(English documents concerning metaphor analysis see below in c); em Português ver seção d))
a) Upcoming workshops and lectures
23.11.2023, TU Braunschweig: Lecture: "Systematic metaphor analysis" in the workshop: How metaphors shape Biotechnology
26-27.9.2024, IQF Berlin: Two-day workshop on metaphor analysis at IQF Berlin (online), co-moderation: Julia Schröder; https://qualitative-forschung.de/event/ws-ma-24/
b) Materials
- Procedure and evaluation instructions for systematic metaphor analysis:
- Introduction to central assumptions of cognitive linguistics according to Lakoff and Johnson:
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2017). Systematic metaphor analysis as a method of qualitative social research. 644 pages. Springer VS. Link: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-13464-8 xml-ph-0000@deepl.internal
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2004). Discussion is war, love is a journey, and qualitative research needs glasses. Review essay: George Lakoff & Mark Johnson (2003). Life in Metaphors. The construction and use of figures of speech (Third edition) [54 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Social Research [Online Journal], 5(2), Art. 19. Available via: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0402190
- Examples of use
- Schmitt, Rudolf; Schröder, Julia; Pfaller, Larissa & Hoklas, Anne-Kathrin (eds.) (2022). The practice of systematic metaphor analysis. Applications and connections. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Online: link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-36121-1 xml-ph-0000@deepl.internal
- Quality assurance of systematic metaphor analysis:
- Consequences for counseling and therapy:
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2016). Working in and with metaphors: a conceptual suggestion. Resonances. E-Journal for Biopsychosocial Dialogues in Psychotherapy, Supervision and Counseling, 4(1), 25-44. Available at https://www.resonanzen-journal.org/index.php/resonanzen/article/view/383
- Schmitt, Rudolf; Heidenreich, Thomas (2019). Metaphors in psychotherapy and counseling. A metaphor-reflective perspective. Weinheim: Beltz => https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/psychologie/buecher/produkt_produktdetails/35494-metaphern_in_psychotherapie_und_beratung.html
- Rudolf Schmitt & Thomas Heidenreich (2020). Metaphor-reflective approach in psychotherapy. In: Psychotherapeutenjournal, vol. 19, issue 2/2020, pp. 114-121, https://www.psychotherapeutenjournal.de/
c) in English
- Short and early version:
- Comprehensive notes on the empirical strategy:
- How to improve the quality of metaphor analysis:
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2007). Attempts not to over-generalize the results of metaphor analyses. In: Kiegelmann, Mechthild, Gürtler, Leo and Huber, Günter L. (Eds.) Nexus Qualitative Psychology, Vol. V: Generalization in Qualitative Psychology. Tübingen, pp. 53-70: Huber. Download: http://psydok.psycharchives.de/jspui/handle/20.500.11780/3400
- Some Results:
d) em Português:
e) Other publications of an introductory nature:
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2020). Metaphor analysis. In: Günther Mey, Katja Mruck. (Eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology. 2nd edition. Volume 2: Designs and procedures. 2nd edition. Springer, pp. 691-710, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-658-26887-9
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2014). An overview of methods of social science metaphor analysis. In: Matthias Junge (ed.), Methods of metaphor research and analysis, pp. 13-30. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. http: link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-02094-1_2
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2013). Attention to people and other images of social interaction. Metaphor analysis as a research method in social work. In: Wolf Rainer Wendt (ed.), Zuwendung zum Menschen in der Sozialen Arbeit. Festschrift for Albert Mühlum (pp. 165-178). Jacobs: Lage. (Preprint at https://hs-zigr.academia.edu/RudolfSchmitt)
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Systematic metaphor analysis as a qualitative social science research method. metaphorik.de, 21, pp. 47-82. Download: http://www.metaphorik.de/de/journal/21/systematische-metaphernanalyse-als-qualitative-sozialwissenschaftliche-forschungsmethode.html
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2011). Metaphor analysis in educational science. In: Sabine Maschke, Ludwig Stecher (eds.), Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online. Subject area: Methods of empirical educational research, Qualitative research methods (pp. 1-34). Weinheim: Juventa. Download: http://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/erziehungs_und_sozialwissenschaften/enzyklopaedie_erziehungswissenschaft_online_eeo.html
- Schmitt, Rudolf (2009). Metaphor analysis and the construction of gender [84 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 10(1), Art. 16, Download: nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0902167
f) Circular mail and online resources for systematic metaphor analysis
In a newsletter, which has been published four times a year so far, new publications, a journal overview as well as call for papers, workshops and conferences on metaphor analysis are communicated - registration at https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/qualitative_metaphernanalyse. The archive of the newsletter, which has been published since 2019, is available on researchgate: www.researchgate.net/publication/371350088_Archiv_der_Rundmails_zur_sozialwissenschaftlichen_Metaphernanalyse
Further articles can be found in the publication list or in the scientific social networks 'academia.edu': http://hs-zigr.academia.edu/RudolfSchmitt and 'researchgate.net': https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rudolf_Schmitt