Childhood Education Practice Office

A central feature of the Childhood Education degree course is its practical orientation. The practical components of the course are therefore of correspondingly high importance. These in turn are embedded in the overall context of the course. In general, these study components should serve to gather practical experience, also to check motivation to study and professional aptitude, professional socialization, the development of one's own professional identity, the application and review of acquired theoretical knowledge and the experience of the process character of early educational work with children and their families.

The internship should enable learning processes which, starting from an orientation introductory phase, progress towards increasing subject and professional independence.
The basis for the implementation of the practical study components is the study regulations of the degree course "Childhood Education". Further details are regulated in the handout for the implementation of the practical study components.

Photo: Dipl.-Soz.-Arb./Soz.-Päd. (FH) Nicole Blana
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Dipl.-Soz.-Arb./Soz.-Päd. (FH)
Nicole Blana
Faculty of Social Sciences
02763 Zittau
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 1.08 b
1st floor
+49 3581 374-4210