Book BoXX

Under the motto: Take a book. Bring a book. Read a book.

What is the BücherboXX?

A sustainable meeting place in public space. You can find more information about project studies in the Social Work degree program here.

How does it work?

Everyone has the opportunity to hand in books they have read at the BoXX,
and/or take a book for themselves. This means that books do not have to be bought new, but can be "swapped"
with each other. The detailed concept of the "Sustainable Book BoXX"  can be found here.


Wilhelmplatz Görlitz

Project study BücherboXX

Our project goal:

To make the BücherboXX a lively place in urban society

  • various events
  • readings
  • discussion rounds
We are looking for:
  • Partners, associations and institutions that want to become part of the "living BücherboXX".
  • People who want to contribute their own ideas
How to reach us: