Dear graduates,
In my function as Alumni Representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences, you will have already found some functions on the page for graduates of the Faculty:
Finally, here is a service for you:
Originally, job offers could be found in the newsletter for graduates: Around 2002, I learned that the first graduates from our department were starting their careers with 1-euro jobs. From this time onwards, job advertisements were initially published directly in the newsletter. This was impractical in the long term due to the monthly publication, overloaded the mail with information that was no longer of interest to a large proportion of graduates and frustrated us because we had to rewrite the mostly page-long advertisements into a suitable 5-7-liner ourselves. So we had to change something.
Since 2005, these offers have been referred to the university's job database: (first enter the right one for yourself in the header of this database!) Organizations and associations can enter their job and internship offers in this database themselves. However, there are other ways to search for or offer jobs:
There are a number of job portals that relate to the breadth of the job market and are financed in different ways: mostly through advertising, but sometimes also (more rarely) through membership fees. They are not listed as they are usually easy to find using a search engine.
If you know a provider that is not listed here, it is worth searching for their homepage. As a rule, the jobs are now listed in a separate section, here are just the most important examples:
Finally: Europe, especially Great Britain, is a good place to go if you want to broaden your horizons, if you can't find what you want here or if you want to realize some of your dreams:
So all graduates should be able to find something suitable ... And: These links are subject to constant change, I am grateful for any comments and additions to r.schmitt(at)!
Note on data protection and the GDPR: Above there were hints that you can register with me for the newsletter for graduates, for teaching assignments or for the doctoral newsletter. I would therefore like to assure you that your personal data will only be stored for the purpose stated in each case. No other data will be stored. The data will not be passed on to third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time (to: and will then be deleted from the respective mailing list.