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21. June 2023

Prof. Andreas Hoff in the Bundestag

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoff spoke in the Bundestag on 14.06.2023 on the further development of family care time and the establishment of a family care allowance

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoff, Professor of Social Gerontology and Director of the GAT Institute, was invited on 14.06.2023 in his capacity as Deputy Chairman of the Independent Advisory Council on the Compatibility of Care and Work(cf.) to explain the recommendations of the Advisory Council on the further development of family care leave and the establishment of a family care allowance to the Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth of the German Bundestag.

His 15-minute opening statement was followed by two question-and-answer sessions with the parliamentary groups represented in the Bundestag over a period of 45 minutes. This public meeting was broadcast in real time on the Internet via a video link.

Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr.
Andreas Hoff
GAT - Institute for Health, Aging, Work and Technology
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room
+49 3581 374-4244