Prof. Dr. phil. Martin Goldfriedrich

Prof. Dr. phil.
Martin Goldfriedrich
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.19
+49 3581 374-4952
Research and work focus
  • Educational and cultural science, social and special needs education perspectives on inclusion in society, school and teaching
  • Inclusive pedagogical skills in university teacher education
  • Curriculum research and course development
  • General didactics and health-promoting inclusion
  • Health education and health didactics
  • Bullying in inclusive settings
  • Conceptual research, particularly in (inclusion) education and health science (sub-)disciplines
  • History of pedagogy
  • Qualitative and quantitative content and document analyses, time regression analyses
  • Vita

    Professional activities

    • Member of the HSZG Senate since 2024
    • since 2022 W2 Professor of Inclusive Education at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences; Faculty of Social Sciences
    • 2019-2022 Post-doc at the University of Erfurt, Department of Special and Social Education, professorship for inclusive education research with a focus on learning
    • 2019 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute for Education and Culture on the topic: "Between health education and health education. A theory- and empirics-based explication of the further development of health education as a sub-discipline of education and health science(s)" (summa cum laude)
    • 2019 Head of the Pedagogy editorial team, Cornelsen-Verlag
    • 2016-2019 Research assistant at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg, Institute of Health, specialization: Educational Psychology in Health Professions
    • 2016 Teacher (lateral entry) at elementary school 48 in Dresden, subjects: sport (grades 1-4); remedial German lessons (grade 1); school clubs in the areas of play, exercise and health
    • 2015-2016 Teacher (lateral entry) at the vocational school for business and social affairs in Erfurt: educator, social assistant, curative education nurse training; subjects: developmental and educational processes; movement and health; basics of educational and social sciences, cultural and artistic projects, sport, educational theory, specialist practical lessons, curative education nursing basics and offers in the field of physical and mental health
    • 2013-2015 Research assistant at the University of Erfurt, Faculty of Education, Chair of General Educational Science and Empirical Educational Research
    • 2013-2014 Teacher at the Urbich mainstream school (lateral entry), planning and implementation of inclusive PE lessons in grades 5-10
    • 2012-2013 Project assistant in the DFG project "Central terms of school pedagogy in pedagogical reference works" at the University of Erfurt, Faculty of Education, Chair of School and Primary School Pedagogy


    Degree course

    • 2010-2012 Master's degree at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, degree program: Education, Cultural Studies and Anthropology
    • 2007-2010 Bachelor's degree at the University of Erfurt, degree course: Educational Science and Sports and Movement Pedagogy
  • Research projects

    Participation in the development of the "Secondary School Teacher Training with Special Needs Education" degree program

    In order to strengthen teacher training in the Free State of Saxony as well as to further regionalize the courses offered for the teaching profession and with a view to securing the supply of schools in Upper Lusatia with undergraduate-trained teachers,
    Leipzig University, represented by the Rector Prof. Dr. Eva Inés Obergfell, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, represented by the Rector Prof. Dr. Alexander Kratzsch, the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism, represented by the Minister of State Sebastian Gemkow,
    and the Saxon State Ministry of Culture, represented by the Minister of State Christian Piwarz, have agreed the following key points: Establishment of a joint degree course for secondary school teachers with special needs education


    Member of the DFG project "Ratgeben und Ratnehmen zwischen Selbst- und Fremdoptimierung. Empirical reconstructions of the production and reception of advice media"

    Advice books are almost omnipresent as media offerings for self-optimization and optimization of others and offer a wide range of topics for shaping one's life. On the book market, on the Internet, in magazines and newspapers or on television, there is now a wide range of popular advice on education, teaching and learning at school, the desire to have children, pregnancy and childbirth, (baby) care, health, nutrition, sexuality, self-confidence and much more. Historically, advice media have a long tradition, but the topics and forms of offerings have become significantly more differentiated in the course of the scientification and medialization of human life in industrialized nations in recent decades. Advice books can be described as optimization media par excellence, as they address specific practical questions, possible problems or deficits and offer those seeking advice and others potentially interested in a topic the prospect of immediate help and improvement of their respective situation. To date, only selective empirical research has been carried out into which topics and in which media forms guides are produced or offered and by whom they are received, how and for what purpose. The network addresses this desideratum. The fundamental aim is to record the subjective perspectives of the recipients (taking advice) and the offers of the producers (giving advice) in order to expand the state of research with empirical findings on advice media, especially for parents, teachers, children and young people.

    Project "Inclusive pedagogical qualification in teacher training"

    The university training of teachers in Germany continues to face major challenges in the area of inclusion pedagogical qualification (IpQ). Against this background, the research project uses a deductive document analysis (Kuckartz, 2016) to investigate the main research question of what differences exist with regard to the allocation of inclusive education learning outcomes (LO) within module handbooks (MHB) of primary school teacher training courses when the competence profile of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education (EADSNE, 2012) is taken as a basis. The MHB of 76 study programs at 46 higher education institutions (HS) in all federal states were examined. The results, which provide indications for curriculum development, show, among other things There are major differences, in some cases deficits, in the location of LO to IpQ between the federal states, the HEIs and degrees.

    The follow-up studies will also look at curricula from countries that have made further progress in the area of inclusive education qualifications. Another aim is to conduct surveys of teacher training experts, special and general education teachers and students.

    "Health didactics" project

    The interdisciplinary and international health didactics network, which is currently made up of 33 experts at 24 university locations and 22 different subject areas, has set itself the task of establishing health didactics as a sub-discipline that deals with the theory and practice of health teaching and the resulting special features of teaching and learning on the basis of general and subject area didactics and health education.

    A concept paper for a model degree course in "Health Education" is currently being drafted, which can be used in the future as an implementation orientation at various university locations, based on the "Health Didactics" (Goldfriedrich & Hurrelmann, 2021) published by Beltz Verlag, among others. The course is based on a broad and multidimensional understanding of health and is positioned across the existing school (all school types) and extracurricular courses in education and health science. In cross-university cooperation with the existing subject didactics, in particular with the didactics of subject teaching, sports didactics, biology didactics, nursing didactics, etc., the focus will be on the location of modules on health didactics.

  • Publications

    Journal article


    • Goldfriedrich, M., Hoffmann, S., Müller Y., Schmid, A. C., Spallek, J., Stroß, A.M., & Tallarek, M. (2022). Concept paper for a model study program "Health Education and Health Didactics" (M. Goldfriedrich & K. Hurrelmann, Eds.).
    • Goldfriedrich, Martin (2020): Upbringing, education and health. Theoretical and empirical foundations of health education. Paderborn: Schöningh.
    • Goldfriedrich, Martin (2019): Between health education and health education. A theoretical and empirical explication of the further development of health education as a sub-discipline of education and health science(s). (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Koerrenz, Prof. Dr. Ulf Sauerbrey. Result of the dissertation: FSU Jena - summa cum laude).
    • Goldfriedrich, Martin (2014): Holistic religious education with Salzmann and GutsMuths. Writings on physicality and physical education. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.

    Edited volumes

    • Goldfriedrich, Martin & Klaus Hurrelmann (eds.) (2021): Health didactics. Weinheim: Beltz.

    Essays in anthologies/ contributions to educational policy

    • Saxon State Ministry of Culture (SMK); Saxon State Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Cohesion (SMS); State Youth Welfare Office (LJA); League of Independent Welfare, State Commissioner for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities; State Advisory Council for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities; municipal umbrella organizations; municipal representatives; Goldfriedrich, Martin, et al.a. as university representative: Interim report on the development of a Saxon concept for the inclusion process in child day care.
    • Goldfriedrich, Martin; Hauke, Leandra & Meyer, Hilbert (2024): Guidebook literature for student teachers and teachers. Between scientific and practical orientation. In: Ulf Sauerbrey, Steffen Großkopf & Nicole Vidal (eds.): Empirical guidebook research. Research approaches and findings on the production, supply and use of advice media. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt (peer reviewed) (DFG network)
    • Goldfriedrich, M. (2024): Education and culture. Perspectives on inclusion pedagogy. In. Ralf Koerrenz (ed.): Education and culture. Present and future of a German interpretation pattern. Weinheim: Beltz.
    • Goldfriedrich, Martin & Meyer, Hilbert (2021): General didactics and inclusive health education. In: Martin Goldfriedrich & Klaus Hurrelmann (eds.) Health didactics. Weinheim: Beltz.
    • Goldfriedrich, Martin & Schmid, C. Andrea (2021): Health-promoting inclusion: Inclusive pedagogical foundations for health didactics. In: Martin Goldfriedrich & Klaus Hurrelmann (eds.) Health didactics. Weinheim: Beltz
    • Goldfriedrich, Martin & Hurrelmann Klaus (2021): The state of development of health education and health didactics. In: Martin Goldfriedrich & Klaus Hurrelmann, (eds.): Health didactics. Weinheim: Beltz.
    • Group of authors East China Normal University Shanghai: Cui Ximeng (崔希孟), Chen Yumeng (陈雨萌), Su Jiao (苏娇) & Martin Goldfriedrich (2021): Health education in Chinese primary and secondary schools (在中国中小学开展健康教育). In: Martin Goldfriedrich & Klaus Hurrelmann (eds.): Health didactics. Weinheim: Beltz.
    • Bilz, Ludwig; Goldfriedrich, Martin; John, Nancy; Fischer, Saskia, et al. (2018): Bullying experiences of pupils with and without special educational needs at inclusive schools. In: Rathmann, Katharina & Hurrelmann, Klaus (eds.): Performance and well-being at school: The challenge of inclusion. Weinheim: Beltz, pp. 271-285.
    • Goldfriedrich, Martin (2015): Body-mind communication - sport and health in the educational year. In: Koerrenz, Ralf (ed.): Global education on a journey. The educational year at the Herman-Lietz-Schule Schloss Bieberstein (Series: Culture and Education). Paderborn: Schöningh.

    Lectures and organization of conferences

    • 2024 - Invitation: Keynote speaker at the International Froebel Society symposium on "The language of the child - The importance of language and communication in the Froebel kindergarten". Lecture topic: "The new inclusion concept for Saxon KiTas and its impact on language(s) support in kindergarten"
    • 2022 - Invitation: Keynote speaker at the Federal Congress of the Federal Association for Special Education on the topic of "The special educational focus on LEARNING in the inclusive education training of primary school teachers"
    • 2022 - Lecture "Health-promoting inclusion", as part of the Health Day at the University of Erfurt
    • 2021 - Organization, moderation and speaker of the digital conference "Health Didactics": Plea on the topic "Qualification goals and contents of a module on health didactics in teacher training". Hertie School Berlin & University of Erfurt.
    • 2020 - Digital presentation: "Inklusionspädagogische Qualifikation in der Grundschullehrer*innenbildung" at the conference "Heterogenität und Inklusion in der Lehrer*innenbildung". TU-Dresden
    • 2018 - Poster presentation: "Inklusionspädagogische Qualifizierung in der universitären Lehrer*innenbildung" at the Spring School at the University of Nuremberg-Erlangen
    • 2016 - "Health education between science and profession" as part of the lecture series "Introduction to pedagogical fields of action" (University of Erfurt)
    • 2015 - "Sozial- und Gesundheitspädagogik zwischen Wissenschaft und Profession" as part of the lecture series "Einführung in pädagogische Handlungsfelder" (University of Erfurt)
    • 2014 - "Health education and training from 1949-2013. On the development of health education terminology in specialist books, journals and essays" as part of the public educational research colloquium (University of Erfurt)
    • 2014 - GENIA-international conference (Health Research - Erfurt Network for Interdisciplinary Exchange): "Between health education and health education. On the interdisciplinary development of health education terminology"
    • 2014 - "Health education and health education in fields of action of social pedagogy" as part of the lecture series "Introduction to pedagogical fields of action" (University of Erfurt)
    • 2013 - "From macrobiotics to health education. An interdisciplinary continuity study" as part of the doctoral students' day (University of Jena)