Doctorate after FH degree

The materials for a doctorate after graduating from a university of applied sciences in social work

- Encyclopedia article on doctoral studies in social work with extensive notes on doctoral studies after graduating from a university of applied sciences:

- The latest information can be found in the monthly doctoral newsletter for UAS graduates and colleagues from universities of applied sciences. You can register for the newsletter at If you have any questions about registration, please contact r.schmitt(at) The older, freely accessible archive of the newsletter can be found here. Note on data protection: Names and e-mail addresses are only stored for this purpose, no other data is collected, the data is not passed on to third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time.

- Table of doctoral supervisors and other contact persons at German-speaking universities and departments of social work as PDF (Rudolf Schmitt, Sebastian Schröer).

- Table with more than 220 completed dissertations in social work after FH graduation with information on the authors as PDF (Monique Ritter, Katrin Liel)

- Materials, minutes and invitations from the DGSA doctoral funding group

- The current contact persons of the local self-organized groups of FH graduates interested in doing a doctorate are listed in the doctoral round mail. The Facebook group "Soziale Arbeit (FH) und Promotion" is used for further networking.

- List of journals of social work and selected related sciences (currently more than 260 journals).

- Bibliography on doctorates after FH graduation in social work (Rudolf Schmitt, Sebastian Schröer)

- Cooperative research training groups, doctoral colloquia and doctoral study programs in Social Work (Rudolf Schmitt)


Further information for graduates of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Zittau - Görlitz University of Applied Sciences who are interested in doing a doctorate:

- Regulations of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the HS Zittau/Görlitz