
Psychodrama and sexuality

Psychodrama is a therapeutic method which, in contrast to talk therapy approaches, makes feelings and thoughts tangible - a good starting point for reorientation. Psychodrama also aims to stimulate spontaneity and creativity. Originally conceived for working with therapeutic groups, psychodrama is also ideal for individual and couple settings. Playing with roles, the "as-if" character and the possibility of changing perspectives make this approach so attractive for typical couple topics such as sexuality. And what exactly does that mean? - We invite you to play with polarities and explore scenarios that you wouldn't dare to use in everyday counseling. Real "GAMECHANGER", if you dare.

Franziska Heidenreich (SK06) - communication psychologist, specialist in autism therapy and counseling, couples and sex therapist, psychodrama practitioner (ret.)

Thomas von Rauffer(SK06) - Qualified communication psychologist

Rhetorical umbrella

A warm-up workshop for those for whom the quick-witted answer to "You're not a real psychologist" or "Ah, a psychologist from university - how does that work?" often comes to mind a few hours too late.

In this workshop, we would like to present a practical application for the inner team and try out rhetorical techniques together in order to respond to unsolicited comments according to your mood and intention.

 Anna Georgi (Sk08) - systemic therapist, co-founder of mutlumia GbR (self-employed) and volunteer with Psy4F, 8 years as a personnel and team developer (reSOURCE), 4 years as an outreach family therapist (Diakonie)

Christin Wegener (SKb13) - M.Sc. Psychology, co-founder of mutlumia GbR (self-employed) and volunteer at Psy4F, 4 years as a personnel and team developer (reSOURCE)

More than back fitness: how to combine sports therapy with communication psychology

Lisa Paulina Hesse

Communication in action - an action-oriented workshop

Sign up and experience how communication can be made lively and effective! The workshop is not just about imparting knowledge in theory, but experiencing it with your head, heart and hands. In 90 minutes, you will be challenged by various experiential group exercises to use communication effectively in a team. You will have the opportunity to try things out in a safe environment and receive direct feedback. YOU make the workshop unique: share your experience and ideas with the others for a colorful exchange. Take away exercises and insights for your professional and personal practice. I am looking forward to you and the time together :)

Johanna Westermayr

Hi, I'm Johanna from Skb17,

After an Erasmus semester in Finland (outdoor experiential education) I asked myself: How can I combine Kompsy, coaching and experiential education? I have been working at adventure learning in Hamburg since my internship in 2020 - 4 years ago. We support people in change and develop workshops and seminars under the slogan: Learning as an experience.

