiele, G. (2014) Soziales, technisches und ökonomisches Potential von Ambient Assisted Living-Technologien zur Bewältigung des demografischen Wandels. Final report as part of the SMWK funding. Görlitz: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.

Weber, P. and Hoff, A. (2014) Experimental studies on the influence of age on the performance of typical everyday perceptual tasks with different street lighting Final report as part of SMWK funding. Görlitz: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.

Hoff, A. (2012) Model regions for geriatric care in Saxony. Report on the results of the first network survey as part of the evaluation project. Görlitz: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.

Hoff, A., Thiele, G., Thiele, S. & Rennhak, Th. (2012): 'Wohn- und Pflegewünsche in der Stadt Weißwasser und in angrenzenden Gemeinden'. Final report. Görlitz: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.

Hoff, A. & Hamblin, K. A. (2011). Comparative Report of the European research project 'Carers@Work. Carers Between Work and Care - Conflict or Chance?' Oxford: Oxford Institute of Ageing.

Hamblin, K. A. & Hoff, A. (2011). Carers@Work. Carers Between Work and Care - Conflict or Chance? Results of Interviews with Working Carers in the UK. Oxford: Oxford Institute of Ageing.

Leeson, G. W. & Hoff, A. (2009). Final Report of the NORFACE Seminar Series "Migrant Labor in the Eldercare Sectors". Oxford: Oxford Institute of Ageing.

Hoff, A. (2008): Families, care and work: changes and challenges. Commissioned Review: Generations and Life Course - the impact of demographic challenges on education 2010-2050. The 'Beyond Current Horizons - technology, children, schools and families' project for the Department of Children, Schools and Families.

Hoff, A. (2006): Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion of Older People - Lessons from Europe. Social inclusion strategies for older people in the EU. Final report of a research project commissioned by Help the Aged. Oxford. Oxford Institute of Ageing.

Other publications

Preißler, J., Hoff, A., Thiele, G., Lässig, J., Honekamp, I. & Honekamp, W. (2014) Vertrauen in Assistenz-Technologien zur Inklusion (VATI) - Entwicklung eines AAL-Navigators zur Förderung individueller Selbständigkeit und Lebensqualität bis ins hohes Lebensalter. GMDS 2014, 59th Annual Conference of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology e. V. (GMDS). Online:

Hoff, A. (2013) Demographic development in Eastern and Central Eastern Europe. In: Diakonisches Werk Deutschland (ed.) Ageing in Europe - scope for action in Central and Eastern Europe. Berlin: Diakonisches Werk, pp. 11-52.

Hoff, A. (2012) Adult Book Review: 'Generational Intelligence'. By Simon Biggs and Ariela Lowenstein. Reviewed by Andreas Hoff. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 10(3): 304-308.

Hamblin, K. A. & Hoff, A. (2011): Carers@Work - Interviews with Working Carers. Summary Report. Oxford: Oxford Institute of Ageing.

Hoff, A. (2010): Adult Book Review: 'Generations - Structures and Relationships. Generations Report Switzerland'. By Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Francois Höpflinger and Christian Suter. Reviewed by Andreas Hoff. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 8(3): 317-321.

Hamblin, K. A. & Hoff, A. (2009): Literature Review on Reconciling Employment and Care for Older Family Members in the UK. Oxford: Oxford Institute of Ageing

Hoff, A. (2008): Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion of Older People - Lessons from Europe. Oxford: Oxford Institute of Ageing Working Paper No. 308.

Hoff, A. (2007b): Functional solidarity between Grandparents and Grandchildren in Germany. Oxford: Oxford Institute of Ageing Working Paper No. 307.

Hoff A. (2007a): Intergenerational Learning as an Adaptation Strategy in Ageing Knowledge Societies. In: European Commission (Ed.): Education, Employment, Europe. Warsaw: National Contact Point for Research Programs of the European Union, pp.126-129.

Hoff, A. & Ogawa, T. (2005): A Cross-National Comparison of Welfare Restructuring in Germany and Japan. Canterbury: East Asian Social Policy research network.

Hoff, A. & Ogawa, T. (2003): "Who Will Pay for Our Old Age? A Cross-National Comparison of the Scope of Social Policy Reforms in Germany and Japan". 11th Annual Congress Book of the Hong Kong Association of Gerontology. Hong Kong: SAR, pp. 5-38.

Motel-Klingebiel, A., Hoff, A., Christmann, S. & Hämel, K. (2003) Ageing studies and studies with age(n)-scientific analysis potential. Berlin: German Center on Aging.

Tesch-Römer, C., Wurm, S., Hoff, A. & Engstler, H. (2002): The second wave of the ageing survey. Survey design and instruments. Berlin: German Center on Aging. DZA Discussion Paper No. 35.

Hoff, A. (2001): Informal vs. Formal Support Mobilization of Lone Mothers in Germany and the United Kingdom. London: London School of Economics and Political Science. PhD thesis.