Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Andrea G. Eckhardt

Prof. Andrea Eckhardt
Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Andrea G. Eckhardt
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.03
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4233
Area of appointment:

Pedagogy of childhood

  • Curriculum Vitae

    2018 Habilitation at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, teaching qualification in the field of empirical educational research

    since 10/2011 Professor of Childhood Education at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

    2009 - 2011 Postdoctoral researcher at the Forschungskolleg Frühkindliche Bildung. Excellent young researchers for science at the Robert Bosch Stiftung

    2007 - 2011 Policy officer for children's life situations and development, Department of Children and Childcare, Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.

    2003 - 2006 Doctoral Fellow of the "International Max Planck Research School The Life Course: Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Dynamics (LIFE)" at the Research Unit Educational Science and Educational Systems, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

    2001 - 2003 and research assistant at the Department of Educational Sciences, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

    1998 - 2000 Studied Sociology, M.A./USA, University of Iowa, USA

    1994-1998 and 2000 - 2002 Study of Educational Sciences/Sociology, M.A., Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

  • Offices and functions

    since 05/2023 Member of the working group on recruiting and securing skilled workers of the State Ministry of Culture

    since 10/2022 Member of the project advisory board of the Information and Coordination Office for Child Day Care in Saxony (IKS)

    since 02/2022 Spokesperson for the Saxony State Committee of the Childhood Education Study Program Day

    since 9/2021 Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, HSZG

    since 3/2021 Chair of the Commission on Early Childhood Education of the German Association for Educational Science (DGfE)

    since 11/2015 Member of the Scientific Education Advisory Board of the Mayor of Hoyerswerda

  • Memberships and editorships

    Member of the German Association for Educational Science(

    Member of the Commission on Early Childhood Education of the German Society for Educational Science(

    Member of the Childhood Education Study Day(

    Member of the Saxony State Committee of the Childhood Education Study Day

    Co-editor of the journal Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung(

  • Main research areas

    Early childhood education and care (ECEC)

    Quality in child day care

    Childhood research

  • Publications

    Eckhardt, A. G., Rönnau-Böse, M., Schmidt, M. (2025, in preparation). Health of pedagogical staff and effects on adolescents in child and youth welfare facilities. Editorial. In Discourse on Childhood and Youth Research, Childhood and Youth Research, 20(1).

    Eckhardt, A. G. & Zill-Sahm, I. (2024, in press). Visions for a better upbringing of children - Childhood educators shape the future of society. In KiTa aktuell. Professional journal for managers, professionals and providers of child day care.

    Zill-Sahm, I. & Eckhardt, A. G. (2024, in print). Childhood educational fields of action - more than kindergarten. In KiTa aktuell. Professional journal for managers, professionals and providers of child day care.

    Eckhardt, A. G., Jahreiß, S. & Zill-Sahm, I. (2024, in print). 20 years of childhood education. Editorial. In KiTa aktuell. Professional journal for managers, professionals and providers of child day care.

    Burghardt, L., Cloos, P., Eckhardt, A. G., Kaiser-Kratzmann, J. & Franke-Meyer, D. (2024, in press). Disciplinary development of early childhood education. Positioning and self-assurance. In Early education.

    Kaiser-Kratzmann, J., Burghardt, L., Eckhardt, A. G., Lattner, K. & Viernickel, S. (Eds.). (2024, in print). Shaping the way children grow up. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

    Eckhardt, A. G. (in print). Child day care. In M. Rießmann, Lexikon Kindheitspädagogik. Carl Link Verlag: Hürth.

    Eckhardt, A. G. & Stolle, S. (2024). "Little masters" - Early vocational orientation for preschool children. Verlag das netz: Weimar.

    Eckhardt, A. G., Stolle, S. & Zimmer, M. (2024). "Little masters" - early vocational orientation. Theoretische und pädagogische Einordnung, In A. G. Eckhardt & S. Stolle, "Kleine Meister" - Berufsfrühorientierung für Kinder im Vorschulalter. Verlag das netz: Weimar.

    Eckhardt, A. G. (2024). From vocational orientation to early vocational orientation, In A. G. Eckhardt & S. Stolle, "Kleine Meister" - Berufsfrühorientierung. Theoretische und pädagogische Einordnung, pp. 19-27. Verlag das netz: Weimar.

    Cloos, P., Burghardt, L., Eckhardt, A. G., Kaiser-Kratzmann, J., Franke-Meyer, D. (2024). What is early childhood pedagogy. In Early Education, 12(3), pp. 172-176.

    Linke, T. & Eckhardt, A. G. (2023). Child protection in child and youth welfare facilities. Editorial. In Discourse on Childhood and Youth Research, Childhood and Youth Research, 18(3), pp. 293-296.

    Burkhardt, L., Cloos, P., Eckhardt, A. G., Kaiser-Kratzmann, J. & Franke-Meyer, D. (2023). Disciplinary development of early education pedagogy. Positioning and self-assurance, In Frühe Bildung, 12(3), pp. 172-176.

    Eckhardt, A. G. & Zill-Sahm, I. (2023). Expert advice - strengthened by the pandemic, In KiTa aktuell. Professional journal for managers, professionals and providers of child day care, KiTa MO 32(7-8), pp. 15-17. (also published in the state edition KiTa NRW)

    Zill-Sahm, I. & Eckhardt, A. G. (2023). Leading, guiding and advising. Managers in the scope with a shortage of skilled workers, In KiTa aktuell. Professional journal for managers, professionals and providers of child daycare, KiTa MO 32(4), pp. 20-22. (also published in the state edition KiTa BW)

    Cloos, P., Dittrich, I., Eckhardt, A. G., Franke-Meyer, D. & Friederich, T. (2023). The core curriculum "Childhood Education". An important step for the professionalization of childhood education, In Frühe Bildung, 12(2), pp. 109-111.

    Zill-Sahm, I. & Eckhardt, A. G. (2023). Reflection on pedagogical practice (not only) under pandemic conditions, In KiTa aktuell. Professional journal for managers, professionals and providers of child day care, KiTa BY, 35(1), pp. 17-19. (also published in the state edition KiTa BW and ND)

    Cloos, P., Dittrich, I., Eckhardt, A. G., Franke-Meyer, D. & Friederich, T. (2023). Core curriculum "Childhood education", In KiTa aktuell. Professional journal for managers, professionals and providers of child day care, KiTa BW 32(1), pp. 25-27.

    Cloos, P., Dittrich, I., Eckhardt, A. G., Franke-Meyer, D. & Friederich, T. (2022). Core curriculum "Childhood education", In KiTa aktuell. Professional journal for managers, professionals and providers of child day care, KiTa MO 30(12), pp. 13-15. (also published in the state edition KiTa ND, BW)

    Eckhardt, A. G. & Zill-Sahm, I. (2022). Digital forms of educational partnership, In KiTa aktuell. Professional journal for managers, professionals and providers of child daycare, KiTa MO 31(10), pp. 16-18. (also published in the state edition KiTa NRW)

    Zill-Sahm, I. & Eckhardt, A. G. & (2022). Bildungsgestaltung während einer Pandemie, In Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 17(3), pp. 393-396.

    Egert, F. & Eckhardt, A. G. & (2022). Systematic review on the quality of child day care. What role does professionalization play? In Early Education, 11(1), pp. 12-19.

    Eckhardt, A. G., Herrmann, A.-M., Holland, A. J., Kröning, C.J., Zill-Sahm, I. & Zimmer, M. (2021). Handout. Implementation of the education, care and upbringing mandate during a pandemic. Dresden: Center for Research, Continuing Education and Counseling at ehs Dresden gGmbH.

    Eckhardt, A. G., Maas, L.T., Hauke S. & Stolle, S. (2021). "Kleine Meister" Evaluation of a pedagogical offer for early career orientation in day-care centers. In Discourse on Childhood and Youth Research, Childhood and Youth Research, 16(4), pp. 481-496.

    Eckhardt, A. G. & Cloos, P. (2021). Multi-professional cooperation in child and youth services and schools. Editorial. In Discourse on Childhood and Youth Research, Childhood and Youth Research, 16(3), pp. 269-271.

    Eckhardt, A. G. & Egert, F. (2020a). Predictors for the Quality of Family Child Care: A Meta-Analysis. In Children and Youth Services Review. An International Multidisciplinary Review of the Welfare of Young People, 116 (peer-reviewed) (published online 26.06.2020).

    Eckhardt, A. G. & Egert, F. (2020b). Process quality for children under three years in early child care and family child care in Germany. In Early Yeas: An International Research Journal, 40(3), 287-305 (published online 21.03.2018).

    Eckhardt, A. G. & Mierendorf, J. (2018). Quality in child and youth welfare facilities. Editorial, In Discourse on Childhood and Youth Research, Childhood and Youth Research, 13(4). S. 383-386.

    Durand, J. & Eckhardt, A. G. (2018). The theory-practice relationship. Reflections on transfer processes from a macro and micro perspective. In Discourse on Childhood and Youth Research, Childhood and Youth Research, 13(4). S. 477-482.

    Egert, F., Fukkink, R. G. & Eckhardt, A. G. (2018). Impact of in-service professional development programs for early childhood teachers on quality ratings and child outcomes: A meta-analysis. In Review of Educational Research, 88(3), 401-433.

    Eckhardt, A. G. & Egert, F. (2018). Differences in Child Care Quality - a Matter of Personal Characteristics, Socialization Goals and Pre-service Curriculum? In Early Child Development and Care, 188(12), 1726-1737. doi: 10.1080/03004430.2016.1278372

  • Projects

    2024 - 2025 Evaluation and updating of the Saxon education plan (project management: Andrea G. Eckhardt & Ivonne Zill-Sahm)

    2023 - 2024 Milestones of child development before starting school (Project management: Andrea G. Eckhardt & Ivonne Zill-Sahm)

    2020 - 2023 Analysis of stress levels of educational staff in childcare facilities in Upper Lusatia (project management: Andrea G. Eckhardt & Matthias Schmidt)

    2020 - 2021 Challenges for the implementation of the education, care and upbringing mandate during the Covid-19 pandemic (project management: Andrea G. Eckhardt & Ivonne Zill-Sahm)(

    2018 - 2024 Little masters of tomorrow. Early career orientation in daycare centers (Project management: Andrea G. Eckhardt & Susann Stolle)

    2018-2021 QUAT - Quality development in child day care (Project management: Andrea G. Eckhardt)

    2016 - 2018 Health and employability of educational staff in childcare facilities (project management: Andrea G. Eckhardt & Matthias Schmidt)