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22. May 2024

"Reflective work in voluntary work"

HSZG anchors civic engagement as a new elective module in the Studium Fundamentale.

From the winter semester 2024/25, the variety of elective options in our university's Studium Fundamentale (interdisciplinary skills) will be enriched by a new elective module "Reflected work in voluntary work". This module offers students a unique opportunity to get personally involved and at the same time gain valuable insights into the world of volunteering.

As part of the module "Reflected Work in Volunteering" (module number: 299550), students choose a volunteer activity that corresponds to their interests and passions beyond the boundaries of their field of study. This activity must be voluntary, unpaid, oriented towards the common good and constitutionally compliant in order to meet the ethical and legal standards of volunteering. In addition to the actual voluntary work, the module includes accompanying events in which students learn about the definition and function of voluntary work. They gain insights into various areas of volunteering and have the opportunity to share and reflect on their own experiences.

The aim of the module is for students to make a positive contribution to society and to develop personally and professionally by reflecting on their voluntary work. We are convinced that the module "Reflected Work in Volunteering" will be an enriching experience for our students and will help to promote a culture of commitment and social responsibility.

For further information, please contact the person responsible for the Studium Fundamentale and read the module description.

Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maja Dshemuchadse
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Maja Dshemuchadse
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Brückenstraße 1
Building G II, Room 158
First floor
+49 3581 374-4954