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14. June 2024

Focus on innovative technologies

At the INSIDERTREFF in Löbau, the Social Gerontology course scores points with modern teaching equipment and exciting hands-on activities.

On May 25, 2024, the INSIDERTREFF took place in Löbau, where a wealth of information about training and studying as well as exciting hands-on offers were presented. In addition to regional companies, visitors to were also able to find out about the individual faculties at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG). The GAT Institute and the Faculty of Social Sciences took the opportunity to present the part-time Social Gerontology course.

One highlight was the presentation of technologies from the Ambient Assisted Living Lab (AAL Lab). Social gerontology students have many points of contact with innovative technologies during their studies, particularly in the "Innovation and digitalization in old age" module.In this module, topics such as the digital competence of older people and the benefits and risks of technical assistance systems in the home and care are intensively researched and discussed. For example, visitors were able to experience a virtual tour of the AAL lab with VR glasses, which provided a realistic insight into the possibilities and applications of modern technology in ageing research.

The GERT age simulation suit, which simulates the typical limitations of older people, attracted particular attention. This experience enabled pupils, students and trainees from the care sector and other interested parties to experience the challenges of old age at first hand. The suit is an important part of the "Health, Care and Disability in Older Age" module in the Social Gerontology course, as it provides a deep understanding of the needs of older people and thus contributes to practical training.

Visitors also had the opportunity to interact with JustoCat, a small care robot from the AAL lab. This interactive therapy cat is specifically designed to enrich the daily lives of people with dementia by evoking memories of interacting with real cats and thus encouraging positive emotional responses. Working with such technologies is also a central part of the "Innovation and Digitalization in Old Age" module, where students are prepared to develop and apply innovative solutions to support older people.

An excellent platform

Overall, the fair provided an excellent platform to promote the exchange between interested parties and representatives of the university and to arouse interest in the social studies courses at the HSZG. The close link between theory and practice, particularly through the use of the latest technologies, makes the Social Gerontology course particularly attractive and future-oriented.

The AAL laboratory at the GAT Institute is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the joint BMBF project Saxony5 2.0 and is operated in cooperation with the Görlitz housing association KommWohnen. This support makes it possible to research advanced technologies and put them into practice, from which students of social gerontology benefit directly.

Ihre Ansprechperson
Maria Fabisch
Institute for Health, Ageing, Work and Technology
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 317
2nd floor
+49 3581 374-4996