Dr. Cordula Endter

Dr. Cordula Endter
Cordula Endter
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.08
2nd floor
+49 3581 374-4421

Dr. Cordula Endter, cultural anthropologist and psychologist, works at the interface of age(ing) sciences and digitalization. Her research focuses on the participation of vulnerable groups in the digital transformation of society, digitalization in care, intersectionality of age and gender and social inequality. She also conducts research on the transformation and sustainability of rural areas and on issues of participation and civil society engagement.

She studied in Berlin at the Humboldt University and the Free University and was a scholarship holder of the research training group "Alter(n) als kulturelle Konzeption und Praxis" at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. She then taught and researched as a research assistant at the Institute for Empirical Cultural Studies at the University of Hamburg. Most recently, as a research assistant at the German Centre for Ageing, she was jointly responsible for the preparation of the German government's Eighth Ageing Report "Older People and Digitalization" and its dissemination.

Since January 2021, Dr. Endter has held the professorship for Social Gerontology in the course of the same name at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

  • Main research areas
    • Digitalization and ageing with a focus on health, care and housing

    • Digital competence and education

    • Participatory technology development, science and technology studies, design anthropology

    • Social inequality

    • Quality of life and living conditions in rural areas

    • Collaborative and participatory research methods

  • Publications (selection)

    Assisted ageing. The development of digital technologies for and with older people. Series Ageing and Society, Springer VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2021(https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783658346553).

    Internet use of people in the second half of life during the Corona pandemic (DZA Aktuell), together with Lisa Kortmann, Christine Hagen, Julia Riesch and Clemens Tesch-Römer, published by Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen, Berlin 2021(https://www.dza.de/fileadmin/dza/Dokumente/DZA_Aktuell/DZA-Aktuell_05_2021_Internetnutzung.pdf).

    The use of digital technologies and assistance systems in care. In: Digitalization in care: more than seals and robots (themed issue), Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit, 1, 2021, pp. 4-16.

    User Participation as a Matter of Care - The Configuration of Older Users* in the Design of Assistive Technologies. In: TECNOSCIENZA, Special Issue "When Theory Meets Practice", 2020, 2 (22), pp. 93-116(http://www.tecnoscienza.net/index.php/tsj/article/view/448/270).

    The co-constitution of age(ing) in the development of an intelligent reminder portal for older users. In: Franz Kolland/Vera Gallistl/Viktoria Parisot (eds.): Kulturgerontologie - Kulturalistische Perspektiven auf das Alter(n) im deutschsprachigen Raum. Vienna (forthcoming).

    Becoming with Technology - The Reconfiguration of Age in the Development of a Digital Memory Training. In: Janina Loh and Mark Coeckelbergh (eds.): Feminist Philosophy of Technology. J.B. Metzler Verlag, Berlin 2020, pp. 123-142.

    Working on the gray area - care relationships between a memory training program and its users, in: Harm-Peer Zimmermann (ed.): Kulturen der Sorge. How our society can enable a life with dementia. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main/New York 2018, pp. 313-332.

    How Older People Matter - Nutzer- und Nutzerinnenbeteiligung in AAL-Projekten, in: Harald Künemund/Uwe Fachinger (eds.): Alter und Technik. Social science findings and perspectives. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2018, pp. 207-225.

    Assisted bodies - human-machine relationships from a cultural anthropological perspective using the example of prosthetics and assistance systems for older people, together with Sabine Kienitz, in: Sabine Wöhlke/Anna Palm (eds.): Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in medikalisierten Alltagen. University Press Göttingen, Göttingen 2018, pp. 9-25.

    Assisted ageing. The development of a fall sensor in the context of Ambient Assisted Living, in: Peter Biniok and Erik Lettkemann (eds.): Assistive Gesellschaft. Multidisciplinary explorations of the social form of "assistance". Springer VS Wiesbaden 2017, 167-181.

    Collaborative research with children - An experiment!", together with Friedolin Krentel, in: Annette C. Cremer (ed.): Elternschaft und Forschung. On the generative potential of a balancing act. Giessen Electronic Library 2017, 157-181.

    Design for Elderly - A Meeting Point for Ethnography and Usability, i-com, 15(1), 2016, DOI: 10.1515/icom-2016-0005.

    Scripting Age - The Negotiation of Age and Aging in Ambient Assisted Living, in: Emma Domínguez-Rué/Linda Nierling (eds.): Ageing and Technology. Perspectives from the Social Sciences. Bielefeld 2015, pp. 121-140.

    Mobility as a limited resource in rural areas or how older volunteers run a bus line, in: Markus Tauschek/Maria Grewe (eds.): Knappheit, Mangel, Überfluss. Cultural studies positions on dealing with limited resources. Frankfurt/M. 2015, pp. 291-307.

    Ordered and hopefully picked up? Zur Problematik ländlicher (Im)Mobilität und Daseinsvorsorge im Alter, together with Nicolas Haferkamp, in: Max Bolze/Cordula Endter/Marie Gunreben/Sven Schwabe/Eva Styn (eds.): Altern als Prozess. Concepts, narratives, practices. Bielefeld 2015, pp.295-315.

  • Editorship

    Care: Practices and Politics of Care. Ethnographic and gender-theoretical perspectives, together with Beate Binder/Christine Bischoff/Sabine Hess/Sabine Kienitz/Sven Bergmann (eds.), Leverkusen 2019.

    Age(ing) as a social and cultural practice. Orders - Relationships - Materialities, together with Sabine Kienitz (ed.), Bielefeld 2017.

    Ageing as a process. Concepts, Narratives, Practices, together with Max Bolze/Marie Gunreben/Sven Schwabe/Eva Styn (eds.), Bielefeld 2015.

  • Lectures (selection)

    From offline to online - how does digitalization work in old age?, panel discussion, Koerber-Stiftung, 22 March 2021, online, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I93RHI1FkxE.

    Digitalization of health and care in the lives of older people - The Eighth Ageing Report of the Federal Government, Arbeitskreis Alter(n) und Gesundheit, Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. 15 February 2021, online.

    Spaces of Material Gerontology - Perspectives on Mobility and Materiality in Later Life (Panel), ESA RN01 Ageing in Europe MIDTERM Conference, 20-22.01.2021, online.

    Ethnography meets Gerontechnology - Methodological Approaches and Reflections, World Conference of the International Society of Gerontechnology, October 06-09, 2020 online.

    Chancen von Digitalisierung in der Pflege, online conference "Pflege 2030: Smart und digital?", Senate Department for Health and Social Affairs Berlin, 28.09.2020., online, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A5yS9Tlq-I

    Spaces of Materiality (Panel), European Association of Social Anthropology 2020 "New Anthropological Horizons in and beyond Europe", July 22-25, 2020, online.

    Digitale Technologien in der Pflege - Entwicklungsstand, Einsatzmöglichkeiten & ethische Fragen, Fachtagung "Digitalisierung in der Pflege", Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge e.V., 18/19 June 2020.

    Images of ageing in care robotics, The Future of Care - Human care in a digital world, Conference of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group, February 18, 2020, Berlin

    Technology research in ageing societies - challenges for gerontology, together with Dr. Anna Wanka, Congress of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics, September 19, 2019, Berlin

    Images of age in robotics. Annual conference of the German Ethics Council, June 26, 2019, Berlin

    Reflexive Technology Research of the Ageing Society - Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in the Context of Material Gerontology, 2nd Conference of the Expert Committee on Age and Technology in the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics, June 5-6, 2019, Siegen