Advice during studies

Advice offered by the study program representatives

Various problems can block learning and working during your studies. Writer's block, lack of motivation or learning difficulties are common symptoms. The study program representatives offer low-threshold counseling for all students of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Appointments can be arranged individually.

Counseling, mentoring, tutorials, business start-ups, psychosocial issues, BaföG, disability

On the university website you will find a compact overview of the university's support services. This applies both to advice and support during your studies and career planning after graduation.

Professional advice in crisis situations from Studentenwerk Dresden

Studentenwerk Dresden has been offering psychosocial counseling for students since January 2011. For more information on the counseling service , please visit the Studentenwerk homepage.

University projects to increase student success

Student Advisory Service: Students advise students
If questions arise about the course of studies, the course content and the organization of studies or if there is a need for support during the first weeks and months, then students in the higher semesters are also good contacts. In the "Students advise students" project, newly enrolled students are supported by experienced fellow students to help with any questions and uncertainties that may arise.
In addition, the student advisors also inform interested pupils about studying and life in Görlitz.

Advice and support on flight, migration and (everyday) racism

Social work students with and without migration experience can contact Ms. Monique Ritter) with their counselling concerns.
As a lecturer for special tasks, she also supervises the project work "Racism-critical social work" with a focus on 'Social work in the immigration society'. This includes, in particular, networking and cooperation activities as well as advising and supporting university-internal and external stakeholders in the district and city of Görlitz on the topics of flight, migration and (everyday) racism (see network map).