

Dresden expert network for psychological work design

An association of experienced colleagues who are committed to the scientifically sound design of healthy work.

BASA network

The BASA work analysis method is continuously being developed and is used in a wide variety of practical fields.

Ongoing and completed projects

  • Digital Assistant for Psychological Risk and Resource Analysis in Workplaces (DARRA)

    (01.04.2019 - 31.12.2021) Funding provider: Saxon State Ministry of Culture / Sächsische Aufbaubank

    Digitization, internationalization and flexibilization are requirements that the world of work 4.0 places on companies and employees. The demands on information processing, coordination and employee self-care are increasing. By developing a digital assistant for recording work-related risks and resources, particularly with regard to psychological factors, the aim is to create a tool that is easy to use for both individual employees and companies and provides steering impulses for health-promoting work design on the basis of current occupational science findings. In cooperation with university and practice partners, DARRA is to be designed, expanded and translated into several languages, both in terms of content and technology. The first steps in this direction are being implemented as part of this project, which focuses on content and technical requirements analysis and the establishment of a practice-research network.

  • Supporting the development of cooperation networks for school inclusion in Saxony - BAKO_SN

    (01.04.2019 - 31.12.2021)  Institute for Education, Information and Communication (BIK) Head: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Albrecht, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmidt  

    This project aims to implement the measures prescribed in the Saxon School Act in accordance with Section 4c (7) to ensure and shape special educational support and inclusive teaching. For this purpose, cooperation networks - hereinafter: KV - are to be formed. The KVs are to fulfill the task of ensuring the quality of special educational support and inclusive education through coordination, communication structures and, if necessary, joint use of their human and material resources. The Saxon State Ministry of Culture (SMK) and the State Office for Schools and Education (LaSuB) are responsible for setting up the KV. The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG) is supporting the process. The aim is to have all of the planned 62 KVs constituted by the end of 2021.

  • Evaluation in teacher training in Saxony

    01.08.2017 - 30.11.2019 / Funded by: Saxon State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs

    The project evaluates the current content and organizational framework conditions of the preparatory service in Saxon teacher training and examines their influence on the development of skills and health of prospective teachers. The project aims to identify changeable factors in the Saxon preparatory service. These are to be evaluated in terms of the extent to which they are already designed to promote learning, performance and health. To this end, not only the participants themselves but also the trainers and mentors will be included in the evaluation. Following the project, the Saxon State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, in consultation with the Saxon teacher training institutions, will examine and, if necessary, implement specific measures proposed by those involved in the Saxon preparatory service. The analysis has so far yielded a wide range of findings on aspects of the preparatory service that are already well and very well designed and those that still need to be optimized. These will be presented to the Saxon State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs in a comprehensive and differentiated project report. Furthermore, a number of suggestions for improvement were identified, which will be examined in further steps with those responsible for their feasibility and their usefulness for actual improvement. A project extension of six months was initiated in order to increase the database on the one hand and to accompany the process of reviewing, selecting and implementing measures on the other. The project is running at the BIK Institute under the research focus Transformation Processes in Economy and Society and will be completed in November 2019.

  • KUGELL: Developing the skills and health of trainee teachers in the preparatory service

    01.02.2018 - 31.12.2020 / Funded by Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst / Sächsische Aufbaubank

    The project investigates the current content-related and organizational framework conditions in the Saxon teaching profession and examines their influence on the competence and health development of prospective teachers. These are to be evaluated in terms of the extent to which they are already designed to promote learning, performance and health.

  • Evidence-based (neuropsychologically based) standardization of the breath alcohol value based on cognitive performance in technical stress situations

    (01.05.2017 - 31.012.2019) / Funded by Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst / Sächsische Aufbaubank  

    A new breath-based alcohol test is to be developed which, for the first time, is fully conclusive in accordance with the requirements of Section 316 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) and can therefore be used in court. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine the degree of deviation between the BAC (blood alcohol concentration) per mille value and mg/l AAK (breath alcohol concentration), converted into the per mille value, as a percentage. This quality criterion of the measurement is also based on a continuous determination of the highest and lowest deviations between the BAC and mg/l BAC, converted into the blood alcohol content. Previous breath methods are not conclusive, as alcohol consumption does not lead to a continuous linear decline in performance, but can even lead to temporary increases in cognitive performance, with considerable deviations between the blood alcohol per mille value and the mg/l breath alcohol criterion. Interim results: Despite considerable developments in the technological basis for measurement (semiconductor sensor-based, infrared spectroscopy-based or based on electrochemical measuring cells), there are still some significant deviations when comparing breath-based and blood sample-based tests. There is a research gap at this point: It is unclear which phases of degradation metabolism are actually associated with an objectively detectable reduction in cognitive control ability. However, detailed research into this process would be a prerequisite for the creation of a measuring instrument that meets the criteria of criminal law. The expected increase in reaction speed with rising blood alcohol levels cannot be generally established. The scattering of the individual results increases under the alcohol condition, but there is only a difference in the sense of a slowing down of the reaction in the relatively complex orientation task.

  • Concept for supporting the development of cooperation networks for school inclusion in Saxony

    Prof. Dr. Friedrich Albrecht (overall management), Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmidt (project manager 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019  

    The focus is on a concept that describes how external support for the establishment of cooperation networks for school inclusion in Saxony should be completed. The request for proposals, proposal preparation and implementation took place within a very tight timeframe. This was due to overriding circumstances, specifically the fact that, according to the Saxon School Act (SächsSchulG), the Saxon State Ministry of Education must report to the state parliament in autumn 2021 on the development of the establishment of cooperation networks and that this requires a two-and-a-half-year lead time for setting up, testing and preparing for reporting. This phase is to be accompanied and supported by an external partner, which means that the reins of action and responsibility for the overall process lie with the school supervisory board and the external partner must have accompanying skills that bring added value, such as Competencies in moderation, event organization, organizational development, analysis, further training, evaluation, etc. However, it is not just about the competencies per se. Provided that they are familiar with the field of action, one argument in favor of involving external partners is that they can act more flexibly as service providers than is usually possible in the day-to-day work of public authorities and also have access to an environment of resources that enables a very efficient approach. To give just one example: if it makes sense - as in this case - to conduct a qualitative interview study, then you need qualitative social researchers, interviewers and transcribers who understand their craft and can adapt to the rhythms of project work.

  • Talent forge plus

    From 2015 to 2017, together with Lausitz Matrix e.V., the BMBF project Jobstarter Plus / "Talenteschmiede plus" as part of the federal "Jobstarter plus" program to promote skills development among trainees

    The "Talenteschmiede plus" project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and was successfully completed in 2017. It supported training companies in Upper Lusatia. A regional training network was created in the three years from 2015 to 2017. Small and medium-sized companies in particular received support in marketing and filling their training places. The project team worked with chambers, employment agencies, job centers, vocational schools and other partners to establish a sustainable support structure so that companies can also successfully train young people with poorer starting conditions. According to Parliamentary State Secretary Thomas Rachel, 271 projects across Germany applied for JOBSTARTER plus funding. 51 were awarded funding, three of them from Saxony. The coaching model "Apprentices for Apprentices" was particularly interesting: High-achieving trainees had taken on learning mentorships for young people with difficulties in their training. The project was initiated and evaluated with the HSZG. The project report was written by Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmidt and Mike Altmann and submitted to the BMBF.

    A TV report presents the project:

  • Health and work ability of educational staff in childcare facilities

    Project management: Prof. Andrea Eckhardt & Prof. Matthias Schmidt / Funded by: Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts / Sächsische Aufbaubank

    The project investigates the current health situation and existing working conditions of educational professionals in (East Saxon) kindergartens. From this, measures for the development and design of working conditions in kindergartens are to be derived. Unfavorable structural framework conditions have a negative impact on the ability of educational staff to work. Here, the special interest lies in the stressors but also resources of daily work management. At the same time, current publications in the specialist press are sought in order to incorporate the latest data. The quality is based on the requirements for scoping reviews (BAUA, 2014). The medium-term goal of the topic work is to examine the minimum standards prescribed by the German Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG), but also to develop approaches for prevention programs for the health protection of educators that go beyond this.