Angela Bauer, M.A.

Angela Bauer studied Political Science, Sociology and Ibero-Romanic Philology (M.A.) at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and at the University of Costa Rica. During her studies she gained international working experience f.i. at the United Nations High Commissoner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Costa Rica and at the Department of Migration and Human Rights of the HBF Regional Office for Southern Africa in South Africa.

From 2010 to 2016 she worked as a Researcher at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and at the Institue of Sociology at Saarland University. In 2013 she was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Migration, Ethnicity and Society at Linköping University; in 2015 she was a Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM) at the University of Malmö.

Since 2024 she is a Researcher at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. Her research focuses on (forced) migration and integration with a particular interest in:

  • Migration governance and policies
  • Educational and labor market inclusion of migrants
  • Migrants' rights, legal status and civic stratification
  • Qualitative methods of social science research.


Schreyer, Franziska, Angela Bauer & Solomon Getu Lakew (2022): How activating integration policy and residence law strengthen company dependency relationships - the example of refugees with toleration status. Z'Flucht. Journal for Flight and Refugee Research, 6 (1), 122-139. DOI:10.5771/2509-9485-2022-1-122

Schreyer, Franziska, Angela Bauer & Solomon Getu Lakew (2022): Tolerated people in training: Affected persons and companies have little legal certainty so far. IAB Forum 09.03.2022. o. Sz. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20220309.01

Schreyer, Franziska & Angela Bauer (2021): Civic stratification, refugees with toleration and unclear identity. Flight Research Blog 23.02.2021, o. Sz.

Schreyer, Franziska & Angela Bauer (2021): Training during the pandemic: Young refugees need professional support more than ever. IAB-Forum 28.01.2021, o. Sz.

Bauer, Angela & Franziska Schreyer (2020): There are many reasons for refugees' unresolved identity. IAB-Forum 21.07.2020, o. Sz. www.

Schreyer, Franziska & Angela Bauer (2020): Education and training: Important for young refugees, but also for the labor market. In: Stiftung Bildungspakt Bayern (ed.), Modellprojekt Perspektive Beruf für Asylbewerber und Flüchtlinge (pp. 87-91), Munich.

Bauer, Angela & Franziska Schreyer (2019): Immigration authorities and inequality: Unclear identity of young refugees and access to training. Journal for the Sociology of Law, 39 (1), 112-142. DOI:10.1515/zfrs-2019-0006

Schreyer, Franziska & Angela Bauer (2018): Vocational training: Doubly important for young refugees. Refugee Research Blog 20.12.2018, o. Sz. fluchtforschung. net/berufliche-ausbildung-fur-junge-gefluchtete-doppelt-wichtig/

Schreyer, Franziska, Angela Bauer & Karl-Heinz Kohn (2018): Training can improve prospects for refugees to stay. IAB-Forum 01.03.2018, o. Sz. www.

Bauer, Angela, Herbert Brücker, Agnese Romiti, Franziska Schreyer & Parvati Trübswetter (2017): Labor market integration of refugees and other migrants. In: J. Möller & U. Walwei (eds.), Arbeitsmarkt kompakt: Analysen, Daten, Fakten (pp. 138-140). Bielefeld: Bertelsmann.

Bauer, Angela & Franziska Schreyer (2016): Training unaccompanied refugee minors: Support beyond the age of majority makes sense. IAB Brief Report 13/2016, Nuremberg, 8 pp.

Konle-Seidl, Regina, Franziska Schreyer & Angela Bauer (2015): Labor market integration of asylum seekers and refugees in Sweden, Denmark and Great Britain. Institute for Employment Research. Current Reports 18/2015, Nuremberg, 15 pp.

Schreyer, Franziska, Angela Bauer & Karl-Heinz P. Kohn (2015): In-company training for tolerated persons: A gain for the labor market, an opportunity for young refugee migrants. IAB Brief Report 01/2015, Nuremberg, 8 pp.

Schreyer, Franziska & Angela Bauer (2014): Regionally unequal participation. Tolerated refugee migrants and dual training in Germany. Social Progress, 63 (11), 285-292. DOI:10.3790/sfo.63.11.285

Bauer, Angela & Thomas Kruppe (2013): Policy Styles. On the genesis of the policy style concept and its integration in evaluation studies. IAB Discussion Paper 22/2013, Nuremberg, 30 p. iab. de/publikationen/publikation/?id=3673026

Angela Bauer
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 302
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4959