Prof. Raj Kollmorgen

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Raj Kollmorgen
Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Raj Kollmorgen
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.17
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4259
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.51.1
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3011

New scientific publications

  • Studies and professional activities

    Studied philosophy, social sciences and economics at the HU and TU Berlin (1985-1991)

    Doctorate in sociology (University of Jena, 1999), habilitation (University of Magdeburg, 2010)

    Between 1992 and 2013, professional activities as research assistant, assistant, lecturer and professor at various institutions (e.g. in Halle, Berlin, Jena, Magdeburg, Toronto [Canada], Erfurt, Cluj-Napoca [Romania])

    Since March 2013 Professor of Management of Social Change at the HS Zittau/Görlitz and course director for the Master's program "Management of Social Change" (until 2021)

    Since March 2020 Vice-Rector Research at the HS Zittau/Görlitz

  • Focus areas in teaching

    Theory and Empiricism of Social Change, Management and Organizational Research, Social Structure and Inequality Analysis, Political Sociology, Urban and Regional Research, Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research

    Current courses at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences: See

  • Main research areas

    Comparative transformation research (revolutions and reforms in the 19th and 20th centuries, post-socialism, socio-ecological restructuring/sustainability), East Germany and German unification, theories of modern societies, innovative regional development and regional structural change in  rural areas, demographic change, social inequality, political populism and radicalism

  • Ongoing research projects (third-party funded projects)

    Research and transfer project "Zielona Przyszłość Pogranicza/ Green Future of the Border Region", at ZIT, joint project together with Karkonoska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. (lead partner) and TGZ Bautzen, co-applicant/co-project leader (at HSZG together with Prof. S. Scholz), funded by the EU, total volume 950,000 euros (HSZG share: 550,000 euros). with Prof. S. Scholz), funded by the EU as part of ERDF funding, total volume 950,000 euros (HSZG share: 550,000 euros), staff at the HSZG: Ms. C. Kuhrig, Ms. B. Benesch-Jenkner, Link:

    Research and transfer joint project Saxony5 2.0 (Sustained University Grid): at ZIT, co-applicant/overall project manager for the HSZG, joint project with the other 4 HAWs in Saxony under the leadership of HTW Dresden, funded by the BMBF as part of the "Innovative University" program, funding volume for the HSZG: approx. 2.5 million euros, link:

    Sub-projects: (1) location management, (2) science communication, (3) transfer management as part of the joint project "Saxony5 2.0": at ZIT, applicant/project manager, funded by the BMBF, funding volume: approx. 750,000 euros, employees: Martin Kunack, Kristin Sprechert, Jan Marek) (Link:

    Research project FioKo - Promotion of women through individual and organizational skills in education and work (MINT): at TRAWOS, joint project with 3 other universities in the Free State of Saxony with the lead partner TU Dresden, co-applicant/co-project manager together with Prof. M. Dshemuchadse for the HSZG, funded by the EU/Free State of Saxony as part of ESF funding, funding volume: approx. 130,000 euros, employee: Bernadette Rohlf, Link:

    Innovation management practice project in the joint project Lausitz Life & Technology: at ZIT, applicant/project manager, funded by the BMBF, funding volume: approx. 180,000 euros, employee: Birgit Benesch-Jenkner/Nadja Busch, Link:

    Research project Building Transformative Capacities to Activate Regional Innovation Systems (ATRAKTIV): at TRAWOS, applicant/project manager, joint projects together with IÖR Dresden(lead partner), ISInova Berlin, HU Berlin, IfL Leipzig, funded by the BMBF, funding volume: approx. 250,000 euros, employees: Leonie Liemich, Renke Scholz (WHK), Raffael Hermann (WHK), Link:

    Research project Elitenmonitor: Hindernisse und Nadelöhre des Aufstiegs: am TRAWOS, applicant/project leader, joint project together with the University of Leipzig(lead partner) and the University of Jena, funded by the BKAmt, funding volume: approx. 230,000 euros, employees: Jan Schaller, Mara Börjesson (WHK), Link:

    Research and transfer joint project Lausitz Life & Technology: at ZIT, co-applicant/overall project manager for the HSZG and the consortium, joint project together with ULT Löbau, IWU Zittau and the district of Görlitz, funded by the BMBF as part of the "WIR" program, total funding volume 2022-2025: approx. 4 million euros (including investment funds), link:

    Practice and research project L& T Strategy, sustainability and transfer analysis (strategy development project) in the joint project Lausitz Life & Technology: at ZIT, applicant/project manager, funded by the BMBF, funding volume: approx. 400,000 euros, employees: Leonie Liemich, Sven Müller, Lucas Stöckmann, Link:

    Practice project Enterprise Europe Network Saxony: at ZIT, joint project under the lead partner AGIL Leipzig, sub-project manager for the HSZG, funded by the EU/Free State of Saxony, funding volume: approx. 160,000 euros, Link:

    Research project Engagement constellations in rural areas - an East-West comparison (ENKOR): at TRAWOS, applicant/project leader, joint project with the University of Göttingen and the Thünen Institute Bollewick, funded by the BMEL, funding volume: approx. 300,000 euros, employees: Susanne Lerche, Marie Melzer, Link:

  • Completed research projects (third-party funded projects, from 2013)

    Research project "Narrative salons as a future regular instrument of the Commissioner for the new federal states?" (at TRAWOS, applicant/project leader, funded by the BMWi, staff: Dr. Thomas Prennig, Emila Socha)

    Research project GAP - Gender shares in ESF projects university and research (at TRAWOS, ESF junior research group, co-applicant/co-project leader together with Prof. M. Dshemuchadse for the sub-project at the HS Zittau/Görlitz)

    Research project Volunteering and upheaval (at TRAWOS, applicant/project leader, funded by the Free State of Saxony/Landtag funds)

    Strategy development project in the alliance/alliance project Lusatia - Life and Technology (at ZIT, project manager; funded by the BMBF as part of the WIR! program line; for more information see:

    Transfer (sub)project in the Saxony5 network (at ZIT, project manager at HSZG; funded by the BMBF as part of the "Innovative University" - together with the 4 other HAW in Saxony; for more details see:

    Research project "Perspectives for a sustainable development of lignite regions in structural change" (together with the Wuppertal Institute and ifo Dresden, co-applicant/co-project manager at TRAWOS together with Markus Will; funded by the Federal Environment Agency)

    Research and practical project "Women as an economic factor in Lusatia" (at TRAWOS, applicant/project manager, funded by Wirtschaftsregion Lausitz GmbH/ZWL)

    Research project "Democracy needs women democrats" (at TRAWOS, applicant/project manager, funded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Bonn)

    Research project "Transformations of working, social and living environments in the rural periphery - the case of Upper Lusatia" (at TRAWOS, applicant/project leader, funded by the Free State of Saxony/HSZG as part of the program for the promotion of young researchers)

    Research and practice project "Religion-sensitive integration culture in Eastern Saxony. Exploration, testing, design" (at TRAWOS, applicant/project manager, funded by the Free State of Saxony, program line Integrative Measures)

    Research project "Social integration without elites? Extent, causes and consequences of the underrepresentation of selected population groups in the Federal Republic of Germany" (at TRAWOS, applicant and leader together with N. Foroutan, HU Berlin/DeZIM, and L. Vogel, Univ. Leipzig; funded by the BMFSFJ)

    Research and practice project "F wie Kraft. Fachkräfte haben ein Geschlecht" (at TRAWOS, applicant/project manager, funded by the Fachkräfteallianz des Landkreises Görlitz/Freistaat Sachsen)

    Research project "A second great transformation? Social content, political forms and governance opportunities" (at TRAWOS, applicant/project manager, funded by the Free State of Saxony/SMWK)

    Research project "Improving opportunities for young women to stay in Upper Lusatia and gender-sensitive welcome culture" (at TRAWOS, applicant together with the district of Görlitz, project manager together with U. Gräßel, funded by the Free State of Saxony, Demography Directive)

    Research project "Regional governance of social innovations" (applicant/leader, funded by the Free State of Saxony/SMWK)

    Practical project "Scientific monitoring of strategy development in the district of Görlitz" (at TRAWOS, project manager together with St. Kofner, funded by the district of Görlitz)

    Research project "Transformations towards a "post-growth society. An explorative study on socio-political problems and models of a socio-ecological transformation" (funded by the Fellowship at the DFG Research Group Post-Growth Societies at the FSU Jena)

    Research project "Socio-ecological transformation processes: Actors, orientations for action and modes of transformation - using the example of renewable energies" (applicant/leader, funded by the Free State of Saxony/SMWK)

    Research project "Right-wing extremism in the local context" (co-applicant and co-leader together with Klaus Dörre, funded by the state of Thuringia)

    Research project "Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement in Europe (MYPLACE)" (EU project led by the University of Warwick; head of the research group in Jena: Klaus Dörre)

  • Supervised doctorates (ongoing)
    • Ms. Cornelia Müller, M.A. (in History); topic: "Fire and firefighting in the 18th and 19th centuries using the example of the Upper Lusatian towns of Bautzen, Görlitz and Löbau" (since 2019, supervision together with Prof. S. Rau, University of Erfurt)
    • Ms. Sinziana Schönfelder, Dipl.-Sozialwiss. (in History); topic: "Understanding that history is in God's hands" - On the role of religion in the transformation process in Romania from the 1989 revolution to EU accession in 2007" (since 2019, supervision together with Prof. F.-L. Kroll, TU Chemnitz)
    • Mr. Jan Schaller, MA (in Political Science); Topic: "Power configurations within the European migration regime: hotspots as places of (informal) negotiation?" (since 2020, supervision together with Prof. Helen Schwenken, University of Osnabrück)
    • Mr. Johannes Böhnlein, MA (in Political Science); Topic: "Path dependency of informal institutions and quality of democracy in Central Eastern Europe" (since 2020, supervision together with Prof. Joachim Lauth, University of Würzburg)
    • Ms. Susanne Lerche, MA (in Sociology); topic: "Women as initiators of civic engagement in Lusatia" (since 2023, supervision together with Prof. Alexandra Retkowski, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg),
  • Important new book publications

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds./2024): Distant elites. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer(

    Venjakob, Johannes/Kurwan, Jenny/Roelfes, Michaela/Wehnert, Timon/Beutel, Jannis/Schepelmann, Philipp/Schostock, Dorothea/Hartmann, Kyra/Merkelbach, Julia/Will, Markus/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kremer, Anna/Ragnitz, Joachim (2023): Sustainable municipal development in structural change. Dessau: Federal Environment Agency (online publication:

    Enders, Judith/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kowalczuk, Ilko-Sascha (eds./2021): Germany is one: many things. Balance and perspectives of unification and transformation. Frankfurt/M./New York: Campus (details at:

    Schütz, Johannes/Schäller, Steven/Kollmorgen, Raj (eds./2021): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al.: Böhlau (details at:

  • Publications since 2015

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds./2024): Distant elites. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer(

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds./2024): Ways out of underrepresentation: résumé and socio-political recommendations for action. In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds.): Distant elites. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer: i.E.(

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2024): The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background in the elites. An introduction In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds.): Ferne Eliten. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer: i.E.(

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2024): Right-wing populism in the East German federal states. An attempt at interpretation from a historical-sociological perspective. In: Ströbele, Christian/ Karakaya, Erdogan/Omerika, Armina/Zemmrich, Eckhard (eds.): Rechtspopulismus und Religion : Herausforderungen für Christentum und Islam. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet: 131-164.

    Venjakob, Johannes/Kurwan, Jenny/Roelfes, Michaela/Wehnert, Timon/Beutel, Jannis/Schepelmann, Philipp/Schostock, Dorothea/Hartmann, Kyra/Merkelbach, Julia/Will, Markus/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kremer, Anna/Ragnitz, Joachim (2023): Sustainable municipal development in structural change. Dessau: Federal Environment Agency (online publication:

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2022): Radical rights as an East German problem? On the long cultural and social history of right-wing populism in East Germany. In: ApuZ, Issue 49-50/2022: 33-38(, last accessed on 05.01.2023).

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2022): East German identity(ies)? In: BpB dossier "Lange Wege der Deutschen Einheit. Zukunft der Transformation" (online publication:, last accessed on 24.07.2022).

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2021): Equivalence in the queue? From concept criticism to political opportunities for action. In: Apelt, Andreas H.; Regente, Vincent (eds.): Equivalent living conditions! Successes, deficits and setting the course for the future. Berlin: wbv: 43-56.

    Enders, Judith/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kowalczuk, Ilko-Sascha (eds./2021): Germany is one: many things. Balance and perspectives of unification and transformation. Frankfurt/M./New York: Campus.

    Enders, Judith/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kowalczuk, Ilko-Sascha (2021): Revolution, unification, transformation - ways of exploring and reflecting on them. In: Enders, Judith/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kowalczuk, Ilko-Sascha (eds.): Germany is one: many things. Balance and perspectives of unification and transformation. Frankfurt/M./New York: Campus: 15-76.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2021): Equivalence in the queue? From concept criticism to political opportunities for action. In: Apelt, Andreas H. / Regente Vincent (eds.): Equivalent living conditions in Germany! Successes, deficits and setting the course for the future. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, pp. 43-56.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2021): Right-wing populism in East Germany. Seven theses on its formation, attractiveness and characteristics from a historical-sociological perspective. In: Schütz, Johannes/Schäller, Steven/Kollmorgen, Raj (eds.): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al.: Böhlau: 159-188.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2021): Karl Marx's proletarian concept of revolution - and its reversal by Lenin? In: Kroll, Frank-Lothar/Schönfelder, Andreas (eds.): World Turning Point 1917 - Russia, Europe and the Bolshevik Revolution. Herrnhut: Publishing house of the Herrnhut Academy: 61-91.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2021): A persistent deficit? East Germans in the elites as a problem and a task. In: Kowalczuk, Ilko-Sascha/Ebert, Frank/Kulick, Holger (eds.): (East) Germany's Path, Vol. II: Present and Future. Berlin/Bonn: Federal Agency for Civic Education: 231-250.

    Schäller, Steven/Kollmorgen, Raj/Schütz, Johannes (2021): Contested Center in the Crises of the Present. From the Nouvelle Droite to the coronavirus protest. In: Schütz, Johannes/Schäller, Steven/Kollmorgen, Raj (eds./2021): The new center? Ideology and practice of the populist and extreme right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al.: Böhlau: 405-438.

    Schütz, Johannes/Schäller, Steven/Kollmorgen, Raj (eds./2021): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al.: Böhlau.

    Schütz, Johannes/Kollmorgen, Raj/ Schäller, Steven (2021): Introduction. Of complex challenges and challenging observations. In: Schütz, Johannes/Schäller, Steven/Kollmorgen, Raj (eds.): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al.: Böhlau: 11-23.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): An unexpected renaissance? On the recent history of transformation and unification research. In: Böick, Marcus/Goschler, Constantin/Jessen, Ralph (eds.): Yearbook German Unity 2020. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag: 46-72.

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Haag, Hanna (2020): Democracy needs women democrats. A study on the participation and career opportunities of women in political parties and trade unions. Berlin/Bonn: FES (online publication).

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): Regional elites in East Germany? In: Becker, Sören/Naumann, Matthias (eds.): Regional Development in East Germany. Dynamics, perspectives and the contribution of human geography. Berlin: Springer Spektrum: 31-42.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): Between exchange and marginalization: East Germans in the elites after unification. BpB-online (Dossier,

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): Where does that leave them? On the marginalization of East Germans in elite recruitment. In: Berth, Hendrik et al. (eds.): 30 years of East German transformation. Social science results and perspectives of the Saxon Longitudinal Study. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag: 333-356.

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Treffkorn, Katrin (2019): At a lost post? Social innovations in peripheral rural areas. A case study on Upper Lusatia. In: Thomas, Michael/Busch, Ulrich (eds.): Transformation in the current context. Opportunities - ambivalences - blockades. Berlin: trafo Wissenschaftsverlag: 175-204.

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Will, Markus (2019): Multiple couplings: Conceptual Reflections on the Social Dimensions of the Energy Revolution. In: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (ed.): Oberlausitzer Energiesymposium & Zittau Energieseminar. Sector coupling - a challenge (conference proceedings). Zittau: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences: 25-30.

    Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds./2019): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2019): Accession as a social experiment. History and consequences of a repression. In: Milev, Yana/Schultheiß, Franz (eds./2019): Decoupled Society - East Germany since 1989/90. Facts. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang: 153-177.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2019): 'Exit West'. Five theses on the history of (East) German transformation research, in: Zeitgeschichte-online, March 2019, URL:

    Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (2019): Transformation and Transition Research: An Introduction. In: Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds.): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al: Oxford University: 1-14.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2019): Modernization Theories. In: Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds.): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al.: Oxford University: 55-64.

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Merkel, Wolfgang (2019): Combining Theoretical Approaches. In: Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds.): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al: Oxford University: 161-170.

    Angermuller, Johannes/Kollmorgen, Raj (2019): Discourse Approaches. In: Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds.): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al: Oxford University: 212-220.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2019): Post-Absolutist Transformations in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. In: Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds.): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al: Oxford University: 243-257.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2019): Post-socialist Transformations in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. In: Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds.): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al: Oxford University: 348-365.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2019): Social inequalities. In: Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds.): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al: Oxford University: 647-652.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2018): Theoretical Approaches to Post-communist Transformations in Europe. In: Vihalemm, P/Masso, A./Oppermann, S. (Eds.): The Routledge International Handbook of European Social Transformations. Abingdon/New York: Routledge: 23-45.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2017): East Germans in the elites. Problem dimensions and future prospects. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. (ed.): East German elites. Dreams, realities and perspectives. Berlin: dg (online publication, 54-65.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2015): Outsiders to power. East Germans in the West German elites. In: Busch, Ulrich/Thomas, Michael (eds.): A Quarter of a Century of German Unity. Facets of an unfinished integration. Berlin: trafo Wissenschaftsverlag: 189-220.

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Merkel, Wolfgang/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (eds./2015): Handbook of transformation research. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2015): Discourse analysis. In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Merkel, Wolfgang/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (eds.): Handbuch Transformationsforschung. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag: 265-278.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2015): Social structures and social inequalities. In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Merkel, Wolfgang/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (eds.): Handbook of Transformation Research. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag: 697-708.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2015): From the East to the top? East Germans in the federal German elites. In: Berliner Debatte Initial, 26th vol. (2): 17-33.

  • Publications 2004 - 2014

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Quent, Matthias (2014): Innovation and reciprocity. The significance of social innovation relationships in the development of right-wing extremism. In: Berlin Debate Initial, 25th vol. (1): 5-17.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2013): Theories of Postcommunist Transformation. Approaches, Debates, and Problems of Theory Building in the Second Decade of Research. In: Studies of Transition States and Societies, vol. 5 (2): 88-105 (available online at:

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2013): Discourses of German Unification. A Critical Review After 20 Years. In: Journal of Peace and Unification Studies, Vol. 5 (1): 193-219 (Korean).

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2012): East German Studies. In: Binas, Eckehard (ed./2011): Balancing Act Transformation. The new region between self-experimentation and system failure. Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang: 55-72.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2012): Beginning of the end or end of the beginning? On the state of the transformation theory debate on post-socialism. In: Zimmer, Kerstin (ed.): Eastern Europe as a challenge. Research between Area Studies and Mainstream. Festschrift for Melanie Tatur. Stuttgart: ibidem: 15-42.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2012): German unification two decades after 'accession': consequences of an experiment that was not meant to be one (German and Korean). In: The Reunification of the Divided State and the Future. Conference Volume (International Conference at the Kim Koo Museum and Library, Seoul, Korea, 10/19/2012). Seoul: Kim Koo Museum & Library: 99-124.

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Koch, Frank Thomas/Dienel, Hans-Liudger (eds./2011): Discourses of German Unity. Criticism and Alternatives. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2011): Subalternization. Forms and mechanisms of disregard for East Germans. In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Koch, Frank Thomas/Dienel, Hans-Liudger (eds.): Discourses of German Unity. Criticism and Alternatives. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag: 301-360.

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Hans, Torsten (2011): The lost East? The mass media discourse on East Germany. In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Koch, Frank Thomas/Dienel, Hans-Liudger (eds.): Diskurse der deutschen Einheit. Criticism and alternatives. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag: 107-166.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2011): Between catching-up modernization and East German avant-gardism. East Germany and German Unity in the Discourse of the Social Sciences. In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Koch, Frank Thomas/Dienel, Hans-Liudger (eds.): Discourses of German Unity. Criticism and alternatives. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag: 27-66.

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Koch, Frank Thomas/Dienel, Hans-Liudger (2011): Discourses of German Unity: Research Interests and Research Perspectives of the Volume. In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Koch, Frank Thomas/Dienel, Hans-Liudger (eds.): Discourses of German Unity. Critique and Alternatives. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag: 7-23.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2011): Transformation theory on new paths? On the development of the theoretical-conceptual debate on the post-socialist upheavals. In: Berlin Journal of Sociology, 21st vol. (2): 295-319.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2011): East Germany and theories of institutional change. In: Lorenz, Astrid (ed./2011): East Germany and the social sciences. Balance and perspectives. Wiesbaden: Barbara Budrich: 293-314.

    Nölting, Benjamin/Schröder, Carolin/Kollmorgen, Raj/Keppler, Dorothee (2011): From the energy transition to a socio-ecological path change? Opportunities and limits of socio-ecological transformations in East Germany. In: Keppler, Dorothee/Nölting, Benjamin/Schröder, Carolin (eds.): New energy in the East - shaping the transition. Perspectives for a sustainable socio-ecological energy transition. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang: 221-241.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2011): Modernity and capitalism after postmodernity. An introduction. In: Berlin Debate - Initial, 22nd vol. (4): 4-11.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2011): The time of capitalism. (Post-)Modern Capitalism Theory - with, against and after Marx. In: Berlin Debate - Initial, 22nd vol. (4): 40-55.

    Großbölting, Thomas/Kollmorgen, Raj/Möbius, Sascha/Schmidt, Rüdiger (eds./2010): The End of Communism. Overcoming the dictatorships in Europe and their consequences. Essen: Klartext Verlag.

    Brunn, Moritz/Frank Ettrich/Jan H. Fahlbusch/Raj Kollmorgen/Thees Spreckelsen/Alexander Thumfart (eds./2010): Transformation and Europeanization. Characteristics and (inter-)dependencies of post-socialist change and European integration. Münster et al.: LIT.

    Spreckelsen, Thees/Kollmorgen, Raj (2010): Post-socialist transformations and European integration: processes and interdependencies. In: Brunn, Moritz et al. (eds.): Transformation and Europeanization. Münster/Berlin: LIT: 11-65.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2010): Discursive Subalternity. Empiricism and discursive construction of the disregard of East Germans after unification. In: Brunn, Moritz et al. (eds.): Transformation and Europeanization. Münster/Berlin: LIT: 173-204.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2010): Transformation as modernization. A review. In: Brunn, Moritz et al. (eds.): Transformation and Europeanization. Münster/Berlin: LIT: 91-118.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2010): Wende - Umbruch - Beitritt. The East German transformation and its localization in the post-socialist space. In: Großbölting, Thomas et al. (eds.): The end of communism. Overcoming the dictatorships in Europe and their consequences. Essen: Klartext Verlag: 151-175.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2010): Discourses of German Unity. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 30-31/2010: 6-13.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2010): From the West to the East to the West ...? On Rolf Reißig's draft of a new concept of social change for the 21st century. In: Berliner Debatte - Initial, 21st vol. (3): 147-156.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2010): Transformation Theory and Socio-Economic Change in Central and Eastern European Countries. In: Emecon - Employment and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, vol. I (1)(

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2009): Post-Socialist Welfare Regimes in Europe - Part of the "Three Worlds" or a Type of Their Own? An empirically supported attempt at reconceptualization. In: Pfau-Effinger, Birgit/Sakac Magdalenic Sladana/Wolf, Christof (eds.): International comparative social research. Approaches and measurement concepts under the conditions of globalization. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag: 65-92.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2009): East German research. Status quo and opportunities for development. In: Sociology, 38th vol. (2): 9-39.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2009): Upheaval without revolution? Accession instead of transformation? On the interpretation of East German change since 1989 in the Central Eastern European context. In: Berliner Debatte - Initial, 20th vol. (4): 90-103.

    Bartels, Anke/Stopinska, Agata/ Kollmorgen, Raj (Eds./2007): Revolutions: Revisited, Revised, Redesigned. Frankfurt/N.Y.. Peter Lang.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2007): Discursive Disregard. On the subalternization of East German sociocultures. In: Deutschland Archiv, 40th vol. (3): 481-491.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2007): The East Germans left behind? In: Kirchlicher Herausgeberkreis Jahrbuch Gerechtigkeit (ed./2007): Zerrissenes Land. Perspectives on German Unity (Yearbook for Justice III). Oberursel: Publik-Forum: 79-85.

    Kollmorgen, Raj/Bartels, Anke/Stopinska, Agata (2007): Revolutions after the End of History. An Introduction. In: Stopinska, Agata/Bartels, Anke/Kollmorgen, Raj (Eds.): Revolutions: Reframed - Revisited - Revised. Frankfurt/N.Y.. Peter Lang: 9-34.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2007): The return of theory? Transformation, post-communism and social theory. In: Berlin Journal of Sociology, Vol. 17 (2): 253-261.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2005): East Germany. Observations of a transitional and partial society. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (ed./2005): Transformation as a type of social change. Post-socialist lessons, historical and international comparisons. Münster et al.: LIT.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2005): Social transformation as a type of social change. A comparative analysis. In: ders. (ed.): Transformation as a type of social change. Post-socialist lessons, historical and international comparisons. Münster: LIT: 21-46 (reprinted under the same title in: soFid "Politische Soziologie", 2006/1: 10-30).

    Angermüller, Johannes/Wiemann, Dirk/Kollmorgen, Raj/Meyer, Jörg (Eds./2004): Reflexive Representations. Politics, Hegemony, and Discourse in Global Capitalism. Münster: LIT.

    Kollmorgen, Raj (2004): Neomodernity. Theory and Practice. In: Angermüller, Johannes et al. (eds.): Reflexive Representations. Politics, Hegemony, and Discourse in Global Capitalism. Münster: LIT: 169-185.

  • Important articles in mass media (since 2019, selection)

    Demonstrations against right-wing extremism - is anything changing ? phoenix runde on 25.01.2024(

    "We East Germans have to deal with ourselves more than before" According to a SPIEGEL survey, the AfD is the strongest force in the eastern German states. Görlitz sociologist Raj Kollmorgen on the right-wing mood, the CDU's mistakes and Sahra Wagenknecht's chances (06.12.2023,

    Why the AfD is falling on such fertile ground in Saxony. Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen on crises, transformation and the after-effects of the GDR state. Freie Presse from 02.09.2023.

    Astounding delusions. For sociologist Raj Kollmorgen, the AfD is not the core problem of German politics, Thüringer Allgemeine Zeitung from 26.07.2023.

    "None other than Russia's leadership under Putin has set the war machine in motion" (MDRfragt, Einordnung Raj Kollmorgen, MDR, as of February 24, 2023,

    "Defensive democracy Sociologist: We need to supplement democratic institutions in a meaningful way." Protests and attempted coups - democracies are under attack and can no longer be taken for granted. Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen looks at the question of how democracy could be rethought in order to involve more people. Deutschlandfunk, January 22, 2023,

    "I don't expect astructural break because the structure has already been broken". Interview with rbb24 (radio) on 02.01.23(

    "The crises will remain... With what attitude to life are you looking forward to the new year?" Roundtable discussion with studio guests and listener participation, Dlf's Lebenszeit series on 30.12.2022, 10:08-11:30(

    "This is how anxiety syndromes develop". Interview with Anne Hähnig, DIE ZEIT, updated online on November 28, 2022 (

    "Tensing up is not helpful". The AfD remains strong in the local elections in Saxony and still misses its target. And now? Questions for sociologist Raj Kollmorgen (Interview: Martin Nejezchleba; DIE ZEIT 25/2022, updated on June 15, 2022,

    "A specific political culture." Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen on the social upheavals in Saxony and their impact on voting behavior in the federal election. Free press from 29.09.2021.

    "Extremely successful. In Saxony, the AfD wins ten of its 16 direct mandates and becomes the strongest force. What's going on in the Free State?" Answers from Raj Kollmorgen. Tagesspiegel from 28.09.2021.

    "AfD strongest force in Saxony, almost all direct mandates." These results are an honest picture of the situation, says Raj Kollmorgen in an interview with Maria Fiedler. Tagesspiegel onlline from 27.09.2021. (Last accessed: 29.09.2021)

    "Not with me! Corona vaccination rates are low in eastern Germany. A sociologist sees resistance to the jab as part of the protest culture." Raj Kollmorgen in the FAZ from 18.09.2021.

    "Standstill in Thuringia. Why won't the long-promised new elections happen?" Die Zeit no. 30/2021 from 22.07.2021,

    "That's why Görlitz has got off lightly so far" Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen explains what age and little money have to do with the lower corona figures in Görlitz. Sächsische Zeitung, local edition Görlitz and Niesky, from 15.05.2020, pdf

    "Corona conspiracy theories: Are Saxons particularly susceptible? Social scientist Raj Kollmorgen from the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences on accusations of arbitrariness, mistrust and fear of loss." LVZ from 22.04.2020, pdf

    "What does corona have to do with the GDR? East Germans are supposedly coping better with the crisis because of their experiences. Our author sees it differently." A guest article by Raj Kollmorgen. Thüringer Allgemeine from 08.04.2020, pdf

    "No reason for tears. Few people know the East Germans as well as sociologist Raj Kollmorgen. A conversation about Thuringia, the West and the lessons of these weeks." Die Zeit from 20.02.2020, pdf

    "Transformation of East Germany - 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rifts between East and West have not yet been overcome. In an interview with sociologist Raj Kollmorgen from the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in Saxony, presenter Ruth Kirchner discusses why East Germans often tick differently to West Germans and why many in the East still feel like second-class citizens." from 09.11 .2019 ,

    "On the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, there is once again a passionate debate: Are we one people? Is there a common idea of who we Germans are and who we want to be? Prof. Raj Kollmorgen (Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Professorship of Management of Social Change) and others discuss these and other questions in "Wortwechsel". Deutschlandfunk Kultur from 08.11.2019, 

    "Voters resent the CDU for jumping back and forth from left to right. For Görlitz politics professor Raj Kollmorgen, it is primarily the CDU that will decide whether it or the AfD wins the state election in Saxony. The SPD is losing its grip and the Free Voters could make it into parliament, according to the expert. He takes a relaxed view of the mayoral election in Görlitz, where an AfD and a CDU candidate are in the run-off." LVZ from 15.06.2019,

    "Structural change in Lusatia needs more than economic development", Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen in conversation with MDR SACHSEN about structural change in Lusatia on 2.5.2019, 

    "The wrong therapy." A quota for management positions would help combat the colonization of the East, they say. Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen disagrees. A guest article by Raj Kollmorgen from 13.04.2019 in ZEIT-online,

    "Anyone who sees Weimar as a warning sign is coming to the wrong conclusions", sociologist and East Germany expert Raj Kollmorgen on the parallels between the current situation and the Weimar Republic in Thüringer Allgemeine from 6.2.2019,

  • Series publishers and journal editors

    Co-editor of the book series "Innovation and Society", 2023-(

    Co-editor of the book series "Gesellschaftliche Transformationen/Societal Transformations" (LIT Verlag, Münster), 2004-(

    Co-editor of the book series "Transpekte" (P. Lang, Frankfurt/New York), 2005-(

    Member of the scientific advisory board of the social and cultural studies journal "Berliner Debatte Initial", 2019-(

    Editor of the social and cultural studies journal "Berliner Debatte Initial" (2010-2019)

  • Experts (project and funding applications, selection)

    German Research Foundation (DFG)

    National Science Center Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN)

    Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

    Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)

    Czech Academy of Sciences

    Protestant Study Foundation

    Hans Böckler Foundation (HBS)

    Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

  • Activities in university self-administration, memberships and functions in the fields of research, science policy, civil society, socio-political consulting (selection, since 2014)

    University self-administration

    Vice-Rector Research at the HS Zittau/Görlitz (since 2020)

    Deputy Director of the TRAWOS research institute at the HSZG (since 2020)

    Director of the TRAWOS research institute at the HSZG (2016-2020)

    Deputy Spokesperson for the research focus "Transformation Processes in Economy and Society" at the HSZG (since 2017)

    Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the HSZG (2016-2020)

    Research Representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the HSZG (2016-2020)

    Spokesperson of the research focus "Transformation Processes in Economy and Society" at the HSZG (2014-2017)

    Member of the Senate of the HSZG (2014-2020)

    Course representative for the Master's program "Management of Social Change" (2014-2021)

    Member of the examination board for the new degree programs / social sciences of the Faculty of Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences at the OvGU Magdeburg (2007-2010)

    Member of the Budget Commission of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the OvGU Magdeburg (2004-2006)

    Member of the Coordination Council and Deputy Program Director for the European Studies (BA/MA) program at the OvGU Magdeburg (2002-2010)

    Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Magdeburg (OvGU) (2002-2005)

    Mid-level representative at the Institute of Sociology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU) (1998-1999)

    Student senator at the HU Berlin (1990-1991)

    Student member of the Faculty Council (Faculty of Philosophy) at the HU Berlin (1990-1991)

    Member of the Student Council of the Philosophy Section of the HU Berlin (1989-1991)


    Academic memberships and functions (since 2014)

    Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Foundation Sites of German Democratic History (since 2023)

    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Hygiene Museum Dresden (since 2023)

    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of MDR (MDRfragt/Citizens' Panel) (since 2022)

    Member of the Federal Government's jury for the selection of the location for the "Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation" (2022/2023)

    Member of the advisory board "Municipal Conflict Management" (KoKoMa) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) (since 2022)

    Member of the "History of Transformation" research center at the University of Leipzig (since 2022)

    Member of the "Disruption and Societal Change Center" (TUDiSC) at TU Dresden (School of Humanities and Social Sciences) (since 2022)

    Member of the Board of Trustees of the International University Institute Zittau at TU Dresden (since 2021)

    Member of the Federal Government's working group "Future Center for European Transformation and German Unity" (2021-2022)

    Member of the government commission "30 Years of Peaceful Revolution and German Unity" (2019-2020)

    Member of the Advisory Board of the East German Economic Forum (OWF, since 2020)

    Member of the Trade Union and Social Advisory Board of the Alliance 90/The Greens parliamentary group in the Bundestag (since 2019)

    Member of the "Reappraisal of the post-reunification period" working group at the SPD party executive (since 2019)

    Member of the advisory board of the "Partnership for Democracy in the City of Görlitz" (since 2018)


    Consultancy work

    Since the early 2000s, advisory activities for the Office of the Federal President, the Federal Government (BKAmt, BMBF, BMAS; BMFSFJ, BMI, etc.), parliamentary groups in the Bundestag and state parliaments (e.g. CDU/CSU, SPD, Bündnis 90/Grüne, Die Linke), political party foundations (e.g. Adenauer-Stiftung, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) as well as state governments and administrations (e.g. state of Saxony-Anhalt, Free State of Saxony, state of Berlin, district and city of Görlitz).