Student projects

Project study "Man, Görlitz! Listen!"

In the name of the project "Mensch, Görlitz! Listen!", students in the project module of the BA Social Work course cordially invite you to "listen in" to a dialog with people from Görlitz:

In addition to providing information and raising awareness on this topic, the aim of the project is to encourage and promote dialog and exchange between different people from Görlitz. We therefore cordially invite you to listen to our podcast "Mensch, Görlitz!" to listen in. Among other things, you can listen to interesting conversations about the personal views and experiences of people from Görlitz. From 19.11.2022 the podcast will be available on Spotify and the usual platforms.

As the title of the project suggests, it aims to address and appeal to as many people in Görlitz as possible. Our mission is to make visible and promote the exchange and encounter of diverse Görlitz voices on socio-politically relevant topics with the clear aim of strengthening the perspectives of people with refugee and migration experience in public discourse.

Last year, in 2022, we took part in the national "Democratic Action" competition with this project. 13939 participants in 263 projects applied and a 45-member jury was delighted with the consistently high quality of the entries. Unfortunately, our project did not win, but was shortlisted and received an honorable mention from the jury. This motivates us to continue our work.

Kind regards
The project team ,,Mensch. Görlitz!" Listen!

Project study "Women.Life.Here"

The (teaching) project "Frauen.Leben.Hier - Frauen-Leben.Lausitz" is a student project of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in the Social Work degree program, which is in cooperation with the "F wie Kraft" network and the equal opportunities officers. As part of the project, values such as empowerment, justice and appreciation as well as a critical examination of gender-related hierarchies within Lusatia are to be presented and scientifically analyzed. The results will then be presented in a network map.

F for strength
F for strength - Women. Life. (Upper) Lusatia is a platform for women in Lusatia. The project creates opportunities to focus on women and their work in various areas of society. We open forums and moderate exchanges in order to "bundle female forces". In the project, we have been (practically) problematizing and exploring the potential for gender-sensitive skilled worker recruitment and development in the region for five years. In cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Officer (GSB) of the district of Görlitz, several project stages were successfully initiated and implemented at the TRAWOS Institute of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.  The aim was and is to bring together as many different women as possible from politics, business and regional development, education and administration, care and services and the socio-cultural sector. With various events and the online platform, F wie Kraft has not only helped to raise awareness of the diverse living environments of women in recent years, but also to show where and how they contribute to the successful development of the region.

Project manager, lecturer: Pauline Voigt

Project studies "Sustainability path"

The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences operates a MACH MIT
environmental management system as part of the Sustainable Campus (BNC) modular system, which is managed by the Environmental Coordinator's Office with support from the Integrated Management Systems (IMS) team.

For the internal and external communication of the university's sustainability performance, a sustainability pathway is to be designed and implemented by the students as part of the project module.

To this end, criteria for the selection of stations are to be developed and the stations defined. A concept is to be developed for presentation to the public relations department and the Rectorate, and financing options for implementation are to be proposed. Finally, the sustainability trail is to be established at the Görlitz site (winter semester 2021/2022).

Sustainability path - why do we need it?

The responsibility of universities to contribute to sustainable development is now undisputed. There are a large number of projects and initiatives aimed at a sustainable university and the efforts of universities to make a decisive contribution to the German Sustainability Strategy (DNS)1 and thus also to the 2030 Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)2 are constantly increasing.

This also increases the importance of sustainability communication at universities. On the one hand, this means communicating about the institution's sustainability performance and, on the other, communicating in a sustainable manner. The sustainability path is one of the many instruments that are suitable for this.

The 2009 Sustainability Report of the HSZG states that the university would like to increase its performance and promote a positive external perception.3 The sustainability path is intended to make visible goals that have already been implemented and the importance of the topic of sustainable development for the university. In addition to providing information, the path is intended to encourage further ideas, actions and interactions.

Project manager, lecturer: M.A. Ulrike Bobek


1, last checked 12.3.2021.

2, last checked 12.3.2021.

3 Sustainability report of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (2009) "Becoming aware, acting aware", p.17.

Project studies "Borderless social work in Brazil"

Independent and creative tasks and learning objectives for the students during the project studies in Görlitz and during the trip:

Unlike the other projects offered as part of the project studies program, the "Borderless Social Work" project is divided into two differentiated main topics and destinations. Students have the overarching goal of acquiring intercultural knowledge. Furthermore, one goal is to independently and creatively acquire donations for selected projects, which are to be handed over personally during a trip. In doing so, students should primarily promote the aspects of ecotourism, cultural preservation and identity building both financially and through their actions.

During the project trip, the main learning objectives are to get to know the project partners, to observe the project activities on site in a participatory manner and to actively participate in these project activities in order to deepen the theoretical intercultural knowledge gained to date. As prospective social workers in particular, it is advantageous to deal intensively with one's own limitations. The project also contributes to this ("raising awareness").

More information

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Annette Dassi

Project study "BücherboXX"

The (teaching/learning) project "BücherboXX" is carried out as a two-semester practical project in the Social Work degree program as part of Module 10 / Project Studies. The real-life practical project focuses on social, ecological, economic and sustainable relationships and considers aspects of community work, participation, civic engagement, socioculture, resource orientation, culture in public spaces and more. As an active participation project, it unfolds its effect internally as a teaching / learning object for the student group and externally as a usable result for everyone in the public space.

A very fruitful collaboration has been in place since 2017 with INBAK, the Berlin-based Institute for Sustainability in Education, Work and Culture, which provides ideas and expertise. INBAK's basic approach of integrating the conversion of a former telephone booth into a public mini-street library into the vocational training of young people was expanded to include a university didactic approach and transferred to the teaching/learning concept of the project study program.

Fifth project run 2021

The fifth project run has currently started as a joint project with students from the Zgorzelec Lyceum (grammar school) and HSZG students from the Faculty of Social Sciences. In this project, the teaching focus is on cross-border social work and cultural exchange in addition to project studies. Here, too, the plan is to jointly explore the feasibility of a trial project with a field study and thus bring the European City of Görlitz/Zgorzelec to life with a joint German-Polish project. And, of course, to directly support the Polish students on their way to a "BiblioboXX Zgorzelec".

More information:
Project study, 1st project run
Project study, 2nd project run
Project study, 3rd project run
Project study, 4th project run
Project study, project description, 5th project run
Project study, project description, 6th project run

Project course "BiblioboXX Zgorzelec" on facebook:

Project leader:

Project study "Wardrobe 6.0"

Photo HSZG

"Wardrobe 6.0" project team at the Ostritz Peace Festival

The "Wardrobe 6.0" project team from the social work project study program was represented at the Ostritzer Friedensfest on 21.05.2022 with the contribution "Human".


We, the "Wardrobe 6.0" project team, are students on the Social Work degree course at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. As part of our project studies, we deal with the production and consumption chains of clothing in connection with the topics of sustainability, identity, human rights and environmental protection. In cooperation with "Tierra - Eine Welt e.V.", we staged a "Human" contribution on the catwalk for democracy, cosmopolitanism and tolerance at the Ostritz Peace Festival on  21.05., focusing on our individual characteristics and insecurities. The final formation on our 100% human and 100% human T-shirts made it clear that underneath every flaw, every individual story, behind every personal statement and every peculiarity, there are unique people, but people of equal value. Our prize money will be donated to FEMNET e.V., a non-profit women's rights organization that campaigns for economic, social and cultural rights for women worldwide and focuses in particular on supporting women in the global garment industry and fighting for the rights of seamstresses.

We are grateful for the opportunity to have made an active contribution to democracy, cosmopolitanism and tolerance in Ostritz and are excited to see how we can deepen this in the further course of the project, including at the Görlitz street theater festival "ViaThea".

Project manager,

Project study "Wardrobe 5.0"

Opening of the traveling exhibition "Tuchfühlung", photo: project group

Textile processing yesterday and today - Wardrobe 5.0 is in the starting blocks

How many items of clothing do you think you have in your closet? Do you wear second-hand clothes? Which fashion trend is characteristic of the 80s and how many textile companies were there in Upper Lusatia during this time?
As part of what is now the fifth version of the student project "Wardrobe", we have come together to add another module to the traveling exhibition "Tuchfühlung - Vom Reinwaschen und Schönfärben", which was developed by our predecessors and focuses on the global textile industry and its respect for human rights.

This time, the focus will be on the regional history of the textile industry in Upper Lusatia by interviewing contemporary witnesses who can give first-hand accounts of their memories of the Upper Lusatian textile industry in the period from 1985 to 1995 and their working experiences during the political transition. Particular attention will be paid to the working conditions in the factories at that time, as experienced by the workers here.  The result of our new exhibition module should ultimately be a comparison between the working conditions in the textile factories in Upper Lusatia at that time and the global conditions in the present.
We are being supported by Daniela Ahrens as project manager from the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, by Katja Ostmann, our client from Tierra- Eine Welt e.V. Görlitz and by Matthias Voigt, historian, responsible for education and outreach at the Silesian Museum in Görlitz.
Our project is still in its infancy, but we are already eagerly awaiting the opening of the exhibition, which will probably take place at the end of the 2021/2022 winter semester.

More information:
To get to the bottom of the origins of the traveling exhibition "Tuchfühlung - Vom Reinwaschen und Schönfärben", student Aline Schulz (SWb 15) made a video.
The basic idea of the closet was continued in the "Kleiderwandel" project in 2019/2020. A press article provided information about this project and the exhibitions.

Project manager, Dipl. Soz.arb./Soz.päd. (FH), M.A. Daniela Ahrens