
1. publications



  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2022). Metaphor analysis. In: Wolfradt, Uwe; Allolio-Näcke, Lars; Ruppel, Paul Sebastian (eds) Kulturpsychologie. An introduction. Springer, Wiesbaden, pp. 245-255.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2022). Review from 10.10.2022 to: Andrea Roedig: You can't trust mothers. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (Munich) 2022. ISBN 978-3-423-29013-5. In: socialnet reviews:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf; Schröder, Julia; Pfaller, Larissa & Hoklas, Anne-Kathrin (ed.) (2022). The practice of systematic metaphor analysis. Applications and connections. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Online:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2022). Multimodal metaphor analysis. Outline of a scenic extension. In: Schmitt, Rudolf; Schröder, Julia; Pfaller, Larissa & Hoklas, Anne-Kathrin (eds.). The practice of systematic metaphor analysis. Applications and connections. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Online:, p.  217-229
  • Schmitt, Rudolf; Heidenreich, Thomas (2022). Metaphor-reflective counseling and psychotherapy. In: Schmitt, Rudolf; Schröder, Julia; Pfaller, Larissa & Hoklas, Anne-Kathrin (eds.). The practice of systematic metaphor analysis. Applications and connections. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Online:, p.  263-275
  • Hohmann, Andreas; Schmitt, Rudolf (2022). On the relationship between narration and metaphor. In: Maria Kondratjuk, Olaf Dörner, Sandra Tiefel, Heike Ohlbrecht (2022). Qualitative research on the test bench. Contributions to the professionalization of qualitative-empirical research in the social and educational sciences. Opladen, Barbara Budrich, pp. 141-162. download:


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2021). Empirical social research. In: Ralph-Christian Amthor, Brigitta Goldberg, Peter Hansbauer, Benjamin Landes, Theresia Wintergerst (eds.). Kreft/Mielenz: Dictionary of Social Work. 9th completely revised and updated edition. Beltz-Juventa: Weinheim, pp. 224-228.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2021). Doctorate in social work. In: Ralph-Christian Amthor, Brigitta Goldberg, Peter Hansbauer, Benjamin Landes, Theresia Wintergerst (eds.). Kreft/Mielenz: Dictionary of Social Work. 9th completely revised and updated edition. Beltz-Juventa: Weinheim, pp. 668-671
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2021). Metaphorical concepts in conflicts and mediation. In: Conflict Dynamics 10(1), pp. 40-46, DOI: DOI: 10.5771/2193-0147-2021-1-40
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2021). Metaphor analysis in nursing science research. In: Sabine Ursula Nover, Birgit Panke-Kochinke (eds.) Qualitative nursing research. Stubbornness, morphology and object appropriateness. Baden-Baden: Nomos pp. 331-343
  • Reuß, Yvonne; Schmitt, Rudolf (2021). The metaphorical concept of "work" in the constructions of nurses towards elderly people in hospitals. In: Sabine Ursula Nover, Birgit Panke-Kochinke (eds.) Qualitative nursing research. Eigensinn, Morphologie und Gegenstandsangemessenheit. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 231-24
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2021). Multimodality and the scenic extension of metaphor analysis. In: Marc Dietrich, Irene Leser, Katja Mruck, Paul Sebastian Ruppel, Anja Schwentesius, Rubina Vock (eds.) Begegnen, Bewegen und Synergien stiften. Transdisciplinary contributions on cultures, performances and methods. Günter Mey on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Wiesbaden: Springer VS,
  • Taube, Vera; Reimer, Julia & Schmitt, Rudolf (2021). Doctorate with a degree from a university of applied sciences. In: Dana Dülcke, Johannes Moes, Anton Plietzsch, Jessica Schülein, Thorsten Steidten (eds.) Promovieren mit Perspektive. The GEW handbook on doctoral studies. 3rd revised edition. Bielefeld: wbv (utb 5682), pp. 65-72.



  • Schmitt, Rudolf; Heidenreich, Thomas (2019). Metaphors in psychotherapy and counseling. A metaphor-reflective perspective. Weinheim: Beltz =>
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2019). Metaphors as subjective perspectives on health and illness. In: Clinical social work 15(3), pp. 10-13.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2019). Between cup and hospital. An attempt at an image analysis inspired by cognitive metaphor theory. In: Matthias Junge (ed.). The image in metaphor. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 117-133.
  • Sauer, Stefanie; Steckelberg, Claudia; Schmitt, Rudolf; Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2019). Doctoral studies at universities of applied sciences. Reflections on a topic with many facets. In: Social work, issue 12/2019, pp. 462-467.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2019). Metaphors of struggle in interviews with alcohol users. In: Conversational psychotherapy and person-centered counselling 3/19, pp. 13-15.




  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2016). Working in and with metaphors: a conceptual suggestion. Resonances. E-Journal for Biopsychosocial Dialogues in Psychotherapy, Supervision and Counseling, 4(1), 25-44.  Available at
  • Schmitt, Rudolf; Gahleitner, Silke B. (2016). Concrete promotion in social work through targeted measures. In: Engelfried, Constance/Ibisch, Pierre (eds.) (2016): Doctoral studies at and with universities of applied sciences. At the turning point?, pp. 157-173. opladen: Budrich
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2016). Metáforas no Serviço Social: um tipo específico de conhecimento profissional? Traducao: Adriano Dias de Andrade. Revista Investigações, Vol. 29, nº 2, Julho/2016, p. 282-313. link:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2016). Review from 14.12.2016 to: Michael Konrad, Matthias Rosemann: Assisted living. Mobile support for participation. Psychiatrie Verlag GmbH (Cologne) 2016. In: socialnet Reviews, ISSN 2190-9245,
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2016). How do we think? Metaphors at the beginning of counseling. In: Journal bso No. 4/2016 "Images and stories", pp. 15-19.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2015). Metaphors of the experience of cancer. In: sozialmagazin 7-8.2015, pp. 58-64.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2015). Dictionary entries on "metaphor analysis" (p. 261f.) and "positioning analysis" (p. 318) in: Rainer Diaz-Bone, Christoph Weischer (eds.). Methoden-Lexikon für die Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden: Springer-VS. Online-Version:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2015). Lexicon entries on "Metaphor analysis" (pp.136-138) and "Doctoral studies with reconstructive methods in social work" (pp. 276-281) in: Regina Rätz, Bettina Völter (eds.) Wörterbuch Rekonstruktive Soziale Arbeit, Opladen: Budrich.


  • Heidenreich, Thomas; Schmitt, Rudolf (2014) (eds.). Behavior Therapy and Psychosocial Practice, Focus: Metaphors. Issue 4/2014. Tübingen: DGVT.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2014). Metaphors and intervention: A sketch of research and practice. In: Behavior Therapy and Psychosocial Practice, Focus: Metaphors, edited by Thomas Heidenreich and Rudolf Schmitt, Issue 4/2014, pp. 897-912.
  • Heidenreich, Thomas; Schmitt, Rudolf (2014). Foreword by the editors on the focus "Metaphors". In: Behavior Therapy and Psychosocial Practice, Focus: Metaphors, edited by Thomas Heidenreich and Rudolf Schmitt, Issue 4/2014, pp. 893-896.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf; Heidenreich, Thomas (2014). Between metaphor as a tool and metaphor as an inescapable medium of speaking and thinking: Reflections on a broadening of perspective. In: Behavior Therapy and Psychosocial Practice, Focus: Metaphors, edited by Thomas Heidenreich and Rudolf Schmitt, Issue 4/2014, pp. 977-979.
  • Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta; Schmitt, Rudolf; Gerlich, Katharina (2014) (eds.). Qualitative and quantitative research methods for beginners in the fields of counseling, psychotherapy and supervision. Coburg: ZKS
  • Schmitt, Rudolf; Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta and Gerlich, Katharina: Creating and abolishing knowledge: an introduction. In: Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Rudolf Schmitt and Katharina Gerlich (eds.): Qualitative and quantitative research methods for beginners in the fields of counseling, psychotherapy and supervision (pp. 11-19). Coburg: ZKS. Reading sample:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2014). Metaphor analysis using the example of alcohol addiction. In: Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Rudolf Schmitt and Katharina Gerlich (Eds.): Qualitative and quantitative research methods for beginners in the fields of counseling, psychotherapy and supervision (pp. 87-96). Coburg: ZKS
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2014). An overview of methods of social science metaphor analysis. In: Matthias Junge (Ed.), Methods of metaphor research and analysis, pp. 13-30. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2014). Images of society by social work students: The parental model and other challenges for sociological knowledge. In: Ursula Unterkofler, Elke Oestreicher (eds.), Theorie-Praxis-Bezüge in professionellen Feldern. Knowledge development and use as a challenge (pp. 263-283). Opladen: Budrich UniPress.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2014). Hurdle race with obstacles. Doctorate after FH degree in health-oriented social work. In: Forum Social Work and Health, Issue 3/2014, pp. 32-34.
  •  Schmitt, Rudolf (2014). From university of applied sciences to doctorate. In: corax. Fachmagazin für Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Sachsen, pp. 27-28.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2013). Attention to people and other images of social interaction. Metaphor analysis as a research method in social work. In: Wolf Rainer Wendt (ed.) (2013). Attention to people in social work. Festschrift for Albert Mühlum, pp. 165-178 Jacobs: Lage.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2013). Metaphors for educational processes in the context of illness experiences. In: Dieter Nittel, Astrid Seltrecht (eds.). Illness: Learning in a state of emergency? Breast cancer and heart attack from an interdisciplinary perspective. S. 173-178. Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg.
  • Schröer, Sebastian; Schmitt, Rudolf (2013). Review of: Nadine M. Schöneck, Georg Wenzelburger, Frieder Wolf: Promotionsratgeber Soziologie. Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (Wiesbaden) 2012. 257 pages. In: socialnet Rezensionen,, date of access 15.01.2013.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf; Günauer, Franziska (2012). Doctorate with a degree from a university of applied sciences. In: Franziska Günauer, Anne K. Krüger, Johannes Moes, Torsten Steidten, Claudia Koepernik (eds.) GEW-Handbuch Promovieren mit Perspektive. A guide by and for doctoral candidates, pp. 89-95. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2012). Doctorate after FH degree in clinical social work. In: Clinical Social Work, 8(1), pp. 9-11
  • Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Björn Kraus, Rudolf Schmitt (eds.) (2012). About social work and beyond social work. A look at two decades of academic development, research and doctoral funding. Lage: Jacobs-Verlag.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2012). Promoting doctoral studies in social work: An old, new task of the DGSA. In: Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Björn Kraus, Rudolf Schmitt (eds.) (2012). About social work and beyond social work. A look at two decades of academic development, research and doctoral funding. pp. 77-88, Lage: Jacobs-Verlag.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Systematic metaphor analysis as a qualitative social science research method. In 21/2011, pp. 47-82,
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Review Essay: Reconstructive and other metaphor analyses [50 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 13(1), Art. 2,
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Methods of social science metaphor research. In Matthias Junge (ed.), Society and Metaphors. The importance of orientation through metaphors. (S.167-184). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Metaphors for learning and teaching: Three approaches. Collective review [27 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(3), Art. 19,
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Exploring (non-)effects: Possibilities and limitations of systematic metaphor analysis in social science impact research. In Natalie Eppler, Ingrid Miethe, Armin Schneider: Quantitative and Qualitative Impact Research. Approaches, examples, perspectives, pp. 185-201. Opladen: Budrich.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Metaphor analysis in educational science. In: Sabine Maschke, Ludwig Stecher (eds.) Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online. Subject area: Methods of empirical educational research, Qualitative research methods, pp. 1-34. Weinheim: Juventa. Online:, DOI 10.3262/EEO07110177
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Doctorates in social work after graduating from a university of applied sciences: A guide for those interested in doing a doctorate and doctoral candidates (7th, revised version). Download:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Review from 17.11.2011 to: Matthias Rosemann, Michael Konrad (Eds.): Handbuch betreutes Wohnen. Psychiatrie-Verlag (Bonn) 2011. In: socialnet Reviews, ISSN 2190-9245,


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2010). The promotion of doctorates after graduating from a university of applied sciences in social work. In: Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Herbert Effinger, Björn Kraus, Ingrid Miethe, Sabine Stövesand, Juliane Sagebiel (eds.). Discipline and Profession of Social Work. Developments and perspectives. Budrich: Opladen, pp. 155-170.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2010). Metaphor analysis. In: Günter Mey, Katja Mruck: Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology. VS-Verlag: Wiesbaden, pp. 676-691. ISBN: 978-3-531-16726-8. Also available at:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2010). Metaphor analysis. In: Karin Bock, Ingrid Miethe (eds.) Handbuch qualitative Methoden in der Sozialen Arbeit. pp. 325-335, Opladen: Budrich
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2010). Doctorate: Benefits for the profession and career. In: Sozialwirtschaft aktuell, issue 4/2010, p. 4.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2009). Central metaphorical interpretation patterns of psychosocial helping. In: Albert Mühlum, Günter Rieger (eds.) Soziale Arbeit in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Festschrift for Wolf Rainer Wendt. Lage: Jacobs, pp. 141-152.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2009). Heavy drinkers and poor sausages: Metaphors of the alcohol-mediated construction of masculinity. In: Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Connie Lee Gunderson (eds.) Gender - Trauma - Addiction (pp. 129 - 141). Asanger: Kröning
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2009) (with Ulrike Böhnke): Detailed findings, overinterpretations and some rays of hope: Metaphors in health and nursing science analyses. In: Ingrid Darmann-Finck, Ulrike Böhnke, Katharina Straß (eds.) Fallrekonstruktives Lernen. A contribution to professionalization in the occupational fields of nursing and health (pp. 123-150). Frankfurt: Mabuse.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2009). Criteria for a systematic metaphor analysis. In: Ingrid Darmann-Finck, Ulrike Böhnke, Katharina Straß (eds.) Fallrekonstruktives Lernen. A contribution to professionalization in the occupational fields of nursing and health (pp. 101-122). Frankfurt:Mabuse.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2009). Metaphor analysis and the construction of gender [84 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 10(1), Art. 16,
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2009). Metaphor analysis using the example of problematic alcohol consumption: Some results, the research method and its implications for practice. In: Silke Gahleitner, Gernot Hahn (eds.) Klinische Sozialarbeit. Research from practice, research for practice, pp. 152-163. Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2009). Fight drinkers and other heroes. On the metaphorical self-staging of a gender. In: Marlen Bidwell-Steiner, Veronika Zangl (eds.) Körperkonstruktionen und Geschlechtermetaphern: On the connection between rhetoric and embodiment (pp. 133-148). Innsbruck: Studien-Verlag.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2009). Help over hurdles. Social work graduates from universities of applied sciences can also do a doctorate. In: Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege, 156(2), pp. 70-72.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2009). Embodiment without gender: a deficit of cognitive metaphor theory. In: Marlen Bidwell-Steiner, Veronika Zangl (eds.) Body constructions and gender metaphors: On the connection between rhetoric and embodiment (pp. 253-268). Innsbruck: Studien-Verlag.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2008). Metaphorical concepts of alcohol consumption, dependence and abstinence. In: standpunkt sozial, Hamburger Forum für Soziale Arbeit und Gesundheit Heft 1+2 / 2008, pp. 74-78.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2008). Everyday metaphorical concepts of alcohol consumption, dependence and abstinence and their implications for social work. In: Judith Haberhauer-Stidl (ed.) Differences are allowed - Pluralistic contributions to the social. Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Karlusch, pp. 57-70, Schriftenreihe Soziales, Vol. 6, FH Wien.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2008). Doctorates in Social Work after UAS graduation: A guide for those interested in doctoral studies and doctoral candidates. Revised version from 2017: =>


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2007). Attempt not to generalize the results of metaphor analyses inadmissibly. In: Journal for Qualitative Research (formerly: Journal for Qualitative Educational, Counseling and Social Research (ZBBS)) , vol. 8, issue 1/2007, pp. 137 - 156, also:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2007). Review: Nicole Hroch (2005). Metaphors of environmental management [17 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [Online Journal], 8(1), Art. 8. Available at:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2007). The Teaching of Qualitative Research in Social Work Studies: A Field Report from the Sidelines. Contribution to the FQS debate "Teaching and learning qualitative social research methods". Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 8(1). Available at:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2007). Attempts not to over-generalize the results of metaphor analyses. In: Kiegelmann, Mechthild, Gürtler, Leo and Huber, Günter L. (Eds.) Nexus Qualitative Psychology, Vol. V: Generalization in Qualitative Psychology. Tübingen, pp. 53-70: Huber. Download:


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2006). Review: Irit Kupferberg & David Green (2006). Troubled Talk. Metaphorical Negotiation in Problem Discourse [7 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 7(2), Art. 5. Available at:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2006) with Bettina Köhler: Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor Analysis and the Everyday Psychology of Tobacco Consumption. In: Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik, No. 119/120, Issue 3-4/06, pp. 39-64. Online:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf; Böhnke, Ulrike (2006). Metaphors in nursing care. In: Angelika Abt-Zegelin & Martin W. Schnell (eds.) Die Sprachen der Pflege. Interdisciplinary contributions from nursing science, medicine, linguistics and philosophy. Hanover: Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 101-119


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2005). Systematic Metaphor Analysis as a Method of Qualitative Research. The Qualitative Report, Volume 10, Number 2, June 2005, pp. 358-394,
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2005). Review of: Susan Geideck & Wolf-Andreas Liebert (ed.) (2003). Formulas of meaning. Linguistic and sociological analyses of guiding principles, metaphors and other collective orientation patterns [53 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 2005, 6(3), Art. 4. Available via:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2005). Development, imprinting, maturation, process and other metaphors. Or: How a systematic metaphor analysis could be useful in developmental psychology. In Günter Mey (2005) (ed.), Handbook of Qualitative Developmental Psychology. Cologne: Kölner Studien Verlag, pp. 545-584.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2005). "What you have learned once, no one can take away from you". Metaphors in biographies of adult education. In: Dieter Nittel, Cornelia Maier: Personal memory and cultural memory. Insights into the life history archive of adult education in Hesse. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp. 359-369.



  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2003) with Simone Jäger and Anja Richter: Die Stimmen, die Ruhe und die Notbremse. Selected metaphors of addiction and abstinence. In: Salü 2/2003, 10th vol. Salus-Klinik Friedrichsdorf, pp. 7-10.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2003). Method and subjectivity in systematic metaphor analysis. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 4(2), 2003. Available at:



  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2001). Review: Kopp, Richard R. (1995). Metaphor Therapy. Using Client-Generated Metaphors in Psychotherapy, Bristol, Brunner/Mazel. In: 01/2001, accessed via or Expanded version in: Journal für Psychologie, Heft 4, Jahrgang 9, Dezember 2001, S. 93 - 97.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2001). Review: Karin S. Moser. Metaphors of the self. How language, environment and self-cognition are connected. Pabst, Lengerich 2000. in: Journal für Psychologie, Issue 4, Volume 9, December 2001, pp. 89 - 93.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2001). Review: Flick, Uwe; Kardorff, Ernst von; Steinke, Ines (eds.). Qualitative Research. A handbook. rowohlts enzyklopädie. Hamburg 2000. In: forum qualitative social research, issue 1, 2001, Reprinted in: Psychomed. Journal of Psychology and Medicine. Issue 2, 2001, 13th vol. Reinhardt-Verlag, Munich, p. 125.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2001). Review: Douwe Draaisma: The metaphor machine. A history of memory. Primus, Darmstadt 1999 (Groningen 1995). In: Journal für Psychologie, Issue 4, Volume 9, December 2001, pp. 87 - 89.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2001). Metaphors in psychology - a sketch. In: Journal für Psychologie, Heft 4, Jahrgang 9, Dezember 2001, S. 3 - 15. =>
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2001). Women/men learn to research while researching. Outline of a didactic experiment. In Preis, Wolfgang (ed.). Social work as a joint task. Festschrift for Hermann Heitkamp. Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung VWB, Berlin 2001, pp. 199-214.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2001) (with Ralph Sichler, Vienna) Editorial: "Themenschwerpunkt: Die Metapher in der Psychologie", Journal für Psychologie, Heft 4, Jahrgang 9, Dezember 200


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2000). Sketches on metaphor analysis. In: forum qualitative social research, fqs, [Online Journal], Vol. 1 (1) 2000, available at:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2000). Review: How patients benefit. To: Bettina Bergtholdt. Divided sector - half the suffering?! An investigation into the sectorized psychiatric care structure in Berlin-Reinickendorf. S. Roderer-Verlag, Regensburg, 1999. In: Social Psychiatry. Rundbrief der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V., 24. Jahrgang, Heft 4, December 2000, p. 63f. Also published as: Dokumentation gemeindepsychiatrischer Entwicklung. In: Psychosoziale Umschau. Issue 1/ 2001, 16th year, p. 43f.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2000). Review: On the difficulty of understanding understanding. On: Ronald Hitzler & Anne Honer (ed.) (1999). Social science hermeneutics. An introduction [19 paragraphs]. In: forum qualitative social research, fqs, [On-line Journal], 1(3), 2000. Available at:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2000). Review of: Michael B. Buchholz, Cornelia von Kleist: Scenarios of contact. A metaphor-analytic investigation of inpatient psychotherapy. Psychosozial-Verlag, Gießen 1997. In: Journal für Psychologie, Asanger-Verlag, Heidelberg, Issue 1, March 2000, pp. 86 - 88.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2000). Review of: Christina Schachtner: Medical Practice. The formative power of metaphor. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/ Main 1989. In: Journal für Psychologie, Asanger-Verlag, Heidelberg, Heft 3, October 2000, p. 88f.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2000). Notes Towards the Analysis of Metaphor. In: forum qualitative social research, fqs, [Online Journal], Vol. 1 (1) 2000, available at:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (2000). Metaphor analysis and helping interaction. In: Psychomed. Journal for Psychology and Medicine. Heft 3, 12. Jahrgang, Reinhardt-Verlag, Munich 2000, pp. 165-170.=> - Schmitt, Rudolf (2000). Fragments of an annotated lexicon of everyday psychology: of bright moments, long lines, loose screws and other metaphors for extreme psychological states. In: forum qualitative social research, fqs, 2000, [Online Journal],


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1999). Of top dead centers, inner pigs and other men. Interim report: Alcohol in everyday life and metaphor analysis. In: Rundbrief Gemeindepsychologie 1999, Volume 5, Issue 2: Focus on qualitative research methods in community psychology. S. 84-95; Download:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1999). Review of: Welzer, Harald; Montau, Robert; Plaß, Christine: "Was wir für böse Menschen sind!". National Socialism in conversation between the generations. Edition diskord, Tübingen 1997, published in: psychosozial, 22. vol. 1999, issue 11 (no. 76), pp. 127-130.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1999). Review of: Matthias Rosemann: Room with a view. Assisted living with mental illness. Psychiatrie-Verlag Bonn 1999. In: Sozialmagazin, 24th Vol. 1999, No. 9, pp. 54-55.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1999). Review of: Christa Baldauf. Metaphor and cognition. Foundations of a new theory of everyday metaphor. Lang. Frankfurt am Main, 1997. In: Journal für Psychologie, Jahrgang 7, Heft 4, December 1999, pp. 85-87.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1999). Metaphor analysis as a social science research method. Lecture at the Congress for Applied Psychology of the BDP (Association of German Psychologists) on October 9, 1999, in: Krampen, G.; Zayser, A.; Schönpflug, W.; Richardt, G. Beiträge zur Angewandten Psychologie. Deutscher Psychologen-Verlag, Bonn 1999, p. 470 ff.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1997). Language care, departures and other illnesses. In: Angelika Zegelin-Abt (ed.), Language and Care. Ullstein-Mosby, Wiesbaden 1997, pp. 183 - 196.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1997). Review of: Michael B. Buchholz. Metaphors of the cure. A qualitative study of the psychotherapeutic process. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1996. In: Journal für Psychologie, Asanger-Verlag, Heidelberg, Issue 2, June 1997, pp. 85 - 88.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1997). Metaphor analysis as a social science method. With some remarks on the theoretical "foundation" of psychosocial action. In: Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik, Mabuse-Verlag, Frankfurt, Nr. 81, 21. Jahrgang, Heft 1/1997, p. 57- 86. Also:
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1997). Old age and other depths of life. Or: The language of psychosocial helping and old age. In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie & -psychiatrie, 10th year, issue 2/1997, pp. 99 - 108.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1997). The language of helping in dealing with old people. In: Rudolf-M. Schütz, Werner Ries, Hans Peter Tews (eds.), Ageing in Health and Illness. 3rd Congress of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics. Bibliomed, Melsungen 1997, pp. 215 - 228.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1996). Review of: Michael B. Buchholz (ed.). Psychotherapeutic interaction. Qualitative studies on conversation and metaphor, gesture and plan. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1995. In: Journal für Psychologie, Asanger-Verlag, Heidelberg, Heft 2/1996, pp. 91 - 94.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1996). Metaphorical models of psychosocial helping. In: Esser, Ulrich; Sander, Klaus; Terjung, Beatrix (eds.): The power of the person-centered approach. Experience-activating methods. GWG-Verlag, Cologne 1996, pp. 73 - 88.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1996). Metaphor analysis and the representation of biographical constructs. In: Journal für Psychologie, Asanger-Verlag, Heidelberg, Doppelheft 1/1995 -1/1996, pp. 47 - 62. Online SSOAR:



  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1994). Foreign theories and difficult to understand practice. Individual case help in the field of tension between social science, pedagogical or therapeutic disciplines and one's own self-image. In: B. Fritzsche, K. Fromm, E. Giese, W. Imbruck, U. Jostock and W. Nutt (eds.): Wenn der Berg nicht zum Propheten kommt. Contributions to outreach work with individuals and families. DGVT-Verlag, Tübingen 1994, pp. 101 - 116.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1994). "Da tappen ich im Dunklen", "Sackgassen" und andere Wege der Erkenntnis. Critical situations in individual case help. In: Fritzsche et al. (see above), pp. 189 - 198.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1992). Freedom and psychology, or: How much disappointment can man tolerate? Freud and the concept of freedom. Lecture in the series "Freiheit - ein interdisziplinärer Dialog" of the Department of Adult Education of the Free University of Berlin. Reprinted in: Helmut Hühn (ed.): Solidarische Freiheit. Berlin 1992, p. 66 - 88. Online:


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1990). How can a computer be used in occupational therapy? In: Praxis Ergotherapie, Dortmund, Issue 1, February 1990, pp. 3 - 8.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1990). What is individual case help? Contents and identity of the helpers. In: Rundschau, Zeitung der Initiative für Berliner Einzelfall- und Familienhilfe (IBEF), Berlin, Issue 8/1990, pp. 6 - 11.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1990). The computer in the educational-therapeutic landscape? In: unterrichten und erziehen, Regensburg, issue 4, 1990, pp. 57 - 60. Revised version in: Der Computer in der pädagogisch-therapeutischen Landschaft? in: Pädagogische Welt, Donauwörth, Heft 5/1991, pp. 224 - 228.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1990). Review of: Gerda Jun. Children who are different. Psychiatrie-Verlag, Bonn 1989. in: Behavior Therapy and Psychosocial Practice, Tübingen, Issue 3/1990, pp. 393 - 395.


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1989). Behavior therapy and individual case help - A case study. In: Behavior therapy and psychosocial practice, Tübingen, issue 1/1989, pp. 95-108.
  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1989). Review of: B. Thommen, R. Amman and M. v. Cranach. Organization of action through social representation. What influence do therapeutic schools have on the actions of their members? Verlag Hans Huber, Bern 1988. in: Behavior Therapy and Psychosocial Practice, Tübingen, Issue 4/1989, pp. 564 - 568. online:


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1988). Psychosocial behavior therapy? Individual case help and family help as a practical experiment. In: Verhaltenstherapie und psychosoziale Praxis (VPP), Tübingen, Heft 2/1988, p. 176 - 187. Also:


  • Schmitt, Rudolf (1987). Literary Studies and Psychoanalysis: Confrontation of Methods. In: Wecker. Zeitschrift am Fachbereich Germanistik der FU Berlin, Heft 14, 2/1987, pp. 40 - 48.

2. lectures, moderations and workshops since 2005


  • Munich University of Applied Sciences, 8.03.2024, Research-based learning and its metaphors: Conference "Forschung lehren und forschendes Lernen. Potentials and challenges in the teaching, study and practice of social work" of the Network Reconstructive Social Work NWRSA
  • University of Hildesheim, 19.1.2024, Lecture: From metaphors to ChatGPT and back again, Doctoral Day Social and Organizational Pedagogy


  • Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, 5-6 May 2023: Workshop for advanced work with metaphor analysis at the 26th nationwide ZSM method workshop on qualitative educational and social research, co-moderation: Andreas Hohmann;
  • RPTU Kaiserslautern/Landau: 30.6.2023, lecture and workshop on metaphor analysis as part of the cooperation between the Center for Empirical Pedagogical Research (zepf, RPTU in Landau), the research initiative ForBilT (RPTU in Landau) and Prof. Dr. Schiefner-Rohs (RPTU in Kaiserslautern)
  • HS Neubrandenburg: 6-7 July 2023, lecture and workshop on metaphor analysis as part of the Summer School Graduate Forum of the Department of Social Work, Education and Training at Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences,
  • FU Berlin: 28-29.7.2023, workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis as part of the Berlin methodological meeting on qualitative research, co-moderation: Andreas Hohmann;


  • KHSB Berlin, 28.-29.10.2022: DGSA doctoral colloquium for doctoral candidates and those interested in doctoral studies in social work with a FH degree. Moderation together with Prof. Dr. Silke B. Gahleitner, Dr. Julia Reimer, Monique Ritter, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Sauer, Prof. Dr. Vera Taube
  • IQF Berlin, 22-23.9.2022: Workshop on systematic metaphor analysis at the Institute for Qualitative Research/Onlline, Berlin, with Dr. Julia Schröder
  • FU Berlin, 30.7.2022: Berlin method meeting qualitative research. Introductory workshop on metaphor analysis (with Andreas Hohmann)
  • University of Magdeburg: 5-7.5.2022: Method workshop of the ZSM University of Magdeburg, discussion of metaphor-analytical and other research projects, co-moderation: Andreas Hohmann
  • EHS Dresden, 25.1.2022: Lecture in the seminar Prof. Dr. Marc Witzel: Metaphor-reflexive work: Understanding and intervening.



  • Berlin, 30-31.10.2020: DGSA doctoral colloquium for doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies in social work with a FH degree (online). Moderation together with Prof. Dr. Silke B. Gahleitner (ASH Berlin), Prof. Dr. Stefanie Sauer (HS Neubrandenburg), Prof. Dr. Jens Wurtzbacher (KHSB Berlin).
  • Berlin 1.-2.10.2020: Workshop on systematic metaphor analysis at the Institute for Qualitative Research/Onlline, Berlin, with Dr. Julia Schröder
  • Graz, 26.6.2020: Workshop Systematic Metaphor Analysis University. Graz, Social Science Methods Center / Online.
  • Magdeburg: 7-8.2.2020: Method workshop of the ZSM University of Magdeburg, discussion of metaphor-analytical and other research projects, co-moderation: Dr. Larissa Pfaller =>


  • Zurich, 1.11.2019, Faculty of Sociology University of Zurich, Workshop on the introduction to metaphor analysis:
  • Berlin, 25-26.10.2019. DGSA doctoral colloquium for doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies in social work with a FH degree at the KHSB Berlin, moderation together with Prof. Dr. Silke B. Gahleitner (ASH Berlin), Prof. Dr. Stefanie Sauer (HS Neubrandenburg), Prof. Dr. Jens Wurtzbacher (KHSB Berlin).
  • Berlin, 16-17.09.2019: Institute for Qualitative Research: Systematic Metaphor Analysis (with Dr. Julia Schröder)
  • Berlin, 20.7.2019: Berlin method meeting qualitative research. Introductory workshop on metaphor analysis (with Dr. Larissa Pfaller).
  • Hall in Tirol, 28-29.06.2019: Introductory workshop on metaphor analysis at the doctoral colloquium of the UMIT - Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology
  • Mainz, 25.5.2019: Lecture: Metaphors of struggle in interviews with alcoholics and possibilities of productive development. 19th MLA Annual Congress May 24-26, 2019
  • Stuttgart, 26-27.4.2019: Organization and moderation (together with Sebastian Schröer) of the panel of the PhD support group at the DGSA annual conference on the topic: "Precarious work in one's own cause: examples of local PhD support"
  • Magdeburg, 1.-2.2.2019: 22nd Magdeburg Methods Workshop of the ZSM of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, working group on metaphor analysis


  • Cologne, 16.11.2018: Opening lecture: Metaphor analysis and counseling. How do the qualitative research method of systematic metaphor analysis and counseling fit together? 22nd Inscape Annual Conference on "Speaking and Relationships in Leadership, Counselling and Organization".
  • Zurich, 9-10.11.2018: Institute of Educational Science, University of Zurich. PhD Workshop "Systematic metaphor analysis as an independent analytical method and its relationship to other qualitative research methods"
  • Berlin, 26-27.10.2018: DGSA doctoral colloquium for doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies in social work with a FH degree at ASH Berlin, moderated together with Prof. Dr. Silke B. Gahleitner (ASH Berlin), Prof. Dr. Stefanie Sauer (HS Neubrandenburg), Prof. Dr. Jens Wurtzbacher (KHSB Berlin).
  • Landshut, 5.10.2018: Symposium in cooperation with BayWiss and FG Promotionsförderung der DGSA, moderated by Prof. Dr. Katrin Liel on the topic: "Doctorate in Social Work - current status in Bavaria".
  • Berlin, 28-29.09.2018. Two-day workshop on systematic metaphor analysis at the Institute for Qualitative Research IQF Berlin, with Dr. Julia Schröder.
  • Berlin, 20-22.9.2018. Introductory workshop Systematic Metaphor Analysis at the Qualitative Research on Mental Health conference, QRMH7, and presentation "The method of systematic metaphor analysis for the study of alcohol consumption".
  • Rostock, 17/18.8.2018. Rostock: Lecture "Zwischen Pokal und Hospital. Versuch über eine von der kognitiven Metapherntheorie inspirierte Bildanalyse" at the conference "Bilder des Erfolgs, Bilder des Scheiterns", AK Soziale Metaphorik der Sektion Wissenssoziologie der DGS, Universität Rostock
  • Bielefeld, 7.9.2018. Information event (together with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer): Doctorate after FH degree in Social Work: Is it worth it to us? Federal Congress of Social Work.
  • Berlin, 27-28.7.2018. Berliner Methodentreffen qualitative research, workshop on metaphor analysis together with Anne-Kathrin Hoklas.
  • Duisburg-Essen, 21.3.2018. Annual conference of the DGfE, lecture: Metaphor analysis as a qualitative research method in educational science
  • Mainz, 5.5.2018. Annual congress of the GwG. Lecture: Images for bonds: Notes from recent metaphor research for psychotherapy and counseling.
  • Hamburg, 27-28.4.2018. Moderation (together with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer) of the panel of the specialist group Promotion of Doctoral Studies at the DGSA annual conference
  • Berlin, 25.1.2018. Workshop: Pathways into academia and doctoral studies after graduating from a university of applied sciences in social work. Master Practice Research in Social Work and Pedagogy, Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Regina Rätz


  • Erlangen, 7-8.12.2017, Faculty of Sociology, University of Erlangen, Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Renate Liebold, Dr. Larissa Pfaller. Workshop on the introduction to metaphor analysis.
  • Berlin, 27-28.10.2017. Co-organization (with Prof. Dr. Silke Gahleitner and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Sauer) of the DGSA colloquium for doctoral students with FH degree, ASH Berlin.
  • Bamberg, 25.10.2017, State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg, Coordinator: Dr. Birgit Mayer-Lewis, Workshop on metaphor analysis.
  • Wiesbaden, 14.10.2017. Organization and moderation of the symposium of the doctoral support group at the Rhein-Main University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden
  • Berlin, 6-7.10.2017. Workshop on Systematic Metaphor Analysis at the Institute for Qualitative Research Berlin under the direction of Rudolf Schmitt and Julia Schröder
  • Emden, 14.9.2017. Lecture and Q&A session (with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer) on the topic: "Doctorate in Social Work after graduation" at the 11th workshop meeting of the Network for Reconstructive Social Work from 14-16.09.17 at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
  • Emden, 14-16.9.2017. Three-day workshop on metaphor analysis  at the 11th workshop meeting of the Network for Reconstructive Social Work from 14-16.09.17 at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
  • Wels (Upper Austria) 8-9.9.2017, lecture and workshop on metaphors in counseling and therapy at the annual conference of the Training Institute for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
  • Berlin, 22.7.2017. Workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis at the Berlin Methodological Meeting Qualitative Research; co-moderation: Dr. Larissa Pfaller, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
  • Magdeburg, 15.6.2017:  Lecture on the introduction to metaphor analysis, Research Colloquium on Microsociology, University of Magdeburg, chaired by Prof. Dr. Heike Ohlbrecht, Dr. Carsten Dettka, 16:00 - 18:00,
  • Berlin,  28.4.2017, lecture at the DGSA annual conference in Berlin "Opportunities and risks of a (late) habilitation as a UAS professor" and moderation of the panels "Promotion of doctorates in social work: New horizons" and "Information on doctorates after UAS graduation. How does it work?" (the latter with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer) for the specialist group on doctoral funding at the annual conference of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA) at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin


  • Mannheim, 9.11.2016. Presentation at the conference of the Fachbereichstag Soziale Arbeit (FBTS) on the topic: "Promovieren in der Sozialen Arbeit".
  • Berlin, 30-31.10.2016. Co-organization (with Prof. Dr. Silke Gahleitner and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Sauer) of the DGSA colloquium for doctoral candidates with FH degrees, ASH-Berlin
  • Frankfurt, 23-24.09.2016. Introduction to systematic metaphor analysis. In: Approaches to real reality - image, text or number? Research conference of the German Society for Supervision DGSv and the HS Frankfurt
  • Neubrandenburg, 16.9.2016. Lecture and Q&A session (with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer) on the topic: "Doctorate in Social Work after graduation" at the 10th nationwide workshop Reconstructive Research in Social Work 15.-17.9. 2015, HS Neubrandenburg
  • Berlin, 22-23.7.2016. Workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis at the Berlin Methodological Meeting Qualitative Research; co-moderation: Dr. Larissa Pfaller, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Erlangen, 13-14.5.2016. Workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis as part of the DFG Research Training Group 1718 'Presence and Implicit Knowledge' at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg =>
  • Düsseldorf, 30.4.2016. Moderation of the panels "The institutionalization of doctoral support at universities of applied sciences" and "Information on doctoral studies after graduation from a university of applied sciences. How does it work?" (the latter with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer) for the specialist group on doctoral funding at the annual conference of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA) at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences
  • Berlin, 8-9.4.2016. Workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis for all social science disciplines, Berlin, Institute for Qualitative Research, co-moderation: Dr. Julia Schröder, University of Hildesheim.
  • Kassel, 15.3.2016. Lecture: The methodological procedure of systematic metaphor analysis. In: AG 'Blicke' auf Medien - die handlungsleitende Rolle von Medienbildern und -Metaphern für Lehrpersonen". In: DGfE Congress 2016, Kassel. =>
  • Berlin, 16.1.2016. Lecture: Promoting doctoral studies - a brief review and open sketches. Conference: "forschen und promovieren in der sozialen arbeit", organized by the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, the Netzwerk Rekonstruktive Soziale Arbeit, the DGSA's research section and doctoral funding group, the Evangelische Hochschule Berlin and the DBSH.


  • Dresden, 9.12.2015. Grounded theory methodology in teaching: short forms and their problems. 2nd lecture for the habilitation at the Institute of Sociology at TU Dresden
  • Berlin, 30-31.10.2015. Co-organization (with Prof. Dr. Silke Gahleitner and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Sauer) of the DGSA colloquium for doctoral students with FH degree, ASH Berlin
  • Dresden, 28.10.2015. Quality criteria or quality assurance in qualitative research? 1st lecture for the habilitation at the Institute of Sociology, TU Dresden
  • Darmstadt, 1.10.2015. Organization of the panel "Promotion nach FH-Abschluss" (with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer) at the 9th Federal Congress of Social Work at the EH Darmstadt
  • Nuremberg, 18.9.2015. Lecture and Q&A session (with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer) on the topic: "Doctorate in Social Work after UAS degree" and co-organization of the poster session at the 9th nationwide workshop Reconstructive Research in Social Work 17-19.9. 2014, EH Nuremberg
  • Berlin, 17-18.7.2015. Workshop on systematic metaphor analysis (with Anne-Kathrin Hoklas) at the 11th "Berliner Methodentreffen qualitative research".
  • Würzburg, 24-25.4. 2015. Moderation of the panels "Promotion of doctorates in social work: Experiences" and "Information on doctorates after graduating from a university of applied sciences. How does it work?" (the latter with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schröer) for the specialist group on doctoral funding at the annual conference of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA) at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg
  • Giessen, 19-20.2.2015: Introduction to metaphor analysis. Giessen Educational Research Methods Workshop,


  • Berlin, 28-29.11.2014. Co-organization (with Prof. Dr. Silke Gahleitner) of the DGSA colloquium for doctoral students with FH degree, ASH-Berlin
  • Erlangen, 10.11.2014. Lecture at the Institute of Sociology: No connection under this number? - The understanding of "society" among students in the first semester of social work.
  • Erlangen, 11.11.2014. Workshop: "Crossing the Jordan? Metaphors in biblical texts". Cooperation of the Institute of Sociology and the Institute of Old Testament Studies with the support of the Graduate School "Presence and Implicit Knowledge" of the Friedrich-Alexanander-University Erlangen.
  • Berlin, 10-11.10.2014. Workshop on systematic metaphor analysis at the Institute for Qualitative Research (IQF) of the FU Berlin together with Julia Schröder.
  • Dortmund, 12.9.2014. Lecture and Q&A session on the topic: "Doctorate in Social Work after graduation" and co-organization of the poster session at the 8th nationwide workshop Reconstructive Research in Social Work 11-13.9. 2014, FH Dortmund
  • Berlin, 18-19.7.2014. "Berliner Methodentreffen qualitative Forschung" at the FU Berlin: Workshop and workshop on systematic metaphor analysis (the latter together with Anne-Kathrin Hoklas) =>
  • Cologne, 25.4.2014. Moderation of the panel "Doctorate after graduation from a university of applied sciences" at the annual conference of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA) at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences
  • Berlin, 29.3.2014. Symposium (and opening lecture): "Metaphors in Psychotherapy and Counseling" (Moderation: Prof. Dr. Thomas Heidenreich / Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schmitt) at the Congress of the German Society for Behavior Therapy (DGVT)
  • Berlin, 24.1.-25.1.2014. Workshop on systematic metaphor analysis at the Institute for Qualitative Research (IQF) of the FU Berlin together with Dr. Julia Schröder.
  • Hanover, 8.1.2014. Systematic metaphor analysis as a qualitative research method; colloquium at the Institute for Didactics of Natural Sciences (IDN) at Leibniz University Hanover, Faculty of Natural Sciences.


  • Berlin, 8-9.11.2013. Co-organization (with Prof. Dr. Silke Gahleitner) of the DGSA colloquium for doctoral students with FH degree, ASH-Berlin
  • Ludwigsburg, 20.9.2013, Lecture and Q&A session on the topic: "Doctorate in Social Work after FH degree" and co-organization of the poster session at the 8th nationwide workshop Reconstructive Research in Social Work 19-21.9. 2014, EH Ludwigsburg
  • Berlin, 13.7.2013. Workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis at the 'Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung' (with Dr. Julia Schröder) at the Freie Universität Berlin.
  • Bochum, 14-15.6.2013. Panel discussion: "Geschichte, Stand und Zukunft des Promovierens in der Sozialen Arbeit" as part of the DGSA colloquium for doctoral students with FH degrees at the EFH Bochum.
  • Görlitz, 5.6.2013. Lecture: "Doctorate". General meeting of the Faculty of Social Work (FBTS).
  • Hildesheim, 28.5.2013. Lecture: "Metaphern des Helfens: die ersten Schritte auf dem Weg zu einer systematischen Metaphernanalyse." Lecture series "Doing Research - Empirical Studies and their Representatives" in the doctoral program "Social Services in Transition"; Institute for Social and Organizational Pedagogy, University of Hildesheim.
  • Frankfurt, 27.4.2013. Moderation of the panel "Promotion nach FH-Abschluss" of the Fachgruppe Promotionsförderung at the annual conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Arbeit (DGSA) at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.
  • Dresden, 25.3.2013. Presentation: "Informationen zur Promotion nach FH-Abschluss" at the doctoral colloquium of the EHS Dresden (Chair: Prof. Dr. Harald Wagner)
  • Berlin, 8.3.2013. Doctoral opportunities for students at universities of applied sciences. University of Applied Sciences meeting of the German National Academic Foundation in Berlin from March 8 to 10, 2013
  • Rostock, 22.2.2013. Lecture at the University of Rostock: "Methoden sozialwissenschaftlicher Metaphernforschung" at the conference "Methoden der Metaphernforschung und -analyse"
  • Munich, 16.2.2013. Lecture: "Society as a person, as a container, as an overwhelming or unloving parent: Metaphors of society among social work students" at the KFH-Munich conference: "Not with you and not without you? On the relationship between theory, science and practice in professional fields."
  • Leipzig, 6.2.2013. Lecture "Metaphor analyses and the construction of gender" at the award ceremony for the GEW Marianne Menzzer Prize for gender-themed theses
  • Berlin: 1.-2.2.2013. Workshop on systematic metaphor analysis at the Institute for Qualitative Research at the FU Berlin.


  • Hamburg, 10.01.2012. "Heavy drinkers and poor sausages: Metaphors of the alcohol-mediated construction of masculinity" (emphasizing the methodology of metaphor analysis). Research Group Medicine/Neurosciences BIOGUM - Seminar of the University of Hamburg.
  • Paderborn, 22.3.2012. Short lecture and moderation: Meeting of doctoral candidates. In: The social in/on health. Annual conference of the research group from March 22 to 23, 2012 at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences NRW, Paderborn department.
  • Görlitz, 19.04.2012. Short lecture and seminar: Doctorate with FH degree. 13th Young Scientists Conference NWK 13.
  • Berlin, 13-15.7.2012. Workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis at the 'Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung' (with Julia Schröder) at the Freie Universität Berlin.
  • Hamburg, 14.9.2012. Presentation and moderation of the plenary session: 'Promotions after graduation' at the 8th Federal Congress of Social Work, Hamburg Universities of Applied Sciences.
  • Koblenz, 21.9.2012. Lecture and moderation of the plenary session: 'Promotionsförderung nach FH-Abschluss' at the DGSA/ReKonSoBi-Workshoptagung, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.
  • Dresden, 17.11.2012. Lecture and moderation of the plenary session: 'Doctorate after FH degree in Social Work' at the 3rd Congress of the Saxon Universities of Social Work at ehs Dresden
  • Berlin, 23-24.11.2012. Organization and moderation of the DGSA doctoral colloquium with Prof. Dr. Silke B. Gahleitner, ASH Berlin.
  • Rostock, 1.12.2012. Lecture: The metaphor of society among students of social work. Conference of the working group Social Metaphorics in the Section Sociology of Knowledge of the German Sociological Association (DGS), University of Rostock


  • Berlin, 15-16.7.2011. Workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis at the 'Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung' (with Julia Schröder) at the Free University of Berlin.
  • Berlin, 16-17.9.2011 Moderation of the poster session (with Judith Rieger) on current doctorates as well as presentation and Q&A session on the topic: "Doctorate in Social Work after graduation" at the 5th nationwide workshop "Reconstructive Research in Social Work" at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin,
  • Berlin, 21-22.10.2011. Co-organization and co-moderation of the doctoral colloquium of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA), as well as lecture: "Sozialarbeitsrelevante Zeitschriften und ihre adäquate Nutzung", Alice-Salomon-Hochschule
  • Dresden, 25-26.11.2011. Moderation of the panel "Promovieren im Ausland" and "Selbstorganisierte Promotionsgruppen" of the Fachgruppe Promotionsförderung at the annual conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Arbeit (DGSA) at the Evangelische Hochschule Dresden
  • Merseburg, 9.7.2011. Information event on doctorates after graduating from a university of applied sciences at the conference: "2 x 2 = green - the diversity of systemic social work", organized by Prof. Dr. Johannes Herwig-Lempp, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Department of Social Work.Media.Culture
  • Mülheim, 21.5.2011. Lecture: "Systematic metaphor analysis as a qualitative research method". Workshop "Future Research Avenues of Metaphor", organized by and the University of Duisburg-Essen:
  • Rostock, 4.2.2011. Lecture: "Methoden der sozialwissenschaftlichen Metaphernforschung" at the conference at the Sociological Institute of the University of Rostock: "Gesellschaft und Metaphern. The meaning of orientation through metaphors" (Organizer: Prof. Dr. Matthias Junge).


  • Berlin, 16-17.7.2010. Workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis at the 'Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung' (with Carola Nürnberg) at the Free University of Berlin.
  • Berlin, 5-6.11.2010. Co-organization and co-moderation of the doctoral colloquium of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA), Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences
  • Freiburg, 26-27.11.2010. Moderation of the panel "Institutionalized doctoral support after FH graduation" of the DGSA specialist group on doctoral support at the annual conference of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA) at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Freiburg
  • Hanover, 26.7.2010. Introductory workshop on metaphor analysis as part of the Summer School 2010: "Research methods for educational scientists" at Leibniz University Hanover
  • Koblenz, 28-29.1.2010. Lecture: "(Nicht-)Wirkungen erkunden: Possibilities and limits of systematic metaphor analysis in social work impact research." at the conference: "Professionell ist, was wirkt? Social work research between standardization and case analysis". Annual conference of the Research Section of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA) and the European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) at the University of Applied Sciences Kobl enz.
  • Nuremberg, 15.9.2010. Lecture and question and answer session on the topic: "Doctorate in Social Work after graduation" at the 4th nationwide workshop Reconstructive Research in Social Work September 15-17, 2010, Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule Nuremberg,
  • Stuttgart, 13.12.2010. Lecture: "Promotionsmöglichkeiten für FH-Absolvent/inn/en in der Sozialen Arbeit im Seminar zur Hochschul-Forschung, Schwerpunkt "Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege" der Koordinierungsstelle Forschung und Entwicklung für die Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften des Landes Baden-Württemberg in Zusammenarbeit mit den Instituten für Angewandte Forschung (IAF) in Stuttgart (Leinfelden-Echterdingen)
  • Zittau, 14.9.2010. Lecture: Doing a doctorate after graduating from a university of applied sciences in social work: The contribution of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA) as a scientific professional society to the promotion of a doctorate-friendly professional culture. Conference of the International University Institute Zittau: "Paths to the third cycle of the Bologna Process. The Zittau model of the cooperative doctorate".


  • Berlin, 20-21.11.2009. Co-organization and co-moderation of the doctoral colloquium of the German Society for Social Work, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences
  • Berlin, 26-27.6. 2009 Research workshop to discuss advanced work and workshop to introduce the method at the 'Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung' at the Freie Universität Berlin.
  • Dortmund, 25.9.2009. Organization of the panel "Promotion nach FH-Abschluss: Zugangsmöglichkeiten und Formen der Unterstützung" and presentation with the same title at the Bundeskongress Soziale Arbeit in Dortmund
  • Hanover, 20.7.2009 Introductory workshop on metaphor analysis as part of the method qualification program for doctoral students at Leibniz University Hanover, Summer School 2009:
  • Munich, 27-28.11.2009. Moderation of the panel of the specialist group "Promotion of doctorates after graduation from a university of applied sciences" at the annual conference of the German Society for Social Work (DGSA), Munich University of Applied Sciences, lecture: "Possibilities and obstacles to the promotion of doctorates after graduation from a university of applied sciences".
  • Saarbrücken, 17.9.2009 Lecture and Q&A session on the topic: Doctorate in Social Work after FH degree. Workshop conference of the Reconstructive Social Work Research in Saarbrücken,


  • Berlin, 7.11.2008. Lecture at the doctoral colloquium of the German Society for Social Work: "Doctorate after FH degree: access options and forms of support." Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
  • Berlin, 29.2.-1.3.2008. Workshop "Systematic Metaphor Analysis" at the Institute for Qualitative Research, International Academy, Free University Berlin
  • Berlin, 4.7.2008. Workshop with advanced metaphor-analytic works at the 4th Berlin Method Meeting for Qualitative Research
  • Darmstadt, 18.9.-20.9. 2008. Second nationwide workshop on reconstructive research in social work. Multi-day workshop to introduce the method of systematic metaphor analysis. Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt.
  • Graz, 24-25.4.2008. Lecture on methodology (24.4.2008) and workshop on systematic metaphor analysis (25.4.2008) at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Graz
  • Hanover, 29.7. 2008. Workshop on the introduction to systematic metaphor analysis as part of the method qualification program for doctoral students at the University of Hanover
  • Munich, 27.6-28.6.2008. Fourth annual conference of the Network for Reconstructive Social Work Research: Munich University of Applied Sciences and Catholic University of Applied Sciences Munich. Panel on metaphor analysis with presentation on methodology, further metaphor-analytical contributions by Claudia Beck, Susanne Michulitz, Tina Garten and Heike Schulze.
  • Vienna 23.4.2008. Workshop on the method of metaphor analysis at the FH Vienna
  • Vienna, 22.4.2008. Fight drinkers and other heroes: On the metaphorical self-staging of a gender. Lecture series: Body metaphors as gender metaphors. Lecture on gender research at the University of Vienna
  • Zurich, 19.11.2008. Lecture: Theory and practice of systematic metaphor analysis. Lecture in the research/guest colloquium in the fall semester 2008 of the Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis of the Psychological Institute of the University of Zurich (Chair Prof. Dr. Brigitte Boothe).


  • Berlin, 23.4.2007. Qualitative research - a sideshow in social work courses? Lecture at the 3rd annual conference of the network "Reconstructive Social Work Research and Biography". March 23-24, 2007, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin,
  • Berlin, 29-30.6.2007. Leading the research workshop (with Sabine Marsch) on Systematic Metaphor Analysis, and workshop "Introduction to Systematic Metaphor Analysis". 3rd Berlin Methodological Meeting Qualitative Research, organized by the Institute for Qualitative Research of the Free University of Berlin, sponsored by the Hans Böckler Foundation and others 29-30.6.2007.
  • Bremen, 20.4.2007. Systematic metaphor analysis. Lecture and workshop (together with Ulrike Böhnke). Interdisciplinary symposium "Rekonstruktive Fallarbeit und Fallverstehen in den Berufsfeldern Gesundheit und Pflege", organized by the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) of the University of Bremen, 20.4.-21.4.2007.
  • Hamburg, 1.12.2007. Metaphorical concepts of alcohol consumption, dependence and abstinence. Lecture at the congress "Soziale Teilhabe - Wege aus der Armut" of the German Society for Social Work. Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Social Work
  • Magdeburg, 20-21.1.2007. Leader of the workshop Systematic Metaphor Analysis (together with Dr. Sabine Schneider, Tübingen) at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg as part of the 9th nationwide ZBBS workshop.
  • Vienna, 19.10.2007. Workshop: Introduction to Systematic Metaphor Analysis. SOQUA - Sozialwissenschaftliche Berufsqualifizierung, Vienna,


  • Berlin, 14.7.2006. Research Workshop Systematic Metaphor Analysis. 2nd Berlin Methodological Meeting Qualitative Research, organized by "forum qualitative social research", Freie Universität Berlin and Hans Böckler Foundation,
  • Berlin, 15.7.2006. Lecture: The teaching of qualitative research in the study of social work at a university of applied sciences: Using secondary locations. Presentation at the symposium: "Zur Frage des Lehrens und Lernens von qualitativ-sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschungsmethodik", Moderator: Franz Breuer & Margrit Schreier. 2nd Berlin Methodological Meeting Qualitative Research, organized by "forum qualitative social research", Freie Universität Berlin and Hans Böckler Foundation,
  • Berlin, 15.7.2006. Workshop: Introduction to Systematic Metaphor Analysis. 2nd Berlin Methodological Meeting Qualitative Research, organized by "forum qualitative social research", Free University of Berlin and Hans Böckler Foundation
  • Magdeburg, 20-21.1.2006. Workshop: Systematic Metaphor Analysis (together with Dr. Ute Karl, Hildesheim) at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg as part of the 9th nationwide ZBBS workshop.


  • Berlin, 24.6.2006. Research workshop: Systematic metaphor analysis. 1st Berlin Methodological Meeting Qualitative Research, organized by "forum qualitative social research", Freie Universität Berlin and Hans Böckler Foundation, 24 - 25 June 2005.
  • Berlin, June 25, 2006 Workshop: Introduction to Systematic Metaphor Analysis. 1st Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung, organized by "forum qualitative sozialforschung", Freie Universität Berlin and Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, June 24-25, 2005.
  • Heidelberg, 6.5.2005. Lecture: Metaphors of alcohol. In: The Reality of Metaphor. Language and mental images in therapy and counseling. Heidelberg, May 5-7, 2005
  • Klagenfurt, 22.10.2005. Possibilities of generalization in the systematic analysis of metaphors. Workshop "Generalization in Qualitative Psychology" in Klagenfurt (Austria), Center for Qualitative Psychology at the University of Klagenfurt.
  • Linz, 6.11.2005. Introduction to the technique of systematic metaphor analysis. Regional group Upper Austria of the systemic family therapy section of the ÖAGG in Linz
  • Linz, 7.11.2005. Metaphor analysis in psychotherapy. Workshop: Psychotherapeutic/Psychological Training of the Upper Austrian State Psychiatric Clinic Wagner-Jauregg, Linz
  • Witten/Herdecke, 15.10.2005. Lecture: The importance of metaphors in nursing. Conference "Language and Nursing" at the Institute for Nursing Science, Witten/Herdecke University