Rudolf Schmitt

Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Rudolf Schmitt
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.04
+49 3581 374-4316
Areas of appointment

Empirical research methods, counseling and treatment, social work with mentally ill and substance-dependent people.

  • Education and academic development
    • 2015: Habilitation in sociology (teaching qualification for qualitative social research)
    • 1994: Doctorate in psychology
    • 1993: Completed training in systemic short-term therapy (NIK)
    • 1992: Completed training in behavioral therapy (DGVT)
    • 1982 - 1988: Master's degree in German Studies at the University of Marburg and the Free University of Berlin
    • 1980 - 1985: Diploma in Psychology, University of Marburg and Free University of Berlin
  • Professional career
    • since 1997: Professor at Zittau-Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences
    • 1990 - 1997: Clinical psychologist, 1st General Psychiatric Department of the Karl Bonhoeffer Neurological Clinic (KBoN), Berlin-Reinickendorf, most recently Head of the Tegel Day Clinic
    • 1989 - 1990: Project group for daycare counseling, Berlin-Schöneberg district office
    • 1985 - 1989: Family support / individual case support in several districts of Berlin
  • Positions in academic self-administration
    • Chairman of the Doctoral Committee
    • Representative for alumni support
    • Head of Multi-Media Center
  • Memberships
    • Section Biographical Research of the German Sociological Association, since 2003
    • Section Sociology of Knowledge of the German Sociological Association, working group Social Metaphorics, since 2012
    • German Society for Cognitive Linguistics (DGKL), since 2006)
    • German Society for Social Work (DGSA), since 2007, 2009-2019 spokesperson for the specialist group "Promotion of doctorates after FH graduation"
    • Working Group Social Metaphorics of the Section Sociology of Knowledge of the German Sociological Association, since 2011
  • Scientific advisory board in journals and institutions
    • psychosozial. Giessen, Psychosozial-Verlag, since 2014.
    • Forum qualitative social research (fqs), since 1999
    • Journal for Psychology. Journal of the New Society for Psychology (NGfP), since 2004
    • Institute for Qualitative Research IQF at the Free University of Berlin, since 2006
    • Resonances. E-journal for biopsychosocial dialogues in psychotherapy, supervision and counselling, since 2013
    •, online journal for scientific discussion on metaphor and metonymy, since 2013