Study and teaching

The course is structured by 16 modules, with two to three modules to be studied per semester. The module catalog with examination and study regulations can be found here. Pedagogical, psychological and sociological foundations form the basis for the modules, which focus on professionally sound educational work with children in a wide range of educational areas.

Another key component of the course is the area of research. Starting from the basics of scientific work, through the methodology and methods of empirical social research to their own research projects in the context of childhood research, students are encouraged to become active themselves in order to gain new insights.

The study of childhood education is characterized by continuous practical study components. This ensures a strong link between theory and practice.

Practical study components within the semesters:

1st semester: Work shadowing
2. Semester 2: Block internship 112 h (14 days)
Semester 3: Internship during the semester, one day per week (14 weeks à 1 day = 112 h)
Semester 4: Internship during the semester, one day per week (14 weeks à 1 day = 112 h)
Semester 5: Block internship 60 days (480 h)


Module catalog Childhood Education: Module catalog

Detailed information on the internships: Practice Office

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. Steffi Tollkühn
Prof. Dr. phil.
Steffi Tollkühn
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 3.13
3rd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4348