
Students have been able to study social work in Görlitz since 1992. The new teaching building "Hermann-Heitkamp-Haus" on the "Campus Görlitz", built in 2001, offers excellent conditions in terms of space and technical equipment. The course has modern laboratories and study-supporting spatial conditions. The library and canteen, which were completed in 2006, are located in the immediate vicinity.
Every year, around 90 students are accepted onto the course, who are trained as social workers and social pedagogues over the standard period of study of seven semesters and are awarded the Bachelor of Arts - B.A. degree after successfully completing their studies. The course is structured in 24 modules, whereby three to a maximum of five modules must be completed per semester. Two of these seven semesters are semesters with practical components.
A word in advance:
Social work sees itself as a science of action and therefore as a profession, discipline, teaching and research field. It is a professionally practiced activity of personal services that aims to strengthen, support and accompany people in their autonomy and personal responsibility in their everyday lives. Social work deals with generally socially and professionally relevant human problems in complex areas of life. It works on the solution and possible prevention of these problems and attempts to promote the participation of all people in society.

The fields of social work are extremely diverse and complex. Selected areas are
  • Preschool education,
  • youth work,
  • school social pedagogy,
  • home education,
  • assistance for the disabled,
  • adult education,
  • Intercultural education,
  • Social work with emigrants and migrants,
  • geragogics etc.

Our study and examination regulations are available for download in the module catalog.
For inquiries and information of a formal nature, such as the application procedure or admission requirements, please contact the Department of Studies and International Affairs of our university directly.

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. Mandy Schulze
Prof. Dr. phil.
Mandy Schulze
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.13
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4787