Practice locations

Practical placements in the sense meant here are places or institutions that participate in the training of social workers and social pedagogues in cooperation with the university. In accordance with the Ordinance on State Recognition (SozAnerkVO (1)), the university must approve the practice placement at which the students wish to complete their internship. Providers and institutions must meet the following criteria in order to be recognized as a practice placement by the university:

a) The practice placement is active in a field of social work.

This condition is considered to be fulfilled if the practice placement has a predominantly social work/social pedagogical mandate.

b) The practice placement is suitable for training students due to its staffing.

This condition is deemed to be fulfilled if at least two full-time employees are employed at the practice placement, at least one of whom can provide evidence of a qualification as defined in the Ordinance on State Recognition.

Please use the form Praxisstellenanzeige [PDF] for the recognition procedure.

(1) Ordinance of the Saxon State Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Family on the state recognition of qualified social workers, qualified social education workers and qualified curative education workers in the Free State of Saxony(Social Recognition Ordinance - SozAnerkVO)


Certification of practical placements

Since 2005, the Practice Office of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences has offered interested practice centers the opportunity to be certified as training partners of the university for the implementation of practical study components. This qualified recognition procedure certifies that the participating practice centers are particularly suitable as training partners of the university. The name of these places is: "Certified Social Work Practice Center".
This certificate gives job-seeking students the guarantee that they will find conditions here that are particularly conducive to a successful internship. The certification eliminates the need for the usual recognition procedure described above. The certificate is recognized by all internship offices and departments at Saxon and Thuringian universities.

In connection with the possibility of certification, databases have been created that can be used by internship centers to publish internship offers. Certified internships are marked separately here.


At present, no certifications and re-certifications are carried out by the Practice Office of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences due to resource constraints.  


General internship database

A database for the publication of internship offers is available under the university job and internship exchange , which can be used by all interested students. Internships that are interested in publishing their internship offer can enter the relevant data here. Certified internships" are specially marked.

If information in the database changes (e.g. telephone numbers, names), the internship centers have the option of updating their entry themselves. Both new entries and changes within the practice location database are activated after editorial review. This is to ensure that only those internships are published that meet the requirements set by the legislator for the practical study components. We ask for your understanding in this regard.


Database of certified practical training centers

A separate database is available at for the publication of certified practical placements. Certified internships at universities in Saxony and Thuringia are recorded there by the respective internship offices/offices.
Regardless of your entry in the internship database, you still have the option of posting your internship offer on the university's bulletin board. To do this, please contact us and send us your offer by post or email.

Photo: M.A. Daniela Ahrens
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin für das organisationsorientierte Praktikum
Dipl.-Soz.Päd./Soz.Arb. and M.A.
Daniela Ahrens
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 1.15
1st floor
+49 3581 374-4203
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin für das interventionsorientierte Praktikum
Dipl.-Soz.Päd./Soz.Arb. and M.A.
Silke Donath
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 1.16
1st floor
+49 3581 374-4859