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21. November 2022

Talking to each other instead of about each other

Student project "Mensch, Görlitz! Listen!" aims to provide information with a podcast and invites you to join in the dialog.

Is everyday racism (not) a concept for you? Then we cordially invite you to listen to our new podcast. In addition to a wide range of information on the topic, you can expect exciting conversations from the lives of Görlitz residents. The episodes can be found from November 19, 2022 on all common podcast platforms under "Mensch, Görlitz!". You can also use our QR code or simply click here.

The aim of the project is to create a platform for exchange. People who are often confronted with everyday racism should be able to share their experiences here as well as people without a direct connection. In cooperation with the SUPPORT Team Görlitz of RAA Sachsen e.V., a total of three episodes have been produced. The podcast will be continued in the future by subsequent student groups - perhaps even by you - and the dialog will continue.

Students sit at the table and speak into a large microphone.
Photo: HSZG Students make a statement against everyday racism and produce a podcast series.
Your feedback counts!

Would you like to talk to us or find out more about the project? Then take a look at our social media channels or send us an email! We are also always open to feedback.

Instagram: mensch_goerlitz
Facebook: Project "Mensch, Görlitz"

More info in the flyer!

Come by!

Have we piqued your interest and would you like to celebrate the release of the podcast with us? Then come along to our release event:

When? Monday, 21.11.2022, 6 - 8 p.m. with the opportunity for open discussions afterwards
Where? Otto - Müller - Straße 7 (hall), 02826 Görlitz
What? Project presentation, panel discussion with exciting guests, excerpts from the podcast and snacks and drinks will also be provided!

For all those who cannot be there LIVE, there is the possibility via a livestream to participate.

We would like to thank the MehrGenerationenHaus in Görlitz, which also provided us with great support for the event!
We look forward to seeing you!

This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget adopted by the Saxon state parliament.

The team would like to thank all supporters and hope you enjoy listening!

Your contact person

Annalena Gündel

Student practical project "Mensch, Görlitz! Listen!"
as part of the "Project Studies" course in the Social Work degree program

Faculty of Social Sciences, Furtstraße 2, 02826 Görlitz


Project management:

Nicola Barth and Paul Enke