Prof. Dr. phil. Steffi Tollkühn
Faculty of Social Sciences, GI, Room 3.13
Tel.: 03581 3744348
E-Mail s .tollkuehn(at)
Prof. Dr. phil. Andrea Eckhardt
Faculty of Social Sciences, GI, Room 1.12
Tel.: 03581 3744233
E-Mail a.eckhardt(at)
Alexandra Walter, B.A.
Faculty of Social Sciences, GI, Room 1.08b
Tel.: 03581 3744966
E-Mail: Alexandra.Lehmann(at)
Jette Kniesz, B.A.
Faculty of Social Sciences, GI, Room 3.13
Tel.: 035813744621
E-Mail: Jette.Kniesz(at)
Dipl.-Soz.Arb./Soz.Päd. (FH) Nicole Blana
Faculty of Social Sciences, GI, Room 1.08b
Tel.: 03581 3744210
E-Mail n.blana(at)