Symposium in hybrid format

SPEAK UP! Professional, partisan and solidarity-based perspectives for action in social work in dealing with the prohibition of gender-equitable language

Date: 13.12.2024, 09:30 - 16:00
In presence: Darmstadt Protestant University of Applied Sciences,

Zweifalltorweg 12,
64293 Darmstadt
Online: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

Against the background of the intensifying debates about 'gendering' and the bans in Bavaria, Brandenburg, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein on the use of gender-inclusive language with special characters in educational and administrative contexts, the aim of the symposium is to make a professional and legal assessment. The necessity arises from the professional theoretical perspective of social work and is additionally underpinned by the update of the Child and Youth Welfare Act of 2021. Here, the mandate is formulated to "take into account the different life situations of girls, boys and transgender, non-binary and intersex young people, to reduce disadvantages and to promote gender equality" (Section 9 SGB VIII), which is now being thwarted and undermined.

The network "Verbinden & Verbünden", the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt and the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz in cooperation with the Gender and Women's Research Center of the Hessian Universities (gFFZ) invite you to a professional exchange. We would like to open up spaces for discussion about the role and possible uses of inclusive and discrimination-sensitive language in social work between professionals, students, representatives of initiatives, teachers and researchers. The focus is on initiatives in Hesse and Saxony. Professional policy strategies will also be considered.


09:00 a.m.

09:30 - 12:00
Welcome and introduction by Ioanna Menhard and Monique Ritter

Presentations and discussion:

Power Relations Language Vulnerabilities.
How we negotiate visibility and why it is so difficult to speak without discrimination
Zara Jakob Pfeiffer (freelance speaker)

Language bans and gender discrimination: constitutional classification, political evaluation and perspectives for action
Ulrike Lembke (freelance legal scholar and expert in legal gender studies)

13:00 - 14:30
Parallel workshops

15:00 - 16:00
Key topics from the workshops and closing round

Presence workshops

Workshop 1:
But everyone is meant - a reflective approach to gender-sensitive language in gender-equitable educational work in times of conservatism
Heik Zimmermann (Kompetenzzentrum Trans* und Diversität)

Workshop 2:
A space for us - addressing queer young people
Paula Hille (Queeres Zentrum Darmstadt) & Toyah Kaufmann (Landesfachstelle Hessen "Queere Jugendarbeit")

Workshop 3:
(un)label yourself!? - an exchange about the (im)possibility of queer self-labeling.
Members of the Queer and Feminism Department of the EHD-AStA

Workshop 4:
Modes of address in the area of flight and asylum.
Christine Englert (PaSo gGmbH, asylum counseling in shelters for refugees Darmstadt)

Workshop 5:
Gender diversity and gender in plain language - (not) a contradiction?
Ruben Rhensius (Easy Language and Accessible Communication Officer, Caritas Association for the Diocese of Limburg e.V.)

Workshop 6:
Does science know (no) gender? A moderated exchange on experiences and challenges of current language policies for everyday scientific life.
Hanna Haag (gFFZ)

Online workshops

Workshop 7:
No stars in words?! How and why gender bans can be used for creative social work
Vera Ohlendorf (Trans-Inter-Aktiv in Mitteldeutschland e.V.)

Workshop 8:
State repression or more comprehensibility? Dealing with "gender bans" in Saxony
Britta Borrego (LAG Queeres Netzwerk Sachsen e.V.)

Workshop 9:
Don't say it? Just say it! - Putting progressive attitudes into practice
Aileen Kampfmann (Landesfachstelle Mädchen* und junge Frauen* in Sachsen e.V.) & Dette Ratz (Fachstelle TIN* Sachsen)

Workshop 10:
More than a star?! Looking at the needs of trans*, inter* and non-binary children and young people
Daniele Spiegler (Landesfachstelle Jungenarbeit Sachsen)

Workshop 11:
Effects of bans on gender-inclusive language on children and young people in Saxon schools: Attitudes, role and limits of school social work
Paula Bormann (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schulsozialarbeit)

Workshop 12:
Gender-equitable language and child welfare
Lisa Baumann (Der Kinderschutzbund, Landesverband Sachsen e.V.)

Workshop 13:
Connecting and strengthening each other - workshop for queer students, doctoral candidates and professionals on dealing with the ban on gender-inclusive language
Sannik Ben Dehler (Europa Universität Flensburg and queer activist)


The event will be held in German and is free of charge. The premises of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt are accessible and usable without barriers. It is possible to participate either in presence or online (via Zoom). This must be indicated in the registration form and taken into account when selecting a workshop.

Organized and conceived by Verbinden & Verbünden - intersectional and queerfeminist perspectives in social work. For the network: Kerstin Balkow, Sannik Ben Dehler, Gudrun Ehlert, Ioanna Menhard, Alexandra Rau, Monique Ritter, Elke Schimpf

Organizational support online and in person: Jakob Burkhardt, Michaela Hohrein and Mario Sacco

Graphic implementation of the megaphone image and design of the Verbinden & Verbünden logo: Renate Hillen

For queries regarding online participation, please contact:

If you have any queries regarding participation in person, please contact:

The organizers reserve the right to exercise their domiciliary rights (which also apply to the online rooms) and to refuse participation in the event to persons who are associated with right-wing organizations and/or the right-wing scene or who are conspicuous for their anti-queer, sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, ableist and other inhuman statements.

The symposium is (partially) funded by the Women Professors Program III (PP III) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Monique Ritter
Dr. phil.
Monique Ritter
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 0.05
First floor
+49 3581 374-4664