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23. May 2022

New round of Deutschlandstipendium starts!

Students and first-year students can apply online again from May 23 to June 19.

All students at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences who would like to be able to concentrate fully on their studies with the help of 300 euros a month and who want to see their achievements and social commitment rewarded should now pay close attention.

With the start of the new application phase from May 23 to June 19, 2022, they can once again apply for one of the coveted Germany Scholarships at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.

Applications for a Deutschlandstipendium can only be made online. The online application portal provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is available for this purpose.

At the start of the application period, the following will appear on our website which leads applicants to the DSTIP application server. It will be activated at the start of the application period from May 23 (9:00 a.m.) to June 19, 2022 (11:59 p.m.).

The application must be uploaded to the application portal in full with all necessary attachments within this time window. Only then will it be valid and processed accordingly.

What is the Deutschlandstipendium?

The Germany Scholarship supports talented and committed students at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. In addition to good grades or academic achievements, social commitment and special personal achievements - such as successfully overcoming hurdles in one's own educational biography or voluntary work in associations - also count towards the award. Awards and prizes received are also taken into account. In addition to achievements, the focus is on personality.

Commitment pays off!

Anyone who is enrolled at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences or is applying for a place at university can apply.

The Deutschlandstipendium amounts to 300 euros per month. 150 of this is provided by private sponsors such as companies, foundations, alumni and other private individuals. The other 150 euros are paid by the federal government.

The funding is paid directly to the scholarship holders by the universities. The scholarship is awarded irrespective of income and can also be received in addition to BAföG. The regular approval period covers one academic year (01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023).

Further information on the online application, the selection criteria and the necessary application documents can be found here can be viewed here.

Photo: M.A. Cornelia Rothe
Ihre Ansprechperson
Cornelia Rothe
Office of University Development and Communication
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.65
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4958