Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Schmidt

Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Schmidt
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Matthias Schmidt
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Brückenstraße 1
Building II, Room 156
First floor
+49 3581 374-4315

Professor Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Schmidt was appointed Professor of Industrial & Organizational Psychology in 2013. Since 2020, he has been teaching and researching at Odessа Polytechnic State University / Государственный университет "Одесская политехника" as part of the internationalization process

He has been the scientific director of the BASA network since 2019. BASA (Psychological Assessment of Working Conditions - Screening for Jobholders) is a screening procedure that can be used as part of workplace risk assessments. With the BASA procedure, job holders are asked about the working conditions at their workplaces.

The aim of BASA is to identify beneficial and detrimental working conditions. Based on the assessment of working conditions, occupational health and safety measures, a possible need for discussion and resources can be derived. The third version of the BASA (IV) is currently available from ACOMERA in German and Polish. Further language versions are in preparation (Czech, French, Ukrainian).

Main research areas
  • Work and health
  • Management
  • Consequences of unemployment
  • Communication psychology and coaching
  • Knowledge management
  • Human factors (accidents and misconduct in socio-technical systems)
  • Business psychology

Consequences of unemployment

After various teaching assignments at German and international colleges and universities (including UC Berkeley, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University is a University of Baku, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and the National Polytechnic University of Odessa), Professor Schmidt is expanding international research collaborations. 
