
Specials Alumni Conference 2022

Here you will find further program items of the Alumni Conference 2022.

"The illusion of truth"

Why certainties can be dangerous - and why we still need them in democracies.

Bernd Prösken
Photo: Peter-Andreas Hassiepen

Keynote speaker: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen

Why certainties can be dangerous - and why we still need them in democracies.

How much truth do people need? How much truth do democracies need? When are certainties useful, when are they harmful? When does belief in absolutes become dogmatic and justify dangerous totalitarianism? And how can the large and small battles over what is right lead to mutual understanding?
It is these questions that the Tübingen media scientist will shed light on in his lecture. Anecdotally and seriously, with a delight in exaggeration and a feel for the fatal power of ideologies, the scientist and bestselling author explores the limits of our cognitive capacity. He shows how realities and illusions of truth are created, makes us smile at the stories of spectacular falsifications in science, the media world and the digital public sphere - and creates a guide to thinking differently that inspires new perspectives and a fundamental skepticism towards dogmas.

About the author: Bernhard Pörksen is Professor of Media Studies at the University of Tübingen. He researches the power of public outrage and the future of reputation and publishes essays and commentaries in many newspapers in addition to academic articles. His books with the philosopher
Heinz von Foerster ("Wahrheit ist die Erfindung eines Lügners") and the communication psychologist Friedemann Schulz von Thun ("Kommunikation als Lebenskunst") have become bestsellers. In 2008, Bernhard Pörksen was voted "Professor of the Year". 2018 saw the publication of "Die große Gereiztheit. Wege aus der kollektiven Erregung" was published in 2018, and in 2020 his latest book "Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens" (together with Friedemann Schulz von Thun, both published by Hanser-Verlag).


In a moderated setting, you can exchange ideas with other Kommpsys students and alumni by asking questions. This gives you the opportunity to get to know new people in a very short space of time, gain new perspectives and perhaps build a basis for further in-depth discussions.

Kommpsy Couch

The Kommpsy Couch is a podcast by 3 communication psychology students who chat with alumni about their professional careers. It was created 1.5 years ago as part of a study project and since then interesting communication psychologists have been regular guests on the couch.

Mentalist Show by Vincent Frommer

Hey, my name is Vincent and I'm a mentalist. That means I try to read your mind.
But what does that actually mean and doesn't it have something to do with psychology?
It does.
So isn't it risky to only perform in front of psychologists?
Is that why I've got my pants full?

I invite you to come along to the Maus on Saturday at 9:30 pm and experience the magic of mind reading with me.
I look forward to seeing you!
Maybe ...